How bout them Lakers?

Hey Chado,

Kobe Vs. Howard is sounding good now!!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

haha. It is looking that way huh. I do think Denver will win tomorrrow night at home.. but back in LA for game 7 I'm not so sure.. Lakers are really making it tough on themselves..

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haha. It is looking that way huh. I do think Denver will win tomorrrow night at home.. but back in LA for game 7 I'm not so sure.. Lakers are really making it tough on themselves..


Keep changing your predictions buddy and maybe you'll get one right.

Here's what I predict:


  • kobeonchado.jpg
    61.8 KB · Views: 216
Time for Nike to start making Kobe/D. Howard puppet commercials.
Just as I predicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::eek: "King" is reserved for Elvis and "Black Mumba" is original. Superman better get some Venom....:biggrin::eek:
Keep changing your predictions buddy and maybe you'll get one right.

Here's what I predict:

Look who's back to trash talk after its all done.. so creative by the way.

Yeah cause I was the only one predicting the Nuggets to force game 7... :rolleyes:Even the LA times writers were.. and that never happens. Who's changing.. I'm routing.

Surprised you are back on what you called a thread that "sucks". .

For everyone else..
Well.. I'm thinking this is actually going to be a really good series. I'm glad Orlando won because Dwight is my favourite player so at least he still has a chance. Both teams came off huge wins with the lakers finally playing the way they they are capable.. same with the Magic though. Neither team is known for their defense so it should be a high scoring shootout. :biggrin:
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That was a pregame post. You won't even concede the good call, eh.

Are you really saying that I can't talk trash to someone who posts a friggin 'Birdman' photo on a Laker thread before a playoff game?

This thread sucks because, like all Laker playoff threads in years past, you nut hug every team that the Lakers are playing. Okay, you loved the Celtics last year, and even I can relate to wanting KG to win a ring after all his years of hard work without a supporting cast. But Chris Anderson? Did you just become a fan, or are you really sporting the faux hawk? I say YOU LIE. You don't give a rats ass about Chris Anderson, and neither do any of us. It's boiling hot hatred seeping through your veins, hatred for the one and only Black Mamba. Admit it, dude. Just admit it.

Oooooh, JAAAM! This thread no longer sucks.


Toot toot! All aboard the Magic bandwagon!
Hahaha...nice, mike. Don't bust him too much, chado is sensitive. ;)

Here's a nice pic for motivation:

:biggrin: GREAT game today! Continue that high level of play and take game 2! Kobes face showed it all dont mess with the black mamba!
Was very surprised the Lakers won by that much. Wow, impressive. Don't think Magic aren't going to regroup and put up a better showing though.

Couple interesting calls in the paint. Dwight elbowed Gasol to make some room. I used to do the same in high school and it was never called. Ever. I think Dwight's elbows are getting a reputation now.
:biggrin: GREAT game today! Continue that high level of play and take game 2! Kobes face showed it all dont mess with the black mamba!

what game. i was watching a frosh/soph vs. varsity game. Kept flipping channels for the Laker game on ABC, but it guess I missed it. Don't know why a high school game was on network tv. Oh well :confused:.
what game. i was watching a frosh/soph vs. varsity game. Kept flipping channels for the Laker game on ABC, but it guess I missed it. Don't know why a high school game was on network tv. Oh well :confused:.

haha, yeah...i do admit the closer games are much more exciting. But if it continues to be like this, i'll gladly take it! :smile:
Take out the broom stick! :biggrin: WHAAAHOOO!
So i guess this time i was watching the CIF finals basketball tourney... j/k. Good win Lake Show!!!