Drive on June 3rd

What makes these drives fun and successful are the people that come so thanks for making this another great drive everyone. Also want to thank Nick (9doors) for helping with the pre drive of the route and taking the lead on the second half of the drive so I could get what I hope are some good video from the front and back of my car.

Thanks for the pics Ken and hope you can join us on the next drive.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the next drive, coming next month.:smile:
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Thanks for planning the run Les, and NSXPatPat for the photos. It was great (trying to) meeting everyone. I had to skip out early because I had a leaky tire, thanks Richard for pointing that out to me. Probably got the puncture when we pulled over to the shoulder so many times, found another huge nail on another tire too.

When I got into civilization I went to 4 different tire shops (Discount tire, Justtires, Sears, Pepboys) they all turned me away saying my car was too low and they don't have the proper jack/ramp. My car is now back in my parking garage, the tire doesn't seem to be leaking anymore (no audible hiss) but I'll checkup on it later. I'm just going to add some air and take it to my friend's shop in the morning.

Thanks all have a great week.

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Made it home!

My battery went 100% dead when we were at the Crystal Lake campground, and I was left scratching my head. Nokoni Martinez stayed behind and helped me out. We tried jump starting the car, but it would not start, with the battery refusing to take any juice. Finally, he gave me a lift and we went into town and had lunch at the mexican restaurant (good food), and then on to Autozone to get a new battery. It turns out they sold me the wrong size battery, but it fit anyway.


My positive terminal was a giant ball of corrosion, which I suspect is from a runaway Battery Tender that was overcharging the hell out of the battery. I have used it for years and never noticed this, but Nokoni says this is a message from my car that I should be driving it more. :biggrin:

The small bolt that tightens down the positive terminal was completely gone. I think it turned into the corrosion ball. Here's what the stuff looks like.


There was no bolt to hold the terminal clamp on, but Nokoni had handy tape in his work truck--I mean work NSX. He taped it down and then boom, the car started right up! Anyway, I want to give Nokoni a huge thanks for helping me out of a jam! Thanks!



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Les, sorry I got there late, but at least I found you to say hi :biggrin:
It was impressive to see the So Cal showing and turn out! Hopefully, I will have chance to drive mine back soon and join you guys.

Thank you, Les, for another fun meet! :smile:

Patty, I waved at you, but don't think you saw me. I guess Mercedes is not as attractive as the X :biggrin: Lol...
I elected not to make the drive so I am soooooo glad that pictures were posted. Thank you NSXPatPat for the great photos and thanks Les for putting on the drive and entertaining me in absentia. Now if you could just get a strong video feed off the GoPro and send it via your cell phone.......... Oh, that's next year's electronics.
I am so sick that I missed this drive. The pictures were incredible and that is why the rest of the world looks at us and is envious of our countryside and drives.

Les, I'll be up this week. Let me know when you want to pre-run the next drive.
Made it home!

My battery went 100% dead when we were at the Crystal Lake campground, and I was left scratching my head. Nikoni Martinez stayed behind and helped me out.
... I have used it for years and never noticed this, but Nikoni says this is a message from my car that I should be driving it more. :biggrin:


Nikoni Martinez, that was very good of you to stay back and help!! I applaud you. :smile:

I'm glad you figured out the problem.
Nice pictures Patricia. Just curious-----Why are all the tops ON the cars ?? Was it HOT there today?
Great drive, had an awesome time!! Thanks Les and everyone who helped setup this drive! It's great seeing the pics too, thanks for posting pics Glen and Patty! :biggrin:
Thank you, Les, for organizing the drive, look forward to the next one.

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<a href="" title="IMG_0364 by NSX 888, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="683" alt="IMG_0364"></a>
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Nice pictures Patricia. Just curious-----Why are all the tops ON the cars ?? Was it HOT there today?

Alan, I thought about taking my top out when we left the start, but we were lining up and I didn't have time. It wasn't really hot but I did run the A/C. Have you driven Glendora Mountain Road before? I hadn't. It had some slamming back-to-back curves and I'm a total wuss when it comes to carsickness. :redface: I was feeling rather pukey so I blasted the A/C in my face to try to keep from hurling. It worked, along with the over-the-counter Meclizine pills I chewed. At that point, I was glad I still had my top in.
Nice pictures Patricia. Just curious-----Why are all the tops ON the cars ?? Was it HOT there today?

Because it's illegal to go topless in public here.:tongue:
Wow, another amazing drive, as always, much thanks to Les for another successful event. Also, thanks to everyone who came out, like Les said, its the people (and cars) that make these drives fun. Thanks to every one who posted pictures. It was good seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones. Im starting learn names and faces now, hehe. Looking foward to seeing you all again very soon!

BTW, Im jealouse of all the people we passed by. They got quite the eye candy as we were all passing by.

ah.. missed another one. Sorry for flaking out last minute.

Patty, I will get the name tag next time. Thanks for remembering.:smile:
Great Drive, never been up there and doing it in a real car that can take the speed and curves was amazing! been surrounded by super clean nsx's made it much much better. Great pictures i will save them and share for bragging with friends that i was part of it. Can't wait for next drive thanx guys for the luv and friendship.
Looking at the pics, the drive looked like a bunch of fun!! I was in SD yesterday so I wasnt able to attend, but definitely next month I will be there !!! Thank you LMR for reaching out to me last minute to see if I could go... Next time! :smile: