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Drive on June 3rd

I'm Gona think up a drive, soon ;)
So bummed that we couldn't make it at the last minute.:frown:
Great pictures everyone.

(Sorry that I didn't report back here for the cancellation.)
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Here is the second video, with the police following me about half way thru.

Damn.. he found a good hiding spot!!! There were A LOT of CHP on ACH this past weekend. My good buddy got a ticket for a license plate infraction.

2 motorcycle deaths in as many weeks up there so they will be cracking down for a while and likely monitoring the forums. Another pro for using the privacy of FB to coordinate drive events - yes, I hate FB too.

How are your radar detectors working up there everyone? For the record, I'm not promoting unsafe speeding. :redface:
Damn.. he found a good hiding spot!!! There were A LOT of CHP on ACH this past weekend. My good buddy got a ticket for a license plate infraction.

2 motorcycle deaths in as many weeks up there so they will be cracking down for a while and likely monitoring the forums. Another pro for using the privacy of FB to coordinate drive events - yes, I hate FB too.

How are your radar detectors working up there everyone? For the record, I'm not promoting unsafe speeding. :redface:

My radar detector went off once on the drive. We were all going below the speed limit when he went by in the opposite direction. :rolleyes:

It also went off on the 241 toll road north-bound, just before I got on 91 east-bound. CHP was hiding in the center divider. I tapped my brakes a bunch to let the other cars with me know something was up but they blew by. No one got nailed though.
Damn.. he found a good hiding spot!!! There were A LOT of CHP on ACH this past weekend. My good buddy got a ticket for a license plate infraction.

2 motorcycle deaths in as many weeks up there so they will be cracking down for a while and likely monitoring the forums. Another pro for using the privacy of FB to coordinate drive events - yes, I hate FB too.

How are your radar detectors working up there everyone? For the record, I'm not promoting unsafe speeding. :redface:

He wasn't hiding, he was waiting for us to come back down as he had already gave a warning to poor Steve who I asked to be the last group sweeper. What I don't know was why he waited for so many to go by before he pulled in behind me.:confused: He pulled over after a short time, maybe because he saw I was filming him from my camera in the back.:biggrin: Radar detector worked just fine up there.

Will post links to the full verzions of the videos later.
He wasn't hiding, he was waiting for us to come back down as he had already gave a warning to poor Steve who I asked to be the last group sweeper. What I don't know was why he waited for so many to go by before he pulled in behind me.:confused: He pulled over after a short time, maybe because he saw I was filming him from my camera in the back.:biggrin: Radar detector worked just fine up there.

Will post links to the full verzions of the videos later.

CHP is reading everything you guys are posting rofl.....

Ok mr keep the speeds down just cause a cop warned us haha. And for the record he followed you cause he knew you were the slowest and couldn't get away. No way he gona embarrass himself trying to keep up with me :p

And Robert, just cause he monitors the forums is no reason worry about being deported on a drive
But no one was "speeding". CHP is just wasting their time pulling over these law abiding citizens!

FB.. ahem...


And Robert, just cause he monitors the forums is no reason worry about being deported on a drive

Haaaahahaha thats it im gunna tell my uncle to spray parasites all over your yard and cut down your trees so they make a mess all over the place.
There were a lot more 5-0 in those mountains than last year's drive. Happily everyone made it up/down unscathed.

That being said; the way up GMR was a blast if you were in the back group :biggrin: thanks to Jason for slowing the rest of us up so we could play "catch up" (while staying under the speed limit and driving conditions) *ahem*
But no one was "speeding". CHP is just wasting their time pulling over these law abiding citizens!

FB.. ahem...

FB wouldn't help as they are up there all the time anyways.:wink:

Ok mr keep the speeds down just cause a cop warned us haha. And for the record he followed you cause he knew you were the slowest and couldn't get away. No way he gona embarrass himself trying to keep up with me :p

The reason I would not be able to get away was because you were in front of me, going slow though the twisties as always.:rolleyes:
FB wouldn't help as they are up there all the time anyways.:wink:
Been going up there for years now and it seems they come in waves most often driven by recent events (i.e. high rate of casualties/accidents). Some telling signs leads me to believe they monitor forums for these "big drives" on occasion...easy pickings? Personal privacy aside, FB isn't great for many things, especially as a repository of valuable information like prime is, but it's good at coordinating calendar events such as these in private. Just suggesting another tool for life is all :)
Been going up there for years now and it seems they come in waves most often driven by recent events (i.e. high rate of casualties/accidents). Some telling signs leads me to believe they monitor forums for these "big drives" on occasion...easy pickings? Personal privacy aside, FB isn't great for many things, especially as a repository of valuable information like prime is, but it's good at coordinating calendar events such as these in private. Just suggesting another tool for life is all :)

Not everyone here is on FB so if it was only posted there some people would never know about the events.:wink: As for using it as another tool I already do by having Adrian post there for me.:smile:
Not everyone here is on FB so if it was only posted there some people would never know about the events.:wink: As for using it as another tool I already do by having Adrian post there for me.:smile:
sign up for a new email and use it for FB. SPAM was so year 2005 man.

It's ok. We all don't like change. It took me a while to convince you to get a text messaging plan. :tongue:
It's ok. We all don't like change. It took me a while to convince you to get a text messaging plan. :tongue:

I always had text, I just turned it off for a while so you weren't the reason I turn text back on but you were the reason I turned it off.:wink::biggrin::tongue:
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/p0ZTFSvwYEQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/p0ZTFSvwYEQ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

Here's a video of the same run. ENjoy!
better late than never, but lots of Les no the Less...



Christmas chonies all around























a new friend...














Nice shots buddy. Always wondered what the back of les's car looked like in motion since I only get a small glucose of the front. Looks good. Guess always looking at my bumper can't look too bad right Les.
Nice shots buddy. Always wondered what the back of les's car looked like in motion since I only get a small glucose of the front. Looks good. Guess always looking at my bumper can't look too bad right Les.

You're right, you never have seen the back of my car on these drives because you are always soooooo far behind me. The only time you were in front of me on a drive I honked at you cause you were going sooooo slow and you pulled over to get out of the way. I have it on video below, just before the 9 minute mark.

http://youtu.be/AbEHkX3Htgw <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->