How 'bout that stock market?

I say more selling to come, My new goal is 2% a day or 10 pips, been hitting it the past 11 days without any problem. Got tired of trying to come up with longer term money management. Ya the 5min charts sucks but it makes me money.
Lol, Steve. Make any money last week?

Those Samsung touch of color TV's are good looking.

Just took a six figure lump on aapl. I'll get it back. :wink:
Lol, Steve. Make any money last week?

Those Samsung touch of color TV's are good looking.

Just took a six figure lump on aapl. I'll get it back. :wink:

man that sucks on aapl. sorry man.:frown:

I made some last week. I caught that MTL short 1/2 way down YES!!!! edit...thanks to a prime member who called me as he was long :(

I am short Qcom right now with puts. Take a look it's topping out now.
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Great gains on my oil service guys NOV and newly established and up 7% RIG. Gold down, oil up, financials up.. usually not for long. Jobs figures are still completely full of it. Quarter million new construction jobs, the same figure used as the norm as back in 2004.. right.
Making some $$ on LEH. :eek:
ATVI(D) annoyed me a little today. Like AAPL, great earnings, beat the estimates (even though they expected that, only in this world does that even remotely make sense), the story is still there, etc., but a tiny little part about dec's earnings being "shifted" a little towards next year due to the merger etc. and down 3%. If it wasn't my biggest 'tech' holding I'd buy more on this dip and still might do so a little.
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Price 7/24/2008
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i am soooo pissed at myself:

several weeks ago, lcc (us air) was ~1.50 and i was thinking, "gee, i should buy 10k shares just in case they're bought by someone else.".

didn't do it.

now that this round of massive panic over oil prices seems to be abating, today the shares are @ 6.75.

what a weiner.
and if it had went to zero under 160$ oil you would have told yourself "I knew that thing was going down, that's why I didn't buy".

You know what they say, if it's bad it's bad luck, if it's good it's all skill baby :tongue:

I've been relatively flat over the past couple weeks, just estabilishing nice positions and being patient. Oil will come back and financials will get another round of chaos, that I am 100% sure of. Almost hit my limit order on AAPL but now it's up 10%, it'll probably be a while now before I establish a position.
and if it had went to zero under 160$ oil you would have told yourself "I knew that thing was going down, that's why I didn't buy".

You know what they say, if it's bad it's bad luck, if it's good it's all skill baby :tongue:

I've been relatively flat over the past couple weeks, just estabilishing nice positions and being patient. Oil will come back and financials will get another round of chaos, that I am 100% sure of. Almost hit my limit order on AAPL but now it's up 10%, it'll probably be a while now before I establish a position.
I got into a couple oil stocks and a SKF (financials shorting ETF) 2-3 weeks ago, and it's gone down quite a bit since then - but I remain confident that I'm still going to be in a good place with them sometime soon. What boggles my mind is my gold stock (AUY) which I'm heavily into - this and other gold stocks are WAY down (20-30% or more) compared to where they were the last time gold was at around $900. Yes, mining costs have gone up, but not THAT much. IMO this is a bargain right now.
i am soooo pissed at myself:

several weeks ago, lcc (us air) was ~1.50 and i was thinking, "gee, i should buy 10k shares just in case they're bought by someone else.".

didn't do it.

now that this round of massive panic over oil prices seems to be abating, today the shares are @ 6.75.

what a weiner.

I did buy 7k shares of AMR at 5.84 and I locked in the profits with calls.

I went long SKF and USO yesterday which are working quite nice today. Currently I am looking for 2010 leaps that have very little premium in them.

So far I have loaded with
WFMI after the fall testerday
AIG today. I had this long but sold DITM's on it yesterday and bought them back this morning and added to the shares buy 1k


I bought leap puts on XLF yesterday as I think the HELOC problem to come is going to set the market even further down.
and if it had went to zero under 160$ oil you would have told yourself "I knew that thing was going down, that's why I didn't buy".

You know what they say, if it's bad it's bad luck, if it's good it's all skill baby :tongue:

I've been relatively flat over the past couple weeks, just estabilishing nice positions and being patient. Oil will come back and financials will get another round of chaos, that I am 100% sure of. Almost hit my limit order on AAPL but now it's up 10%, it'll probably be a while now before I establish a position.

I am buying way out of the money puts, 100 level on aapl every month. If steve jobs has another round with illness aapl will go to 75 in one trading day.
I got into a couple oil stocks and a SKF (financials shorting ETF) 2-3 weeks ago, and it's gone down quite a bit since then - but I remain confident that I'm still going to be in a good place with them sometime soon. What boggles my mind is my gold stock (AUY) which I'm heavily into - this and other gold stocks are WAY down (20-30% or more) compared to where they were the last time gold was at around $900. Yes, mining costs have gone up, but not THAT much. IMO this is a bargain right now.

You might want to take a few notes on this. Regarding the oil stocks, I am specifically in oil service* stocks, NOV and RIG. I know these firms extremely well and even though they are off their highs fairly substantially, I bought in at decent levels and buy bigger on the way down. I think I'm down 6% on my current NOV position [closed my other ones out when oil was still above 140], my cost basis on rig is within 1$ of where it is now.

I mention this because of the technicals. Pull up the 6m chart and mark the higher highs and now lower lows forming. Watch these levels closely and do not be surprised if oil falls back to 95$. This will occur if the resistance forms again [like it did at 123 most recently] and if the dollar breaks through against the Euro. You can pull that chart up on the 6m as well and it should show the triple/double top forming as we speak.

Please! watch the FX markets tomorrow and next week regarding the dollar/euro. If for numerous reasons the dollar confidently breaks through the current resistance gold will get OBLITERATED. I have traded gold stocks actively over the past year and originally got in at 690 and jumped the day it hit 1000 [lucky, I know.]

Gold AND oil will get slaughtered and unlike oil, gold doesn't have a large supply/demand issue working in its favor. AUY/GG/ABX/etc. all look VERY cheap right now but don't be fooled, they will go much lower, like 15-20% lower, very sharply if the dollar breaks through.

Personally, I'm still learning towards a weaker dollar based on my macro knowledge but that doesn't mean everyone (anyone might be closer) else knows this data. Gold has also fallen through several key support levels. I got in at about 37.xx on GG and stopped out at 37 flat on big volume and got the hell out of there. It's trading at 32 right now.

If you are long gold/oil/skf you essentially have all your eggs in the same basket. I'm also long SKF and am extremely confident it will go up to at least 140-150 one more time. I also wouldn't be surprised if it gets to 225 but that's another story.
I did buy 7k shares of AMR at 5.84 and I locked in the profits with calls.

I went long SKF and USO yesterday which are working quite nice today. Currently I am looking for 2010 leaps that have very little premium in them.

So far I have loaded with
WFMI after the fall testerday
AIG today. I had this long but sold DITM's on it yesterday and bought them back this morning and added to the shares buy 1k


I bought leap puts on XLF yesterday as I think the HELOC problem to come is going to set the market even further down.

Good timing there, SKF is a valuable hedge during these times. I expect a rebound in AIG specifically as the heavy hitters estabilsh some positions similar to when C and MER were really* crushed the first time around.

This is for you too steve-FCX is trading very low and is a good value here but watch that Euro/dollar in the near term so you can get rid of FCX if the dollar breaks through. The downside the stock has recently suffered is directly related to the dollar's movements. You don't want to be on the wrong side of that one. If the dollar fails I am starting a position/swing trade in FCX.
got stuck in a short position yesterday when my brokerage's order system went down. Didn't think i was in the market, rebooted my platform 2 hours later and I was down over 25 nq points! Whats worse was I couldn't cancel the order, and customer service was so backlogged the phone number actually died due to the call volume. All i could do was sit there and watch the market move against me with all my money rushing out the door.

got stuck in a short position yesterday when my brokerage's order system went down. Didn't think i was in the market, rebooted my platform 2 hours later and I was down over 25 nq points! Whats worse was I couldn't cancel the order, and customer service was so backlogged the phone number actually died due to the call volume. All i could do was sit there and watch the market move against me with all my money rushing out the door.


What happens in a case like this? Are you left holding the bag, or is your brokerage responsible? On one hand I think they should be responsible, but on the other, if they are, you'd have everyone looking back at the charts and claiming they were trying to buy or sell at the most opportune moments.
got stuck in a short position yesterday when my brokerage's order system went down. Didn't think i was in the market, rebooted my platform 2 hours later and I was down over 25 nq points! Whats worse was I couldn't cancel the order, and customer service was so backlogged the phone number actually died due to the call volume. All i could do was sit there and watch the market move against me with all my money rushing out the door.


Talk to your broker and see if they will bust the trade for you. If their system caused the problem they may do that for you.
Yea, they sent out a customer wide email apologizing and taking responsibility for the problems (which i really appreciate). They have said that they will be trying to correct the adverse outcomes in everyones account on a case by case basis.

I was documenting all of the problems I was having with screenshots, as well as in a timestamped hotcomm chat room with other traders in the same mess. So its pretty easy to see what position i was in and what I had no idea i was in. I emailed all of the "proof" to them and I hope they will restore the loss to my account.

We'll find out, they said this morning they are going to review all of the claims over the weekend.