How bout them Lakers?

Great game....Lee could have won it for the Magic......I am going to say Lakers in 6.
3-0 tonight? YES? :rolleyes:
AFTER the Lakers win tonight, I'm going to send my buddy who lives in Orlando a broom :biggrin:.
dont worry jack, we got this chip in the bag!!

Kobe got bought out for game 3.
Kobe is driving automatic tonight. Seem like the clutch ain't workin :mad:.
Jeez, they couldn't buy a shot. And the Magic shot out of their minds.

If the lakers made their free throws it would have been a different outcome.
That's allright...we expect the NBA to give one to the Magic. More entertainment for us. :smile:

Just saw the stats today...Magic shot a Finals record 62+% and they only won by a small margin.

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kinda want the lakers to win it at home, but that's just risky

i want this finals to be over so i can go on a normal day and not have to worry about the lakers losing after all the hard work they've put in the whole season.

by the way,
How bout them Clippers and their #1 draft pick? Blake Griffin yes?
the look on fisher's face after the shot to bring it into overtime = PRICELESS! :biggrin:

Lakers just gotta end the trouble Sunday and be done with it. haha
I take back every bad thing I've said about Fish this post-season.

He hit some monumental shots and will forever live in Laker lore (provided they win the series). ;)
Huh? No posts yet? Wish they got to celebrate at home but glad they closed it out in the end. Now let's just see if Buss bucks up for both Odom and Ariza. Congrats Lakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're out rioting... Congrats Lakers!!!