How 'bout that stock market?

Well boys... i did it again. Blew the account to smitherines... I really thought I had it nailed... i was wrong.

Resume's are being sent as I speak. Now if I can just avoid suicidal tendencies out of embarrassment, anger, and depression i'll be just fine!

Well boys... i did it again. Blew the account to smitherines... I really thought I had it nailed... i was wrong.

Resume's are being sent as I speak. Now if I can just avoid suicidal tendencies out of embarrassment, anger, and depression i'll be just fine!


Ahh you should of called me, not that I could of saved your account but I could of helped you with better MM that made it last longer, Oh well took me 7 years before I started doing well lets see if you can beat me :)
I bailed on FITB at $11 thinking that as usual it would trade back down to $10. I've watched it every day for two weeks and the behavior was almost always the same, spike up early in the day, high trade volume, settle back down.

My cost basis was almost $14, so I figured I'd sell at $11, buy back at $10.50, but.... it just kept going up as soon as I sold. It peaked at $12 today.

I bailed on FITB at $11 thinking that as usual it would trade back down to $10. I've watched it every day for two weeks and the behavior was almost always the same, spike up early in the day, high trade volume, settle back down.

My cost basis was almost $14, so I figured I'd sell at $11, buy back at $10.50, but.... it just kept going up as soon as I sold. It peaked at $12 today.


How many shares are you trading? 1 share right?
How foolish of me not to take the EUR/USD short! I get caught up in these 5 min charts and miss the big picture. It has been following support and resistance for a while. Now at 1.5800, I should have seen it! I think I just missed 50 points.
looks like another very interesting day on tap...

(at the moment) oil's back up and freddie / fannie are being squeezed pretty hard.
Interesting to say the least....Today should be a tipping point....Futures indicate Fannie and Freddie will open at nearly 50% of their closing price from yesterday :eek: If that holds true, I would expect we'll see the Fed step in before the end of day today. This crap is getting out of control.

looks like another very interesting day on tap...

(at the moment) oil's back up and freddie / fannie are being squeezed pretty hard.
Interesting to say the least....Today should be a tipping point....Futures indicate Fannie and Freddie will open at nearly 50% of their closing price from yesterday :eek: If that holds true, I would expect we'll see the Fed step in before the end of day today. This crap is getting out of control.

Not crap, we need 2-3 days down 300+ to get a bottom, when it does this little 1-200 points sell off we will not hit a bottom.
How foolish of me not to take the EUR/USD short! I get caught up in these 5 min charts and miss the big picture. It has been following support and resistance for a while. Now at 1.5800, I should have seen it! I think I just missed 50 points.

Not sure what eur/usd short you are talking about but it's up over .0100
$30 Bln Indymac just failed. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are about to be nationalized (although their liabilities already are, so it's less of an "issue" than people think unless you own stock).

Some people here aren't feeling so smart right now.
$30 Bln Indymac just failed. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are about to be nationalized (although their liabilities already are, so it's less of an "issue" than people think unless you own stock).

Some people here aren't feeling so smart right now.

Yeah that's gotta be a bitch for you to have known all that but failed to short one dollars worth of anything.
Yeah that's gotta be a bitch for you to have known all that but failed to short one dollars worth of anything.

Didn't we go through this a few weeks ago, where I said I was short? Whatever, anyways...

...thanks for giving your money to Wall Street. We'll spend it wisely on Gray Goose like we always do.

Stick to being a slumlord.
hope you guys are having fun over there in the states. i'm buying 6 yuan/liter gas and great meals for 10 usd. Got a nice pair of sun glasses and a couple watches for 500 yuan as well. I've got bloomberg in my hotel and have internet off and on but am rarely in my hotel.

Things are booming over here, the infrastructure development is just insane. Ive been around the block but Ive never seen the vastness of large scale buildings like this, there are 50 story buildings in all directions for as far as the eye can see.

Going to shanghai, nanjing, and hangzhou before I head back in a week or two. My chinese skills are back to par as well. have to buy everything here so i can afford to stay in this market. went to the pearl market today and got a lady down to 90 usd for an entire set of ping clubs with the bag, didnt
want any though just doing a price check.
Ok this is really weird... I work for Safeco Insurance and the company has an agreement to be bought out at 68.25/share, expected end of August or Sept. Suddenly about 90 minutes ago, it dropped from its normal ~$66 level down to ~$60 now, on huge volume. WTF is happening? Did the deal unexpectedly fall through and I don't know it yet, or did a huge institution just decide to dump it and it's virtually guaranteed money? Need to know ASAP!!! What do you guys think is happening?
Ok this is really weird... I work for Safeco Insurance and the company has an agreement to be bought out at 68.25/share, expected end of August or Sept. Suddenly about 90 minutes ago, it dropped from its normal ~$66 level down to ~$60 now, on huge volume. WTF is happening? Did the deal unexpectedly fall through and I don't know it yet, or did a huge institution just decide to dump it and it's virtually guaranteed money? Need to know ASAP!!! What do you guys think is happening?

Very strange. I can't seem to find anything about it but my guess is that somebody must have said something about the acquisition by Liberty Mutual that gave people cold feet. It will probably be more widely known after the close...
Very strange. I can't seem to find anything about it but my guess is that somebody must have said something about the acquisition by Liberty Mutual that gave people cold feet. It will probably be more widely known after the close...
Couple more spikes up and down, closed at $61.60. HUGE spike in volume at the end of day... 2.1M shares when the average for the entire day is under 2M. Funny thing is the price didn't do much as a result, and there's no helpful after-hours data.

I don't think there's any news that the sale is off and I don't see any reason to suspect that, and my boss's boss (I work in corp. finance ) thinks that it might be institutions just selling any and all finance-related holdings.
It's unlikely, but if the sale falls through it will probably drop to the mid-high 30s, but if it goes through as expected, it will go from $61.xx to a guaranteed $68.25 in about two months. That's 11% in 2 months. Worth the risk? I can always set a sell stop, but if it did fall through after hours one day or something I'm not sure I would even get anything close to that price... not sure how that would work. Thoughts?
Soooo... you want the irony of all ironies here?

So Tradestation screwed up with their data feed and it cost me a profitiable trade so I called them on their mistake and they agreed to credit my account 100 bucks. I was 30 bucks under margin on friday and today I was able to trade again due to the credit. Lol. Ended up flat on the day (it was a rubbish day) but long story short i'm not dead yet. And yes, i understand the likelyhood of me rebounding my account on a shoestring budget is not likely but as long as i'm able to i'm gonna keep trying.

More importantly i discovered something going back over my trade journal that doubled my win rate and increased profitability on my winning trades. Seems to be working like a charm.

Also started trading FX again whilst i peruse for a job. So i'll post up more of those entries as they play out.

Its a 2min chart, and i'm only trading the GBPUSD and EURUSD but i made about 89 pips today off of them getting a hang for that time period. Gonna continue trading them tonight. I'll post up screenshots of entries or something to log the trades.