How bout them Lakers?

YEAH SON! CONGRATS '08-'09 NBA CHAMPIONS LOS ANGELES LAKERS :biggrin: :cool: awaiting the championship bluray.. :smile:
turkgolu reminds me of you dont mess with the zohan. me and my brother call him hebrew turkey glue

was listening to am570 all week on PMS (Petros and Money Show) driving home from work and they kept referring him as jafar because of his goatee :tongue:
i hope the lake show keeps odom and ariza! i friggin' bought an ariza shirt yesterday so i better not be disappointed in the coming months, lol:biggrin:

way to go lake show! it's done, 4 rings for bryant and 10 for phil...that's one on each finger...would be nice to see that in picture with phil showi'n off his rings, lol
What is up with the rioting?
When that happened a few years ago in Detroit we thought back there it's understandable. We're no damn better everyone!! Shameful for SoCal IMO
Right after the game they had a commercial that calmly asked everyone to "celebrate with dignity." Ironically, when I saw the riot footage I assumed it was more riot footage from Iran, but the sea of Lakers fans made me look again. If it makes anyone feel better, it wasn't as bad as those other riots we have been known to have.
Right after the game they had a commercial that calmly asked everyone to "celebrate with dignity." Ironically, when I saw the riot footage I assumed it was more riot footage from Iran, but the sea of Lakers fans made me look again. If it makes anyone feel better, it wasn't as bad as those other riots we have been known to have.

but still, having people riot is so un-laker like. i think those that riot have no respect for the lakers and their LA city. i for one would of done something about it if i were there! :cool:
they should have showed it during half-time. i think when it played, everyone was all ready outside.