How 'bout that stock market?

Watch GS if it breaks 70. I'll be riding that one.

Send me a check, just got a point out of that one.
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Watch GS if it breaks 70. I'll be riding that one.

Send me a check, just got a point out of that one.

Bought 20 more of the 2011 250's for GS

Bought 20's for 2011 on BAC

Just gonna load with leaps and put this bitch on auto pilot. Gotta take a break from trading or I am going to lose my mind.
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LVS reports tonight. The ATM butterfly pays 1.73 per contract for a 2.5 risk.

Sold the 7.5 calls and bought the 10's
sold the 7.5 puts and bought the 5's

paid 1.73.
I went in pretty deep short a basket of steel stocks and got a bad wick in all of them a few minutes ago when the futures were really choppy. Ouch. That put me in the red today.
Here goes LVS again

gonna short it at 8.5 if it gets there.

Just about to post that but I don't hold overnight. It tried to rally at 1:30ish and almost did so I figured it would try to do it again. Will be interesting to see what their numbers are.
Nice moves on STT today. Finding a soaring stock when the rest of the market is collapsing that's not an ultra short etc. is usually $$$. Pulled .50 out of it. Watch it for the rest of the day.

Shorted my usual trio of gold stocks abx/gg/aem for the best gains of the week so far. A little volatility goes a long ways.

Automakers not looking good. These trends usually coincide with bankrupted firms.
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Automakers not looking good. These trends usually coincide with bankrupted firms.

I think F is a buy right now @ $1.75.

The USG is going to provide funding to the automakers, and when this happens the auto-related stocks will bounce.

And seeing as F is in far better shape than GM, I expect F will provide a greater percentage bounce than GM.
I think F is a buy right now @ $1.75.

The USG is going to provide funding to the automakers, and when this happens the auto-related stocks will bounce.

And seeing as F is in far better shape than GM, I expect F will provide a greater percentage bounce than GM.

Just make sure you are aware of the common stock risks. A saved Ford is not the same thing as a saved Ford shareholder. I wouldn't touch it if you think a bailout is going to occur.
LVS is halted.

It has been since the open, the premarket moves were up and down, not very decisive. Very odd considering the price action yesterday. I should be driving a damn F430 from STT today and instead I could barely buy 90 accord. Missed most of the move down.
It has been since the open, the premarket moves were up and down, not very decisive. Very odd considering the price action yesterday. I should be driving a damn F430 from STT today and instead I could barely buy 90 accord. Missed most of the move down.

Lokk at the calls on XLF for 2010 if you want to get that 430 :wink::smile:
Anyone seen or tried these badboys yet? Im guessing volume is too low now, but maybe in a few weeks?

I'm dumb and 'sophisticated' enough to try them. I wouldn't use them for anything else besides hedges though. The high dollar double inverse ETF's are already way out of most people's comfort zones. If they stay in the 40-60$ range they might be good trading vehicles. I used to trade the hell out of EEM before it got too low. You could get in 100k shares with a 5 cent delta buy it was so thick (I personally didn't have near that size). You have to go for quarters now that it's in the 20's.
Not really a trader, but have been accumulating GE & F at these levels.
Not to trade, super long term holds.

Anyone buying long in through here?
Not really a trader, but have been accumulating GE & F at these levels.
Not to trade, super long term holds.

Anyone buying long in through here?

Yep but not either of those firms.
Are we going to get the 10:30 turn around followed by the 2:30 sell off?

Better than the 10:29 turn around, followed by the 10:30 turn around, followed by the 10:31 turn around. I want some more down 800 days.
When GM fails you will most likely get your 800 point down day.

In reality I don't actually want that, pretty self absorbed if you were willing to trade some trading profits for a 10% drop the everyone's 401k in the U.S.

Well long as it rebounds I guess everyone wins.
Daddy just made a killing overnight in the FX markets... HUGE moves going on even this morning.

Don't know if it will translate into a U.S. equity move but I think we are poised to slam hard one way or another in the indexes soon.

Watched MSFT and GOOG break their resistance, got a little off GOOG, MSFT was too indecisive. I don't trade big dollar stocks very often so I just went in with a 100 lot. Covered at 290. Been throwing money away the rest of the day. Picked some FCX for my LT account, will pick up more at 20.05$ and will sell some of it if it breaks through 20. Also bought some KMP for my LT. EEV is pissing me off, no idea why it's acting this way vs the SKF etc. compared to their underlying indexes. Had some luck shorting WFT lately. Anything just wicks me out.
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