How 'bout that stock market?

Great market!

Short cad/jpy
Long eur/cad
Long aud/usd

Whats up with the USD? Falling all over the place.

Entered two trades (thanks for showing me this) Long GBP/USD, one closed +35 the second closed +90. Another nice day!

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by"/></a><br/><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>
Still under water.
You guys need to setup rules! This is how people blow out a account, I know I have done it a few times lol. I put in a stop on every trade and have my risk setup, look a few posts up and you will see it. Also if you are going in for a quick trade dont make it a investment, come on you guys know this stuff wtf happened?
I am this far down because of your advice, Mr and hold....My first rule is you don't go broke making a profit....I would have sold for decent profit shortly after I went long, but decided to try something new. :wink:

No worries.
You guys need to setup rules! This is how people blow out a account, I know I have done it a few times lol. I put in a stop on every trade and have my risk setup, look a few posts up and you will see it. Also if you are going in for a quick trade dont make it a investment, come on you guys know this stuff wtf happened?

I am not down more than 15% on any one position. The problem is the positions are huge. I closed out many positions when they reached my max pain point. Currently down over 200K for the year and I was up over 500k at one point. That is a huge turn around. It's like getting hit with a brick.

I am really glad I sold those calls on LEH they will net me about 20k I just want LEH to stay below 22.50 and above 20. If it breaks into the teens again I think it could get bad.
I ditched today
bought more HYGS
Rolled out calls on AIG

Friggen HD is in an awlful place where the strike is too far out to make a decent profit on the calls. I have 3700 shares at 23.56 so I am stuck here on this one unless I want to roll out 2-3 months ahead Which I don't want to do.
What I would really like to do is have a forward moving market for enough days to either get calls rolled out or just empty the whole account and sit and wait. I do not have a clue where this market is going but I do know it has me second guessing my decisions and that is not something I usually do.:mad:
I am this far down because of your advice, Mr and hold....My first rule is you don't go broke making a profit....I would have sold for decent profit shortly after I went long, but decided to try something new. :wink:

No worries.

lol because of me? I hold maybe for 1-3 days, but then again I play the 4 hour charts. If you are playing the 5min holding a few hours is a long time. It's all time thing, playing a day chart = Holding 5-7+ days. You see what I am talking about?
I am not down more than 15% on any one position. The problem is the positions are huge. I closed out many positions when they reached my max pain point. Currently down over 200K for the year and I was up over 500k at one point. That is a huge turn around. It's like getting hit with a brick.

I am really glad I sold those calls on LEH they will net me about 20k I just want LEH to stay below 22.50 and above 20. If it breaks into the teens again I think it could get bad.
I ditched today
bought more HYGS
Rolled out calls on AIG

Friggen HD is in an awlful place where the strike is too far out to make a decent profit on the calls. I have 3700 shares at 23.56 so I am stuck here on this one unless I want to roll out 2-3 months ahead Which I don't want to do.
What I would really like to do is have a forward moving market for enough days to either get calls rolled out or just empty the whole account and sit and wait. I do not have a clue where this market is going but I do know it has me second guessing my decisions and that is not something I usually do.:mad:

Save the above post and print it out, put it on your wall. Also come up with risk and when you are going to get out NO MATTER WHAT, you really have to do this, the market is all about risk and if you have no stops in your risk is unlimited. I like to do this...

If risk = 50 points, gain needs to be 50 points on 1/2 100 on the other 1/2. Stop @ cost when 1/2 is closed for a 1:1 on 50% and 1:2 on the other 50%.

I spend more time on risk then I do on charts, right now this is working good for me, it may change but so far so good. Also I have a spreadsheet where you enter what % you want to risk, your account size and then it tells you how much of a position you put on. So say I am buying a stock like goog for 500$ a share and my stop is 50$, then I buy a stock for 2$ and my stop is 1.50, I still trade the same 2% it's just that I trade more of one then the other.
Long USD/JPY 1.0710 - 20 point stop - TP 1.0745
Save the above post and print it out, put it on your wall. Also come up with risk and when you are going to get out NO MATTER WHAT, you really have to do this, the market is all about risk and if you have no stops in your risk is unlimited. I like to do this...

If risk = 50 points, gain needs to be 50 points on 1/2 100 on the other 1/2. Stop @ cost when 1/2 is closed for a 1:1 on 50% and 1:2 on the other 50%.

I spend more time on risk then I do on charts, right now this is working good for me, it may change but so far so good. Also I have a spreadsheet where you enter what % you want to risk, your account size and then it tells you how much of a position you put on. So say I am buying a stock like goog for 500$ a share and my stop is 50$, then I buy a stock for 2$ and my stop is 1.50, I still trade the same 2% it's just that I trade more of one then the other.

I hear ya. I have stopped out on a lot of positions that's why I am down. :smile:
As you well know a lot of my positions are spooled up with options at all different levels so it's not as easy as hitting the sell button.

Prue manipulation on better than 1/2 this market IMO. it's rampant and obvious as the day is long.

I would just really like to see the shorts get burned big time.

HD at 22.26... come on that's ridiculous! ! !
lol because of me? I hold maybe for 1-3 days, but then again I play the 4 hour charts. If you are playing the 5min holding a few hours is a long time. It's all time thing, playing a day chart = Holding 5-7+ days. You see what I am talking about?

:). I'm just playing with ya man.
My direct exposure to the market's volatility is proportional to my confidence. Currently, I carry 6-8 noteable positions but they are hedged substantially, as much as they have ever been. I've got positions in some great longer/medium term firms like ATVI, YUM, NOV, etc. but have some QID, GG, etc. as well. I did a lot of technical and historical analysis on how these correlate with each other then buy prorportional amounts based on my confidence level.

In other words, I'm pretty much just watching and waiting.
Currently down over 200K for the year and I was up over 500k at one point.
wow! :frown:

to some folks (that would be, at least, me), you're talkin' real money... not to mention the tremendous swing in a relatively short period of time.

the good news is you're young and can make it back again.
wow! :frown:

to some folks (that would be, at least, me), you're talkin' real money... not to mention the tremendous swing in a relatively short period of time.

the good news is you're young and can make it back again.

Yeah, I am buying F40's over here and giving them away. :wink::eek::mad:

What pisses me off the most is the fact this has all been caused by piece of shit people who took out mortgages and never planned on paying for them. Once again it's how the people with money and responsibility end up paying for the people who have neither in this country.

EDIT..and yes it's real money to me too. I don't like to just give away that kind of money. very small percentages on large positions.
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To further expand on's more than just a market breaking down here. It's confidence in the USA financial system that is at stake. This is extremely bad for this country. AND all of it can and could have been avoided if not for greed of RE agents, appraisers, bankers and the like.

There is a plethora of actions that could be put in place to abruptly stop the market from sliding off a cliff, but none of those actions will buy votes. We need leadership that is not self serving and doesn't cater to the lazy. This country needs to micro mange the welfare and war machine.

This weekend I had the pleasure of checking in on the maintenance staff and personally putting in a few hours of good old fashion hard work. I helped clean out an apartment where a welfare tenant had just moved out. She left everything right there. Hundreds of dollars in clothes. Thousands of dollars in furniture. Bathroom supplies, cabinets full of food and enough toys to supply a Toy's are Us. It's just to easy for them to get it again. As I stood there in the kitchen with a perfectly good dish strainer in my left hand and the rubber pad in my right hand I thought to myself, what is wrong with these two items that they didn't want to take them when they moved? The answer is nothing other than they can get a second one for free.

ONE dish strainer is all you get, thats it, and if it gets damaged then you have to take it into the welfare office to prove its damaged before you get a new one. And then you get one from inventory of other donated items that all have a governmental id tag number filed into the item. The same goes for every item that is in a house of a person on public assistance. Once you accept any public assistance money then all your possessions become the property of the public...government. Also your name and picture goes in the paper so anyone can turn you in if you are working while accepting public assistance, you are now easily identifiable. If you are caught working and collecting benefits you go to jail and are unable to EVER get public assistance again.

I just had a daughter as most people here know. We are getting billed thousands of dollars while at the same time paying 10K TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for health insurance per year. In the apartment I was in this weekend there was thousands of dollars worth of unused prescriptions. I bet the tenant didn't pay a dime for any of them. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

NO UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE for anyone, no Medicaid for able bodied people. I could have totally retired 10 years ago if I only had to pay for myself and not hundreds of other lazy people.
To further expand on's more than just a market breaking down here. It's confidence in the USA financial system that is at stake. This is extremely bad for this country. AND all of it can and could have been avoided if not for greed of RE agents, appraisers, bankers and the like.

There is a plethora of actions that could be put in place to abruptly stop the market from sliding off a cliff, but none of those actions will buy votes. We need leadership that is not self serving and doesn't cater to the lazy. This country needs to micro mange the welfare and war machine.

This weekend I had the pleasure of checking in on the maintenance staff and personally putting in a few hours of good old fashion hard work. I helped clean out an apartment where a welfare tenant had just moved out. She left everything right there. Hundreds of dollars in clothes. Thousands of dollars in furniture. Bathroom supplies, cabinets full of food and enough toys to supply a Toy's are Us. It's just to easy for them to get it again. As I stood there in the kitchen with a perfectly good dish strainer in my left hand and the rubber pad in my right hand I thought to myself, what is wrong with these two items that they didn't want to take them when they moved? The answer is nothing other than they can get a second one for free.

ONE dish strainer is all you get, thats it, and if it gets damaged then you have to take it into the welfare office to prove its damaged before you get a new one. And then you get one from inventory of other donated items that all have a governmental id tag number filed into the item. The same goes for every item that is in a house of a person on public assistance. Once you accept any public assistance money then all your possessions become the property of the public...government. Also your name and picture goes in the paper so anyone can turn you in if you are working while accepting public assistance, you are now easily identifiable. If you are caught working and collecting benefits you go to jail and are unable to EVER get public assistance again.

I just had a daughter as most people here know. We are getting billed thousands of dollars while at the same time paying 10K TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for health insurance per year. In the apartment I was in this weekend there was thousands of dollars worth of unused prescriptions. I bet the tenant didn't pay a dime for any of them. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

NO UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE for anyone, no Medicaid for able bodied people. I could have totally retired 10 years ago if I only had to pay for myself and not hundreds of other lazy people.

Don't get me started on taxes, I worked for min wage several years at Kroger, people with food stamps getting steak when I worked and ate shit food, I remember doing the 2 dbl stacks and a water from Wendy's for $2.09 or a double order of hash browns at the Waffle House for $2.50 because I was so broke, and these fucks eat steak drive a nice car and don't work. I am with ya man, I would rather give away my money then pay it in taxes. It's better then shitbags with no job or a desire to have one living off of it. Also the dumber they are the more kids they have = more money every month.
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Don't get me started on taxes, I worked for min wage several years at Kroger, people with food stamps getting steak when I worked and ate shit food, I remember doing the 2 dbl stacks and a water from Wendy's for $2.09 or a double order of hash browns at the Waffle House for $2.50 because I was so broke, and these fucks eat steak drive a nice car and don't work. I am with ya man, I would rather give away my money then pay it in taxes. It's better then shitbags with no job or a desire to have one living off of it. Also the dumber they are the more kids they have = more money every month.

And the drain they cause makes it impossible for others to make enough money to retire on and stop supporting the leaches lifestyles. Everything else is minuscule compared to this issue. This is what will ruin the USA.
Here's a depressing example from within my own family.

My cousin is in his early 30's. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed and in his defense suffered a serious back injury while playing high school foot ball. He was already "foot ball sized" and is now at 380-400lbs. He does have screws in his pelvis etc. but can stay on his feet for a couple hours at a time without any serious issues. The only jobs he has ever had were 1-2 month stints at fast food joints that always ended with him losing his temper and quiting.

Last week my mother informs me that he finally got approved for disability. The definition is that one is unable to any type of work. That guy can work in a fast food place or as some assistant or as a truck driver or something-I know this for sure.

But instead he kept trying and trying for disability and it encouraged him not to work. Low and behold, last week he received a check for $41,000 in back pay alone. He is also getting 600$+/- every month for the rest of his life from SS.

Last time I checked, SS was designed as a retirement pool. This guy has contributed less than $500 to SS in his entire life. Now he just got 41 large out of it in one day. He is going to buy a new ford pick-up truck and I absolutely gaurantee you he will over pay by several thousand dollars as this guy hasn't had more than a grand to his name period at any one time. My tax money will be a 1,500 bonus to a ford car salesman. My ****ing retirement money to be more exact.

If my cousin was somewhere else he'd have to figure out a way to make money, like actually holding a job at Jack and the Box. He would then contribute to the system instead of the opposite. But the system is designed to fail and will do so.

I know so many people that are so clueless about money and or personal finance it's scary. I am starting to believe we do not teach useful economics or personal finance on purpose as a society. This is how you get people to vote for universal healthcare while SS, Medicare, and every other government blob self implodes.

There is only one problem with constantly feeding off the successful. The successful are the ones that know how to bend the rules and when they can't be bent anymore they either break them or leave. For decades, if not centuries, the U.S. has been the place where people like "us" come to. We are honored to take the hardest working vietnamese, chinese, mexican, el salvadorian, indian, etc. because they believe we have a society that rewards ambition and hard work. This is what has kept us afloat as our school systems errode and we give billions in incentives not to work.

Unfortunately, the average person prefers to listen to whoever is prettiest or sounds the most charasmatic. We'll see how far that gets us soon enough.
Here's a depressing example from within my own family.

My cousin is in his early 30's. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed and in his defense suffered a serious back injury while playing high school foot ball. He was already "foot ball sized" and is now at 380-400lbs. He does have screws in his pelvis etc. but can stay on his feet for a couple hours at a time without any serious issues. The only jobs he has ever had were 1-2 month stints at fast food joints that always ended with him losing his temper and quiting.

Last week my mother informs me that he finally got approved for disability. The definition is that one is unable to any type of work. That guy can work in a fast food place or as some assistant or as a truck driver or something-I know this for sure.

But instead he kept trying and trying for disability and it encouraged him not to work. Low and behold, last week he received a check for $41,000 in back pay alone. He is also getting 600$+/- every month for the rest of his life from SS.

Last time I checked, SS was designed as a retirement pool. This guy has contributed less than $500 to SS in his entire life. Now he just got 41 large out of it in one day. He is going to buy a new ford pick-up truck and I absolutely gaurantee you he will over pay by several thousand dollars as this guy hasn't had more than a grand to his name period at any one time. My tax money will be a 1,500 bonus to a ford car salesman. My ****ing retirement money to be more exact.

If my cousin was somewhere else he'd have to figure out a way to make money, like actually holding a job at Jack and the Box. He would then contribute to the system instead of the opposite. But the system is designed to fail and will do so.

I know so many people that are so clueless about money and or personal finance it's scary. I am starting to believe we do not teach useful economics or personal finance on purpose as a society. This is how you get people to vote for universal healthcare while SS, Medicare, and every other government blob self implodes.

There is only one problem with constantly feeding off the successful. The successful are the ones that know how to bend the rules and when they can't be bent anymore they either break them or leave. For decades, if not centuries, the U.S. has been the place where people like "us" come to. We are honored to take the hardest working vietnamese, chinese, mexican, el salvadorian, indian, etc. because they believe we have a society that rewards ambition and hard work. This is what has kept us afloat as our school systems errode and we give billions in incentives not to work.

Unfortunately, the average person prefers to listen to whoever is prettiest or sounds the most charasmatic. We'll see how far that gets us soon enough.

Your cousin is the exact example I am talking about. That is the model example of 95% of the tenants I have and 99% of who I get to deal with on a daily basis. I have a few respites of primers I get the pleasure of talking to on the phone and of course my family and friends but for the most part I deal with people who are trying to scam me all day long.

I would love to run this country for 4 years. I can guarantee I wouldn't be the most popular person for the masses but to the people who actually contribute to the system...they would love me.