F1 2009 megathread

Re: Hmmmmmmmmm, let's take a hard look.......

at Rubens. How convenient :rolleyes: that he retained his 5th Q spot (and will start 10th) with the red flag coming out for his crash.

Jenson, baby, stay cool. Rubens will take care of everything on lap 14. We're in a good position."

LOL. :biggrin: This will be a classic quote at every bar in Singapore tonite, and Rubens is probably the ony one that won't think it's funny. :wink:
I have a feeling Singapore race management is going to get a talking to by Max and Bernie. The amount of dirt, dust, and debris on the track made it almost look like Dakar.

And the race sucked to boot. Nary a pass and weird decisions by race control.

At least JB didn't lose too many points to his chasers.
I have a feeling Singapore race management is going to get a talking to by Max and Bernie. The amount of dirt, dust, and debris on the track made it almost look like Dakar.

And the race sucked to boot. Nary a pass and weird decisions by race control.

At least JB didn't lose too many points to his chasers.

As a race it sucked.
As a spectacle it was.... spectacular ?

"My" driver Nico Rosberg stepped up to the plate and struck out.
But at least he went down swinging.
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As a race it sucked.
As a spectacle it was.... spectacular ?

"My" driver Nico Rosberg stepped up to the plate and struck out.
But at least he went down swinging.

He was doing so well, one small mistake at the pit exit...

Go Jenson and Rubens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anybody have a Racing-Underground invitation? 'm dying to get on that site.
I'm willing to give 20$ via Paypal.

email me, [email protected]


I'm a member but I don't have any invites. I'll ask with a few people I know and see if I can get you one if available.
Re: Hey, they're early........

I was looking forward to hearing this on Thursday. Now what am I going to do tomorrow? Oh well, it's so anti-climatic.

The real question is, what will Kimi do? Is he motivated enough to go to McLaren and really drive? I'd like to hope that, just for the human interest factor. But I'm not holding my breath either. Chances are still better than even that he'll just buy bars around the world and drink himself to death. :eek::confused::frown:
I predict that the only Ferrari drive worse than anything Badoer did is a lame duck driver with absolutely nothing to gain from winning anything. Kimi's finishes in second to last place.

I'm hoping Kimi kicks butt next year in a Macca.
Re: next year should be interesting

"I'm hoping Kimi kicks butt next year in a Macca."

Everyone will be hatin' on and shootin for Ferrari. That's the only thing left that just
Might motivate Kimi.

Did I hear rain for the race? Ipredict the Bulls will be tough.
Not the most exciting race,but at least a bunch of cars finished on the same lap.Brawns were not too hurt by the order. What will be the pecking order at ferrari next year?
Re: Fred will be

pecking on everybody. He's a guy who thinks he looks better by subtly belittling everyone else. Flippy will be just one of them. Sorry, Reb. Hope I'm wrong.
What will be the pecking order at ferrari next year?
Re: Adventure........good word choice

Better than mine: a friggin' mess.

But then the script obviously calls for Vettel to stay in the chase for WDC. So, the writers were extremely clever and prolific coming up with so many red flags, grid penalties and a perfect flyer in so few laps for golden boy Vettel. Am I too cynical?
Re: Did I miss something?

Saw some cars driving around but didn't see a race. :confused: Did anyone else?

Most memorable tidbit was Webber pitting 5 times. (must've gotten hungry and stopped for a sandwich at least once). Then he grabs fast lap at the end, robbing little SeaBass of a grandslam. Too funny. :biggrin:
Vettel Wins!

Another poor performance from Brawn, and JB's manager wants a pay raise. Maybe he'll go NASCAR like his one hit wonder predecessor Jacques Villeneuve. Ironic the two bookend the now defunct Honda team. One was a world champion, came over to start BAR and did nothing, the other did nothing with Honda and will likely win the championship with Mercedes power.
Vettel Wins!

Another poor performance from Brawn, and JB's manager wants a pay raise. Maybe he'll go NASCAR like his one hit wonder predecessor Jacques Villeneuve. Ironic the two bookend the now defunct Honda team. One was a world champion, came over to start BAR and did nothing, the other did nothing with Honda and will likely win the championship with Mercedes power.

It's all good, the Killer Bees will secure the WCC next race, slight chance Button will take the WDC next race too. ;) All Button needs is to score 5 points in the last 2 races and Vettel is done, even if he wins the last 2 races.

Button needs 7 points more against his teammate in order to secure the championship, and that's if Rubens were to win the last 2 races.

My prediction, WCC will be decided in Brazil. WDC will be decided at the last race in Abu Dhabi between the Killer Bees, with Button most likely taking it.
Re: Did I miss something?

Saw some cars driving around but didn't see a race. :confused: Did anyone else? ....

Agree. I stopped following F1 for some time as it has really become boring irrespective of the hype and scandals - though Brawn coming out with a new diffuser this year and shake the competition motivated me a bit. Bu watching NASCAR go in circles or even the IRL open wheels is more fun. Heck, I had much more fun watching the two Bills duking it out. Goes to show you technology or money is not the key for a good race.

When the personalities are gone from racing, and where the competition is based on who performs a pit stop 1 second less than the other, and the entire field is separated by something like 0.5 second spread ..... where is the racing? No wonder why the commentators keep hinting to FIA that rules for the sake of having rules on the purported premise to slow down the cars do not enhance competition if people can't pass one another. Racing is all about passing in my book. And yes, I may be old school.
Couldn't stay up to watch the race though I'll likely watch the replay on Speed. Know the results though. Jeez, JB sure does look like he's backing into the championship.
Re: I'd have written the season's script exactly opposite.

It would have been much more exciting if Brawn finished the season with 7 wins instead of how they're limping home and trying not to give it away. Still love those Bees, so I hope they prove the doubters wrong. :rolleyes:
Couldn't stay up to watch the race though I'll likely watch the replay on Speed. Know the results though. Jeez, JB sure does look like he's backing into the championship.

JB had a good race... the problem is that his qualifying was poor, and has been for the past several races. Once you're back in the pack, with so much to lose, it is hard to move up. I thought he drove as well as possible and didn't do anything stupid, which is exactly what he needs to do at this point. Well, that, and qualify better.

RB was Sunday driving out there... very uninspired performance from him. He certainly hasn't gone after the WDC like you would expect from someone who is likely experiencing his last real shot at it.

How does everyone explain the qualifying spectacle? No rubber on the track? People pushing too hard for those extra tenths? It certainly was odd given that the race was overall so clean.

Amazing drive by Vettel but I have a feeling that in the end, his engine will let him down at some point over the next couple of races. Abysmal drive by Webber. He has really drove incredibly poorly since the shutdown... I wonder what is going on with him? Is his seat in jeopardy at this point?

Another really good performance by Hamilton. He's a top notch driver, and lives up to the hype. Kimi also is looking like he's wringing quite a bit more out of the car than is there. I think him and Hamo should be a hell of a team, if egos don't get in the way.

I love that circuit, but it certainly didn't provide for a lot of excitement yesterday.
JB had a good race... the problem is that his qualifying was poor, and has been for the past several races. Once you're back in the pack, with so much to lose, it is hard to move up. I thought he drove as well as possible and didn't do anything stupid, which is exactly what he needs to do at this point. Well, that, and qualify better.

Their qualifying wasn't the greatest, but they did manage to qual 5th (Rubens) & 7th (Jenson) before they were penalized 5 grid spots due to the yellow flag. Had they not been penalized, Brawn would most likely have secured the constructors championship and both drivers would have lost a few less points to Vettel.