How 'bout that stock market?

i'm done for the day... dun dun da dun dun.....


I kinda just helped out my account... i'll live to see another day! :biggrin:
Short EUR/JPY 168.77 target 168.00 - 30 point stop. Sounds a lot like a previous trade I made out on, thanks to Ryan. :wink:

Trade #1 closed for + 20 168.57
Trade #2 still running. Stop set to 20 points (will be trailing).
Trade #2 closed at 168.37 +40
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man, wish i had a crystal ball. I made some of my money back on FITB today. In at 11.20 yesterday, out at 12.60 today. Still down a few hundred bucks on it overall though.
I have been doing stradles on earning reports and doing pretty well. Getting back some of my loot.
Ebay made me VERY happy!!!!
Just slapped the goog for 18k

That puts me just under 30k for the day. WOOO HOOOO.

I can't wait for C to report tomorrow. All over it like white on rice.
Thank you C.

Now I need AAPL to regain its balls. :wink:
Went long rimm into the close at 113. someone gave me 18 cents for the 115's which I promptly sold and didn't have to deliver. I was sure rimm would get pinned to 115 too.

Did alright this week. :smile:
You know its getting bad when the SEC releases a restriction on short selling in the financial sector...

Due to the industry impact of the recent SEC emergency order on short selling, TradeStation Securities will not be able to facilitate retail short sales that are cleared through TradeStation Securities in the following securities beginning 12:00:01 a.m. on Monday, July 21, 2008, and ending 11:59:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29, 2008.

We will notify you if the SEC extends its emergency order beyond Tuesday, July 29, 2008, in which case TradeStation Securities will likely extend its restrictions.

The securities identified in the SEC's order are:
Company Ticker Symbol(s)

BNP Paribas Securities Corp.


Bank of America Corporation


Barclays PLC


Citigroup Inc.


Credit Suisse Group


Daiwa Securities Group Inc.


Deutsche Bank Group AG


Allianz SE


Goldman, Sachs Group Inc


Royal Bank ADS




J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.


Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.


Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.


Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Morgan Stanley




Freddie Mac


Fannie Mae


WTF. This stuff pisses me off. Everytime the gov't gets in the way of allowing a market to correctly value the worth of a company it always f's everything up.
That is pretty retarded. So it just going to sell off more after it's released.

Its selling off hardcore afterhours today...

Today's action was muted significantly and i think its due largely to the short restrictions.

As far as GOOG goes... i'm not bullish on that stock anymore. Its giving off huge sell signals and bearish patterns on the daily and weekly charts.

I'd be putting in initial downside targets around 260.00-300.00 :eek:

A PERFECT TRENDLINE BREAK AND TEST. Giving initial sell signals this week as we speak.

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Got back from my China trip a few hours ago. Now I'll actually be able to see the markets open.

I closed half my QID position/hedge and plan on selling my UYG position later today (tuesday) or tomorrow. The QID is up just under double digits % wise and I bought the UYG with preset limit orders at 15.50 and 16.00, currently up 22%. If oil dips in to the 120's again I'll be buying more NOV and RIG. Buying GG in a 42-43 range and selling in the 47-48 range for a couple months now. Doubled down on YUM after they had that one bad day after missing earnings and got in the low 30's but otherwise not too much portfolio management while I was on my trip. Didn't miss it after the 1st week went by either!
Let AAPL trickle down in the 130's and start buying in maximum 1/3's if you want some exposure. I doubt it will go lower than the low 130's for more than 24 hours. I prefer ATVI(D) but if AAPL gets there I'll play it as a swing trade.

GOOG I'm not so sure about. They don't have the same consistency and seem to fall in and out of favor more violently. I bought it around these prices before that last blow out earnings session but I don't see an immediate catalyst short of a full/semi tech recovery which I do not expect soon. Then again I closed half of my QID so I guess actions speak louder than words.
Let AAPL trickle down in the 130's and start buying in maximum 1/3's if you want some exposure. I doubt it will go lower than the low 130's for more than 24 hours. I prefer ATVI(D) but if AAPL gets there I'll play it as a swing trade.

GOOG I'm not so sure about. They don't have the same consistency and seem to fall in and out of favor more violently. I bought it around these prices before that last blow out earnings session but I don't see an immediate catalyst short of a full/semi tech recovery which I do not expect soon. Then again I closed half of my QID so I guess actions speak louder than words.

I won't touch aapl until I see jobs on tv saying he is healthy and he looks healthy.
Been super busy lately. I've focused on mostly weekly range trading and doing pretty well considering the time I've invested. Ran UYG from 16 to 23 but my broker screwed me and I couldn't sell until 21. Ran C from 17 to 20.xx. Got out of GG about at par and will buy more if it gets in the low 40.xx or 30's. Back in to SKF in the high 120's and again in the 130's. Started a decent position in RIG, tremendous value down here.

Most of my longer term holds are down 4-8% over the past 4 weeks though. That one reversal down 270 day did some damage and I was in a casino helpless but to watch the ticker tell me what I missed while I was sleeping.

Trading DIG/DUG off and on as well as the banks if they entice me enough. Keeping it simple seems to work best when the market doesn't know what to do with itself.