F1 2009 megathread

New rumor, Toyota to exit F1 at the end of the season. Also they are going to close down Fuji speedway.
Re: Today might be telling..............or not

Today is supposedly the 2010 entry deadline is it not? Or is it Sunday or Monday? Well only Williams has signed up for next year. Someone reported that Brawn had too, but no one else did, so I guess that rumor was quite premature.

Rumors........ plenty of those to go around. Good to see this forum is quiet and apparently because no one's buying any of it. :rolleyes:

But hey, let's cogitate a bit anyway, now that Shawn's back. (He prolly snuck off to Monaco and didn't even bring us back a t-shirt. :confused: :redface:)

But if things get resolved with Max and the FOTA show down, as it probably will, it will be interesting to see if Toyota signs up. Of course they may not if there is some ownership/transfer financial benefit to keeping this under wraps for now.

Any-who, anyone else surprised at the rumored low ball figures of L100 M next year and L45 M in 2011? And that the teams are rumored to accept that final cap? I was expecting a 3 year transition landing at about L60 M cap and no less.

So, since you're all nodding off with the Killer B's making this season a yawner, and since F. Tony George is now rumored by Robin Miller to "have more time on his hands" (ousted from IMS CEO), how about we start a rumor that he's going to enter his Vision team when the cap gets down to L45 M? Too convoluted? Yeah, thought so...........:rolleyes:
Re: Today might be telling..............or not

From what I understand, all the FOTA teams submitted their entries for the 2010 season conditional upon a new Concorde Agreement being signed before June 12th.

So they're in for next year but they're not. Typical F1 politics.

And if F. Tony George opens an F1 team, the world will have someone new to hate. I'd wager Max is recruiting him to alleviate media coverage of Max's nazi sex parties.
This just in - Fuji won't be hosting the Japanese GP anymore so Suzuka will be hosting the event next year, instead of alternating w/ Fuji.

Roadtrip? Seriously.
Re: Suzuka is.............

better? or you're just antsy for a GP and happen to like Japan?

I was thinking the economy may be looking better by fall and Brazil would be fun.
Re: Suzuka is.............

better? or you're just antsy for a GP and happen to like Japan?

I was thinking the economy may be looking better by fall and Brazil would be fun.

I've always liked Suzuka over Fuji. Plus, it'll be a good chance to visit the various Honda museums and indulge in Japanese culture.
This is for Mr. White.

At the moment, it will not make sense for Brawn NOT to sign up with FIA. They have little bargaining power other than they are winning. For turn their back against the FIA, Brawn could effect their profit sharing next season, and judging by their performance, the share is large enough to meet the $40 million per year proposed cap.

With large title sponsor, they are actually looking quite good for the moment.

As for Toyota, there is really no reason for them to stick around, $400 millions per year with almost no podium is an embarrassment. Honda at least had some good podium and a race won before they walked the plank.
Re: the word's participate

not alleviate :biggrin:

I'd wager Max is recruiting him to alleviate media coverage of Max's nazi sex parties.

Can you see those 2 guys working together? I think I'll start writing the storyline for a movie about them. Opening scene: they're talkin' racing while doin' some S&M hookers. Of course it gets worse from there. It'll make "Driven" look good.

Oh wait, think Sly Stone will play FTG? Bet he would !!! :wink:

I'll have Woody Allen play Bernie........he'll just mumble and stumble around for starters. Hmmmmmmm, have to work on that character development.
Late to the party again!What a package the Brawn team has.And to start on the crappy supersoft and finish strong on the harder soft.Brawn is genious.Now I have to figure out whats up with JB's dad:confused:A pink shirt is ok,,,but matched with white capri pants:eek:
Late to the party again!What a package the Brawn team has.And to start on the crappy supersoft and finish strong on the harder soft.Brawn is genious.Now I have to figure out whats up with JB's dad:confused:A pink shirt is ok,,,but matched with white capri pants:eek:

he was wearing capri pants? I know he was wearing his race day sunday pink shirt, but I don't think he was wearing capris.
Oh he was!At the end of the broadcast they showed his reaction to the win and Jenson having to run back to the award stand.As poppa is leaving the garage....white pants that ended just below the knees:redface:
Yeah - I told one of my JB friends that I was going buy his a pair of those capri's.:eek:
Re: It ain't over til it's..........it's never over in F-1, is it?

From what I understand, all the FOTA teams submitted their entries for the 2010 season conditional upon a new Concorde Agreement being signed before June 12th.

So they're in for next year but they're not. Typical F1 politics.
This will be one interesting chess match. My head is swimming with the few possible gambits I can wrap my mind around. And I'm sure there are many others I can't. :confused: Was it James Allen that had a very haunting comment about how tough Max could be to deal with? And safe to say he was not influenced by one puny story of a Nazi hooker party. I'm sure he's got dirt on Max of a much heavier nature.

Pretty soon we'll be checking for tweets on the legal proceedings and not about the Killer B's winning again. :redface:
I really don't see FOTA giving up more than they've already done, particularly Fezza.

Quick question - the FIA and the team pay Ferrari every year to be in F1. Where is that % derived from? Gross/Net F1 revenue?
Wow boys, check this out. Toyota F1 is selling parts off their old cars. An engine cover and underfloor for 3500 euros - no joke. F1 caliper for 300 euro - again, I poop you not. :eek:


Tedroe, put the caliper on your FM!
Hey, any way possible to recoup some of the insane development expense I guess.

But that is really cool stuff. If I was a richer man, I'd be all over that.
Thoughts/odds on Danica making a move to F1? Her contract is up next year and although the article focuses on NASCAR (where the big money for her would be immediate) perhaps she could opt for what F1 can offer her:

-A world audience
-Chance to race against the elite
-Remain in open wheel racing
-Possibility of growth along with the USF1 team?

I'd put it at a low probability, perhaps less than 20%, but it would be a massive coup for USF1 if they could sign her. I don't see her being very successful on the track but I think she would be a marketing goldmine for USF1 and F1 itself. I think it would give the sport a jolt of publicity in the US, the media focus and frenzy would be interesting to watch, it would give people something to talk about. I think it would be great if it were to happen.

Note that there are spoilers about the Indycar Race at Milwaukee in the article (if you care).

...but it would be a massive coup for USF1 if they could sign her...

x2, totally agree. Though any success in F1 is going to be due to the car and not necessarily her as a driver. Look at JB and Rubens - most trashed their driving and were calling on Honda to move on to other drivers last year. Now, they're 1 and 2 respectively and competitive teams want to sign JB. Sad as it may be, for the forseeable future, in F1, the driver is less and less pivotal.

Unless you're Nelson Jr. :P


That guy couldn't point the Space Shuttle in the right direction.

So if the car is competitive, Danica could do well. Very well, actually.
Thoughts/odds on Danica making a move to F1? Her contract is up next year and although the article focuses on NASCAR (where the big money for her would be immediate) perhaps she could opt for what F1 can offer her:

-A world audience
-Chance to race against the elite
-Remain in open wheel racing
-Possibility of growth along with the USF1 team?

I'd put it at a low probability, perhaps less than 20%, but it would be a massive coup for USF1 if they could sign her. I don't see her being very successful on the track but I think she would be a marketing goldmine for USF1 and F1 itself. I think it would give the sport a jolt of publicity in the US, the media focus and frenzy would be interesting to watch, it would give people something to talk about. I think it would be great if it were to happen.

Note that there are spoilers about the Indycar Race at Milwaukee in the article (if you care).


Bring her to Brawn to replace Rubinho if he retires. Then both her and Button can lap Hambone every race. :biggrin: