How 'bout that stock market?

you have to be kidding me, just turned a substantial gain into a loss with MET, got wicked out on the CENT, hit my limit to the PENNY. Had redidot orders to the specialist out from .72-.82 and 10 seconds after I got stopped out it went up. SOB. Did you see HIG/PRU steve?

Note to self, don't mess with HIG.
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you have to be kidding me, just turned a substantial gain into a loss with MET, got wicked out on the CENT, hit my limit to the PENNY. Had redidot orders to the specialist out from .72-.82 and 10 seconds after I got stopped out it went up. SOB. Did you see HIG/PRU steve?

Note to self, don't mess with HIG.
I just did the same thing you did with FCX

Lots of people trading HIG today. I am seeing the ticker poping up on a lot of message boards.
GS anyone?
Wthin 4 1 min candles, from 11.01 to 13.66.
GS anyone?

Options only. They can shove the equity up their ass as far as I am concerned.

I actually made money today not counting option that are now way under water that I am holding. up 12.2k for the day. I was way the hell up on FCX on a strong RSI that the string was cut on that sent FCX into a freefall. What a bunch of shit.

AMR held that 7.6ish all day. Look pretty strong. so now it should fall to 2 bucks a share since I said that out loud.

the stress is over for a couple of day. Woo Hoo. I picked a bad week to stop doing Heroin.:D
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ADS was $$ this morning. Otherwise pretty choppy. I'm flat so far today.
That's what I love about option is the max loss is built right in especially with leg spreads. I set the spread at what I am willing to risk and dial in the price of the option to get past 50% risk on my side. That LVS has fallen 2 bucks but I sold the puts for 2.1 so even though the stock fell I am still not out any $. HAd I not bought the 5's for the downside protection I would actually be up even though the stock fell. I had a 30 cents per share risk for a 2.1 reward. Thats a no brainer trade IMO. I may have to give back the 2.10 PPS I sold but if LVS goes back up I can cash out. I already cashed out the call side after it fell for 1.73 spread. Come on market make a run up before next friday.

LVS was on an upside run this morning but I didn't take the puts off yet. If we get a run LVS will go above 7.5 I am sure. Probably have after options expire though.:rolleyes:
I'm tempted to throw out some size at the 6.15 level on LVS but we'll see how the market is doing when/if it hits those levels again. Got a partial fill on CSX before that run from 37.40 to 38.
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Go Go Go. Get some legs. If we can get a run heavy enough to create a little short panic it may be a good week. I would love to see AMR over 10 again.
Went back into the green off of BNI and CMI before lunch. Range trading seems extremely easy when it actually works. They are trying out a new order system and I have a bunch of THO redidot orders stuck. Nice.
Looks like if it breaks that 48.83 level it'll hit 50. Managed to lose money shorting BBY as it fell off a cliff. SEB was acting wierd today, I'll let it come down some next time.
Just scalped some HBC. Made some change off shorting the rails. FCX is at 20.xx, not sure where it goes if it breaks. I have a buy limit order at 20.05 in my LT but I'm thinking about breaking it in two in case we break though.

Are you seeing how low these financials are? We are breaking all time highs in the SKF and we aren't even at S&P 800. C @ 7, BAC @ 13, D-A-M-N.
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short AEM when it broke 28.00. Short C under 7.

Covering at 7.06. Will add size if it breaks 6.90.

Covered 500 at 27.55, will cover rest over 28.05.
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Dumped most of it at 6.75 wahoo

Back down we go I'll probably cover the rest at 6.51.
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Watch X at the 26 level. I've been playing the resistance all day but when it breaks I'll be loading up short.

Covered the rest at 6.51, any downside from here is all yours.
Expecting a thousand or so off the Dow real quick.

They could step in at the VERY prior low on the last decline but all probabilities point towards a couple thousand point decline, possibly prior to the end of the year.

Happy Holidays :)
Expecting a thousand or so off the Dow real quick.

They could step in at the VERY prior low on the last decline but all probabilities point towards a couple thousand point decline, possibly prior to the end of the year.

Happy Holidays :)

Dissapointed with zecco. I had a market open short order for IYR and VNO with moderate size to better hedge myself for today and BOTH were rejected for a lack of shares. Too bad I was checking on my level 2 and IYR had 30k available, didn't bother checking VNO. Sob. They both closed down 12% today, that would have been a nice boost, not to mention I gave up on EEV and closed out on the close today for a pitifully 20/share profit that should have been 120 a share if it was SKF or SRS. Sold most of my DUG too so I'm not well hedged if we collapse. I'll go ahead and go short IYR/VNO tomorrow unless something unusual happens.
Que the bloodbath. '02 lows here we come. I don't think that will stop this move though. Feels violent so far. We cleared the swing low in the Dow with a vengeance today.
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