Dealer put 170 miles on my car

Originally posted by rprnet:
The Acura web site lists the following dealers in the Los Angeles area:
Sierra Acura of Alhanbra
Downey Acura
Acura of Pasadena
Santa Monica Acura
Keyes Acura

It must be one of these.

Nope. The dealer locator function on Acura's website allows you to enter a location and it will then display the names of only the five closest dealers. I can assure you that there are far more than five in the Los Angeles area.

And RyRy is in Southern California, which means he could be in San Diego or Santa Barbara or anywhere in between.
A lot of people commute from SD to LA.

I hope we:

A: Get news that the dealer resolved this issue in a timely manner and to RYRy's liking.


B: Learn the name of the offending dealer.

A would be best for all involved.

Please visit The best place to buy and sell parts for your NSX.
I haven't had a chance to go to the dealer, but I did talk to the service manager on the phone.

Honestly, nothing will really satisfy me, but I have entered into a verbal agreement with them to give me $600+ worth of NSX parts.

I bought an extended warranty when I got the car, so obtaining another extension might not be worthwhile considering that I don't drive my car that much.

There are alot of dealers in So Cal, and I did tell the service manager about this thread and should take some of our suggestions very seriously. I did tell him that he should install security cameras around the service area and in areas where they lock up the cars.

I will let you know what happens next.

i would suggest you get a refund for the service they did at the time they had your car. that is a fair solution to the problem. the service manager will never tell you who took the car out.that would be admiting guilt. 600 worth of parts is talk at this point. have you called honda of america yet. i work with dealers every day.. private e mail me and i can help you..
Gotta be honest Ry, that doesn't sound like good progress. I think it may be true that your relationship with the dealer is working against you. $600 in parts is dubious because:

A) you may never need them and

B) they get those parts at dealer cost, so it barely has any impact (especially if you choose a heavily marked up item like tires or brake pads in an effort to use the credit).

The fact that they've made no apparent progress on finding and disciplining the offender is bad too.

Whatever you decide to accept from them, I think it's time to reveal their name. I'd definitely put this dealer on my avoid list if I were in that area.
Well, I suggested the parts because it was something I needed. The parts were several interior trim pieces that were blemished during my ownership.

I asked hondacuraworld to help me out with parts pricing as I wanted parts that would cost them $600 to get. So $600 would be close to the dealer cost, the actual retail price of the part should be more than that.

In the verbal agreement I promised not to disclose their name and I'm going to keep that promise. I hope I won't get flamed for this.

Yes, it is true that they didn't find the offender, and I doubt they ever will.

What I can tell you is that none of the dealers that rprnet posted is the one I'm currently dealing with.

I can also tell you I've been to Downey Acura, South Coast Acura, and Acura 101 West. All of them gave me top notch service.

Unfortunately, this is all I can say. I might have let them off easy, but nonetheless I have to keep my word.
Originally posted by RyRy210:
... I have entered into a verbal agreement with them to give me $600+ worth of NSX parts.
What happened to the part that gives your Prime mates a 40% parts discount?

Just kidding. Hope you get satisfaction. With that said, the parts deal sounds quite insufficient to me....but it's your deal.
Yes, it is true that they didn't find the offender, and I doubt they ever will.
I really doubt they don't know who it was. As mentioned before I doubt they will disclose because it is an admission of guilt.

Glad your happy, can't really say I agree with the non disclosure though.

Whoever is in that area should make sure they note their miles before service.
Originally posted by RyRy210:

What I can tell you is that none of the dealers that rprnet posted is the one I'm currently dealing with.

I can also tell you I've been to Downey Acura, South Coast Acura, and Acura 101 West. All of them gave me top notch service.

Well that's eight down.
Originally posted by RyRy210:
In the verbal agreement I promised not to disclose their name and I'm going to keep that promise. I hope I won't get flamed for this.

RyRy, Don't take this a s a flame. Rather, just a bit or two to make sure you are looking at things in the proper perspective.

What about the un-written (or maybe written) agreement (word) that a dealer gives a consumer that their employess will not take our/your cars out for a joy ride? I'll bet that the dealer consulted his attorney. Did you consult one? Not that it is something to get legally worked up about, but it is something I would ask a friend who is an attorney about.

The more I think about this, the more it stinks.
Originally posted by RyRy210:

What I can tell you is that none of the dealers that rprnet posted is the one I'm currently dealing with.

I can also tell you I've been to Downey Acura, South Coast Acura, and Acura 101 West. All of them gave me top notch service.


Well that's eight down.
Not necessarily, he did say he had a good relation ship with them. So I would assume at one time he received "top notch" service from them.

[This message has been edited by nsxxtreme (edited 13 March 2003).]
Not to put RYRY at a bad position, but for my own protection and awareness, I would like to know which dealership has bad apples, it shows their lack of care for operations and customer care by hiring the bad apples. And the good ones that [bold]consistently[/bold] provides good service.

a simple yellowpage search for acura with zip code will turn up all the dealers around town. Filter out the ones already mentioned, I think some opinions as to owners' past experiences will give us a feel for these dealers.

Cerritos Acura
Weir Canyon Acura(anaheim)
Peyton Cramer(torrance)
Acura Of Pasadena
Hoehn Motors Inc(carlsbad)
Valencia Acura
Originally posted by KGP:
RyRy, Don't take this a s a flame. Rather, just a bit or two to make sure you are looking at things in the proper perspective.

What about the un-written (or maybe written) agreement (word) that a dealer gives a consumer that their employess will not take our/your cars out for a joy ride? I'll bet that the dealer consulted his attorney. Did you consult one? Not that it is something to get legally worked up about, but it is something I would ask a friend who is an attorney about.

The more I think about this, the more it stinks.

I did talk to a friend that was an attorney, and the hard thing is to determine what is adequate compensation for my "suffering". This thread easily shows all the different opinions as to what should be done.

The thing that he came up with is theft by conversion, but a conviction could mean jail time. 170 miles for me and most NSX owners is alot of miles, but I think pursuing this course of action is a bit extreme (from both a moral and economic standpoint).

Originally posted by nsxxtreme
Not necessarily, he did say he had a good relation ship with them. So I would assume at one time he received "top notch" service from them.

It's true that I received top notch service from the dealer that took a joy ride in my car, but it's not any of the ones I listed.

Thanks all for your feedback.
Hey, if you're happy with the settlement, more power to you.

If it was me, I'd have the dealer's service head on a stick...
Last week (see part II of this thread) I wrote this:

"With 170 miles they owe you (3,4 $/mile * 170 mils) 578$ in cash. This is for the pure loss of value and usage costs."

It seems I was quite close with my calculation!
I think the settlement is quite fair. Quite good, in fact - and it shows that they take it seriously.

I also think that some folks here sound like they would settle for nothing less than a new car.

And I respect your promise not to name the dealer involved, and would suggest that everyone just drop the grilling to find out which dealer it is. RyRy made a promise and we ought to support him in keeping to it.

So at this point the matter is resolved. Maybe some people don't think it's fair, but others do - and RyRy does, which is what's important here. I'm glad to hear that it's worked out to the satisfaction of both sides.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
I think the settlement is quite fair. Quite good, in fact - and it shows that they take it seriously.

I also think that some folks here sound like they would settle for nothing less than a new car.

And I respect your promise not to name the dealer involved, and would suggest that everyone just drop the grilling to find out which dealer it is. RyRy made a promise and we ought to support him in keeping to it.

So at this point the matter is resolved. Maybe some people don't think it's fair, but others do - and RyRy does, which is what's important here. I'm glad to hear that it's worked out to the satisfaction of both sides.

NOOO! The beast must be destroyed! Rally the villagers, I'll get my pitchfork.

Let's storm the castle gates! Free service for all!
Regardless of the settlement (which is RyRy's business), if the dealer is not able or willing to determine who on their staff did this, I think other owners are well justified in trying to find out which dealer it is. I sure wouldn't want to take my car there!

RyRy has previously posted publically about being at Peyton Cramer / South Bay Acura for service. Obviously I have no idea if this is still the case or not, but I'd certainly be asking the question if I lived out there.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 14 March 2003).]
I agree with Lud on this one... I think it's great that Ry is satisfied (as that piece is entirely his business) and I have a lot of respect for him for keeping his word to them.

However... I don't think it's out of line for SoCal members to want to avoid this dealer like the plague.

Since the parts were something Ry wanted, the cash compensation is obviously fair (it meets *his* requirement). The failure to uncover the culprit, however, is inexcusable. It's compounded by the fact that it's really unlikely they have no clue who did it and are more likely trying to avoid an outright admission of guilt in case Ry decides to get a lawyer. That's totally underhanded.

As someone who has managed people before, I've never had the luxury of being able to say "sorry, can't figure out who illegally mishandled your property" without putting my OWN rear-end in the fire.

If I had responded the way this service manager has, I would be the one in danger of disciplinary action. That's how management works, so I'm sure that they've decided to cover it from the top down.
Wow...this is still going strong!

I like to say 3 things after reading all posts....

1. If RyRy is satisfied with the way their settlement is made, that's the most important. Other people's requests are very reasonable, but RyRy is the one who needs the peace of mind.....

2. This one's for RyRy: I understand that you've mentioned several times that you have an excellent business relationship with them (Acura dealer or manager or whoever). The call is on you to decide whether this incident is serious enough to change your judgment from this moment on....whoever the suspect is, he/she is still part of the dealership.

for example, let's say I have a good relationship with a business partner. One day he decides to take our funds to do something unknown to me and do something that cannot be undone. More immportant than using the money is that he has broken the trust between us.

now this is your call, will you still trust him and continue with your future business arrangements? if you still decide to deal with them, more than likely that shadow will creep up on you every time.

3. Once this situation is over, please let the rest of us know which dealership it is. To some of us, this type of behavior is punishable by the death penalty

'98 Blue NSX-T
Hey fellow NSXers, something just popped into my head.

I suddenly remembered my sales friend telling me that the turnover rate for the sales team is fairly high. Those that sell few cars normally quit or get booted out of the dealership.

If the "guilty" was indeed a sales guy, he may have left the dealership already. He wanted to take the last drive before his last day of work!! Does that make sense?

'98 Blue NSX-T

[This message has been edited by Blue Knight (edited 14 March 2003).]
Originally posted by Blue Knight:
Hey fellow NSXers, something just popped into my head.

I suddenly remembered my sales friend telling me that the turnover rate for the sales team is fairly high. Those that sell few cars normally quit or get booted out of the dealership.

If the "guilty" was indeed a sales guy, he may have left the dealership already. He wanted to take the last drive before his last day of work!! Does that make sense?

Blue Knight;
I have to disagree with your hypothesis....
It's highly unlikely that a sales person could get access to the keys in the service department. When I worked at a dealership as a part time salesman, I had access to only the cars in inventory and no access to the service department's cars. They usually lock up the customer's keys in the service office ad only tech's and management had that access....

92 NSX #483
94 CBR900RR
Originally posted by Biaggi:

Blue Knight;
I have to disagree with your hypothesis....
It's highly unlikely that a sales person could get access to the keys in the service department. When I worked at a dealership as a part time salesman, I had access to only the cars in inventory and no access to the service department's cars. They usually lock up the customer's keys in the service office ad only tech's and management had that access....

In this case, I would have to agree with a previous post that the dealership may have already found the suspect but is unwilling to name him/her.

'98 Blue NSX-T
We've all heard that countries that harbor terrorists are considered enemies of the United States. Could there be such a thing as harboring an Acura dealership from the rest of the NSX family? Think about it.

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