How bout them Lakers?

Andrew Bynum disappointment big time. Play-off time, not Playmate time...:mad:

Bynum, "Eat Da' Head" of Yao Ming!!! Did Rhianna take his cahones?? :eek: Nobody stepped up while Kobe was down and it was still close. Fish is too slow on defense...Farmar and Brown need to step up their game. When Kobe feels better, he'll play Artest closer on defense. We'll get 'em in the end.

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DOH! :eek:

I actually spoke to my dad before the game and he was thinking the Lakers would walk all over Houston. I told him to watch out because Houston matched up against the Lakers pretty good. If Yao has a good game, the Lakers have no answer for him. He laughed. Then turned off the game in disgust. :tongue:
When Kobe feels better, he'll play Artest closer on defense.

Really? Because his throat is sore he can't defend? Artest would just back him down anyways.. hopefully when Kobe slaps at him the refs will call reaching, but against Kobe I highly doubt it.

How bout that cheap play where he gets pissed cause Battier took the ball from him so he knees him and then elbow/forearms Shane in the head. See link

And people think Kobe should be MVP over Lebron : True class there.
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Really? Because his throat is sore he can't defend? Artest would just back him down anyways.. hopefully when Kobe slaps at him the refs will call reaching, but against Kobe I highly doubt it.

How bout that cheap play where he gets pissed cause Battier took the ball from him so he knees him and then elbow/forearms Shane in the head. See link

And people think Kobe should be MVP over Lebron : True class there.

You can hate Kobe, but can you honestly say that wasn't an accident? Try to get up when you are tangled with another player on the ground. I have seen worse, like stepping on someone's face when trying to get up in that situation.

If you want to be believable, be fair. Houston played a good game, and no one here is trashing them after the game.

As far as Bynum, I think Magic should have a talk with him. He look so lost out there, and his mind is probably all on Rhiana now. Maybe Phil should have a talk with her.:mad:
Here's hoping for a better game 2. And for a better game from last year's MVP.
You can hate Kobe, but can you honestly say that wasn't an accident? Try to get up when you are tangled with another player on the ground.

Accident? C'mon...that was strictly from being frustrated. Too bad that he can get away with that. Anyone else would've been fined & or suspended for a game.
Accident? C'mon...that was strictly from being frustrated. Too bad that he can get away with that. Anyone else would've been fined & or suspended for a game.

Exactly.. Its hard to believe there are Kobe fan boys out there who actually try and argue that it was an "accident". haha. :rolleyes: Shouldve at the very least been a technical foul.
Exactly.. Its hard to believe there are Kobe fan boys out there who actually try and argue that it was an "accident". haha. :rolleyes: Shouldve at the very least been a technical foul.

No one is a fan boy. Call it as you see it, and like I stated before, be objective. Those who says this is intentional, will you also call what Artest did the last game they played an intentional foul? Don't forget, NBA does do reviews after the game, and teams can petition the leaque too. Why didn't we hear anything about this? I am sure you will say Sasha was out for some blood too.
Really? Because his throat is sore he can't defend? Artest would just back him down anyways.. hopefully when Kobe slaps at him the refs will call reaching, but against Kobe I highly doubt it.

How bout that cheap play where he gets pissed cause Battier took the ball from him so he knees him and then elbow/forearms Shane in the head. See link

And people think Kobe should be MVP over Lebron : True class there.

When you have a sore throat, you don't necessarily JUST have a sore throat. His energy level, stamina etc. were likely affected as well. When you have had a sore throat, do you actually FEEL like working out/playing sports 100%? You Kobe haters out there don't give a guy a break. Look at most of the "legends" or "legends to be/hall of famers etc." most of them have had some sort of ding on their record just like the rest of us. At least he didn't come out in a wheelchair and play in a NBA game a la Pierce last year...give me a break with the showmanship.

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Don't ruin this thread w/ venomous posts or get into an over-opinionated agrument about the merits of Kobe's play.

No one is a fan boy. Call it as you see it, and like I stated before, be objective. Those who says this is intentional, will you also call what Artest did the last game they played an intentional foul? Don't forget, NBA does do reviews after the game, and teams can petition the leaque too. Why didn't we hear anything about this? I am sure you will say Sasha was out for some blood too.'progress'-in-a-hurry

After the game, the Lakers — again, with more talent and size than any team in basketball — had taken to criticizing the officiating. "It had a lot to do with the refs," said Bynum.
"There were a lot of questionable calls," said Gasol.
For the record, the Laker who shot the most free throws Monday was Lamar Odom. He was 1-for-6.
Funny thing, though. I don't recall Shane Battier complaining about the refs. Early in the first quarter, Bryant tried to punk him with an elbow. Didn't work. A little later, Battier took an inadvertent shot from Vujacic. He returned with four stitches above the left eye and continued to play his brand of excellent defense — always in position, hands in the shooter's face, always on Bryant it wasn't obvious or anything.. :rolleyes:

" 'Underdog,’ that’s a word I just learned a couple days ago,” Yao said.
Get ready to be bounced out of the playoffs.. :biggrin:
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ESPN radio hosts had many doubts about that comment made by Yao. They can't believe that he had never heard of that term, because Houston had been an "underdog" for the past 10 years or so and never had won a first round play-off.

Marketing, that is all it is. It is like the commercial where Yao ask Charles and Wade to eat the head of the live shrimp. Yao is Chinese, not Japanese. Amai Ebi is a Japanese delicacy, not Chinese. It is all Marketing.:eek:

As for Andrew, I have already been very critical of him. Whatever he said about the referee is just an excuse. End of the story.

Lastly, I agree with ponyboy, please keep it to the point of the thread. Thank you.
Lastly, I agree with ponyboy, please keep it to the point of the thread. Thank you.

lakers tonight better be something different and good! we all don't want another disappointment.
Lastly, I agree with ponyboy, please keep it to the point of the thread. Thank you.

I hadn't realized anything that I posted did not address the point of the thread.. the lakers.

Have to watch this game from home tonight.. its a shame. :smile:
The Lakes came out with some fire tonight that will hopefully carry over in Houston!! Gotta love the playoff atmosphere though...aggressive!! Was VERY surprised of Fisher's elbow...very uncharacteristic of him. He did deserve to be kicked out...think the league may review it and fine him too.

Thanks choad.


wow clever. You disagree with the aspect of the thread topic we're discussing and so you resort to name calling...

Better you do so you can unbunch those panties sooner.

Let me guess you never played sports.. its a competition. Fans defend their teams, hence disagreements. Its not the end of the world, everybody in this thread has been civil.

I wonder if Kobe will receive a suspension for yet another elbow to the throat of Artest??.. nah its Kobe! :wink: or what about Fish.. will he be out next game?
wow clever. You disagree with the aspect of the thread topic we're discussing and so you resort to name calling...

Better you do so you can unbunch those panties sooner.

Let me guess you never played sports.. its a competition. Fans defend their teams, hence disagreements. Its not the end of the world, everybody in this thread has been civil.

I wonder if Kobe will receive a suspension for yet another elbow to the throat of Artest??.. nah its Kobe! :wink: or what about Fish.. will he be out next game?

Eventhough I am a huge Laker fan, IMO he should be suspended 1 game. Don't think Kobe should be suspended but the league will likely send a message to both teams by suspending Fish.

As a Houstonian, it's hard to watch a game that resembles the was an entertaining game, but when Artest gets an elbow to the neck, is charged with a foul, AND is ejected while Kobe isn't even charged with a feel as if there is a conspiracy in the NBA. If Rafer Alston is suspended for the "slap" to House's head, but Fisher isn't ejected...then we know that the league is truly "biased".
I wonder if Kobe will receive a suspension for yet another elbow to the throat of Artest??.. nah its Kobe! :wink: or what about Fish.. will he be out next game?

I doubt Kobe will get anything, but will be surprised if he does and will have to give Stu props for having the balls to do so. He's the NBA's money maker, one of them anyway. Fish on the other hand might be in street clothes for the next game.

Bynum so far reminds me of a deer in the headlights. A few bright spots here and there, but most of the time looks like this smiley:

:eek: <-----Bynum
Rules are rules. An elbow to anyone above the neck should result in a suspension. Happened to Dwight Howard earlier so Kobe should get the same. But of course, he won't get it.
Lakers=bunch of dirty players as evidenced last night

Go Rockets!
hate to be devil's advocate, but remember the series with the jazz? well, i recall deron williams saying that if kobe can't get what he wants in a game of bball he'd resort to any means possible in order to win even it means cheating.

sucks...but kobe said it best though last night...

"It's the playoffs!"
It is funny. When the othe team plays physical, then "Lakers is a weak, finess team that can't match up physically". And when Lakers plays tough and matching the physical play of the other team, then "Lakers are a dirty team".

Why don't we just remove Lakers from the NBA? Whatever they do is wrong anyway. Why don't we just award Houston the 2nd round?

If you want to complain, then, go through the game from start to the end. Tell me there are no bad calls to the Lakers and there are no aggresive plays from the Rockets. Again, be objective!:mad: