Dealer put 170 miles on my car

funny that you mention that 'cause I think the same thing happened to me, although not nearly that many mile. I think the tech's like to 'take advantage' of having an nsx in for service!
A road test of less than ten miles is common for many services. Possibly a bit more if there's something peculiar that is not always evident and/or difficult to diagnose.

I keep track of my mileage and in the almost thirteen years I've owned my NSX, I have never had more than about ten miles added to my car on any service visit.
Why would you post this and not tell anyone who the dealer was? This is a place to share info with fellow NSXers. If you were not going to help everyone out here with the name of the dealership so it can be avoided by anyone else, you should not have posted anything about it at all. Just my 2 cents....
Originally posted by nsxlover:
Why would you post this and not tell anyone who the dealer was? This is a place to share info with fellow NSXers. If you were not going to help everyone out here with the name of the dealership so it can be avoided by anyone else, you should not have posted anything about it at all. Just my 2 cents....

I bet a lot of people got something from this thread, and maybe some will handle this better than I did after seeing what I have done. However, what's done is done, and a promise was made before I even decided to post this topic. I posted to get advice from fellow members on how to deal with this situation, and also to vent my frustration. I see other members venting their frustrations before about certain mishaps and they never get slammed like this. To tell you the truth I DO regret posting this thread because of all the negative comments that has been directed towards me. Nevertheless, out of all those attacks I'm really grateful to those members who have given me continued sympathy and support through this ordeal.

[This message has been edited by RyRy210 (edited 24 March 2003).]
MY point is this: maybe this happened to another person who did not post the name. It could have helped this not happen to you by knowing that this dealership is shady. Thats all I am trying to stress.
Originally posted by RyRy210:
I see other members venting their frustrations before about certain mishaps and they never get slammed like this. To tell you the truth I DO regret posting this thread because of all the negative comments that has been directed towards me.

Which is a point that I made in posts that were deleted.

RyRy came here for help and advice. There were many helpful suggestions posted in this topic. That is a good thing, and I hope it was helpful to him. But once he made a decision, which was his decision to make, taking into consideration the input we provided, there was, and is, no reason to disagree with that decision, which several members here did (with posts that were also deleted). The lack of respect shown here, for RyRy's ownership of that decision as well as for his privacy in keeping aspects of the situation to himself, is an embarrassment. It also serves as a disincentive for others to share controversial subjects and seek out advice here. And that's a shame for all of us.

Originally posted by RyRy210:
Nevertheless, out of all those attacks I'm really grateful to those members who have given me continued sympathy and support through this ordeal.


RyRy, I hope you can take comfort in the resolution of this matter, and that you can continue to enjoy your NSX. I also hope that this experience hasn't soured you on NSXprime or other NSX owners, and that you can feel free to join us again in activities such as NSXPO 2003, which will be held in Northern California October 8-12. Hope to see you there and give you a smile and a pat on the back.
That's a jerky and hurtful thing to say.


If nothing else and regardless of RyRy's decision, we've all learned to be a bit more cautious when we leave our cars with someone else.


[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 24 March 2003).]
Sorry to hear the bad news.. 170 miles is a lot of miles to play with, its a shame it wasnt you doing the playing! Afterall, its your car. Its good the dealer is taking this issue seriously, because as many people have said, you cannot turn back mileage.. just like you cannot turn back time.

How does the car drive, does it still feel okay? I would think that is the most important issue. Sure, stupid things like this happen much too often. Its a shame when it happens, but you cant let it effect you that much.. no need to stress your health over something material.

You just have to handle the situation with your dealer. They need to understand their mistake and make sure that incidents like this never happen again. They should either install security cameras or just have stricter rules for cars leaving the dealership.

Just think how much worse valet drivers are! They are the ones who start the car up cold and launch cars through parking lots.. man...

- Mike
I understand that you consider the service manager a friend, but is that because he is a friend OUTSIDE of the dealership or just a PSEUDOFRIEND that develops due to the nature of a business relationship? You need to take this very seriously IMHO, because if somewhere down the line a problem pops up with the car, you may have no further recourse. My suggestions are:

1. Write letters to the manager, the owner of the dealership, and to every other honda/acura dealership in your state. Additionally, write to Honda/Acura Corporation and ask them for help in receiving some sort of retribution.

2. I would not pay for a dime of that service until the situation is resolved. (May be too late for this)

3. If it would have taken you "several months" to accrue 170 miles on your NSX, then all parties involved must be made to understand the true brevity of this situation. True you cannot get your miles back, but I would be pressing for some serious free services if I were you i.e., valve adjustment, full tune-up, timing belt/waterpump etc etc. The more serious you make it appear to them the more seriously they will take it.

4. Regarding the manager "friend" you have, try to look at the situation objectively if possible. If he is truly your friend, he will fix the problem, he is in charge isn't he???

Good Luck


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