Dealer put 170 miles on my car

Maybe it's best to print out a hardcopy of this thread and leave it in your passenger seat when you take your NSX in for service!
Or, just politely bring up the issue of "test driving" beforehand.

Tell them upfront that you only expect the NSX technician to be driving the car...

And that you only expect (if the repairs warrant it) a precious few miles to be driven if needed.

Tell them that you've recorded the mileage too.

I also don't think it's bad idea to go over the car's condition (like one does with a rental car) with the service mgr when you drop it off. I've heard of horror stories where damage was done to the car and the dealer tried to claim that the damage was pre-existing.

Let's all learn from this unfortunate situation.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
1976 Honda Accord 5 spd, 3 door Blue/Blue
1977 Honda Accord - Custom - Under Construction
2003 MINI Cooper S - On Order - All Black
1986 Chevy Suburban
Originally posted by Jimbo:
I also don't think it's bad idea to go over the car's condition (like one does with a rental car) with the service mgr when you drop it off. I've heard of horror stories where damage was done to the car and the dealer tried to claim that the damage was pre-existing.

Nice idea, Jimbo! I usually carry my digital camera with me, so I can snap some profile shots of the car at the service drop-off for "evidence" later.
Alright, I've been refraining from posting to this thread but it has gone on long enough. While it's not a cool thing that a dealer drove your car too many miles, is it really such a big deal? Jeesh. Nobody is more protective of their cars than me but this banter is ridiculous. So what already. Go drive your car and get over it and enjoy it. You're losing even more than the 170 miles by worrying and dwelling on the 'pain' for so long. You'd think that they stripped it and turned it into a Fiero. Sorry RyRy but c'mon. Why waste so much energy?
Originally posted by rprnet:
We've all heard that countries that harbor terrorists are considered enemies of the United States. Could there be such a thing as harboring an Acura dealership from the rest of the NSX family? Think about it.

I don't like what you are implying here.

Jimbo is absolutely right. I have learned alot from this experience, and those that have read this thread probably did too. This could have happened to anyone at any dealer. This misfortune has made me smarter, and I hope it has done the same for everyone here as well.
Maybe it's best to print out a hardcopy of this thread and leave it in your passenger seat when you take your NSX in for service!

If ever using an Acura dealer for service in the future a copy will be given to the service manager with exact mileage, time, etc. RyRy210 has been compensated (apparently to his content) w/re to this incident and he has in a way taken one for the team. I believe its highly doubtful that another situation like this is to happen in the near future if dealers are "fore-warned" of just how serious we NSX owners are.

Just stay away from Acura dealerships in the downtown L.A. area.

Get parts at Niello and service it at Orange County.

Ry keeps his word. Problem solved.

I think the point we need to remember is that this could happen at ANY dealer.

Obviously, this was an act that wasn't sanctioned by the dealer. It was most probably some guy acting on his own and taking advantage of the situation.

In fact, one could argue that the safest place to go (in order to prevent this from happening) would be Ry's dealer.

As I said, let's learn from this and take the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen at any dealer.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
1976 Honda Accord 5 spd, 3 door Blue/Blue
1977 Honda Accord - Custom - Under Construction
2003 MINI Cooper S - On Order - All Black
1986 Chevy Suburban
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
Alright, I've been refraining from posting to this thread but it has gone on long enough. While it's not a cool thing that a dealer drove your car too many miles, is it really such a big deal? Jeesh. Nobody is more protective of their cars than me but this banter is ridiculous. So what already. Go drive your car and get over it and enjoy it. You're losing even more than the 170 miles by worrying and dwelling on the 'pain' for so long. You'd think that they stripped it and turned it into a Fiero. Sorry RyRy but c'mon. Why waste so much energy?

I agree that this situation is done and should be put to rest. If you want an insight, though, into how "the other side" of this discussion thinks, consider this analogy.

You go away for the weekend leaving your keys with a neighbor "in the event of an emergency". When you come home, you find out that everything is ok (more or less) but the neighbor had thrown a big blow out bash in your house while you were gone.

While I do admire those whose temperment is even enough to not let breaches of trust like this phase them at all, you've got to realize that, for many people, something like this is a big issue. It's not about the potential effect of the actions, it's more about the flagrant disregard for someone elses (expensive) property and the huge breach of trust.

I'd be willing to bet that the idiot that joyrode Ry's car would probably be the first one to rip someone's head off if it happened to him...

In any event... Different approaches to a problem are what makes the world go round and alternate viewpoints are always a good thing.

[This message has been edited by spookyp (edited 14 March 2003).]
Nsxotic, RyRy dropped it when he got his promise of $600 in parts, and his posts here have been fairly infrequent. It is all of us others putting our 2 cents in that aren't dropping the topic. We collectively are aghast at the irreponsibility of this dealership to allow one of their employees to not exercise proper respect for someone else's property. We are angry about it, and justly so. The person that did this has no respect for other humans. He/she is obviously a self centered self serving piece of dung. In the words of some immortal, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits.

RyRy, I respect your decision to keep your word, but I'm sorry in that I can't respect your decision to have given your word not to publicly disclose who they are. But, what's done is done. I hope the dealership learned their lesson (I'm not sure they have), but i doubt the ignoramus that had fun learned theirs, because that kind of person doesn't give a damn.
Nsxotic, its all no big deal until they wrap it around a telephone pole, hit by a reckless driver, or worse. And then its your car, eh?


Edit: Nothing wrong posting the name in private, otherwise, you do risk other owners who may not be NSX owners now, but future owners, or other Acura owners, from putting blind faith into this dealership unless heads roll. Your call, but at least e-mail it privately.

[This message has been edited by JaguarXJ6 (edited 15 March 2003).]
this is really a not so good way.

im happy you got satisfaction in terms of parts reimbursement.

this is a significant breach of trust on the part of the dealer. I cant imagine that i wouldnt want the dealer to provide the full satisfaction of "we do not condone this and have terminated/reprimanded the employee(s) involved". That is the only way the dealer can make right on this situation and restore the trust. Anything else is just sweeping the situation under the rug. As the person involved I would want to know that the dealer had truly eliminated the problem and handled the situation.

just imo. and im not one of those guys who is obsessed with my nsx---ive let several friends drive it and one even take it overnight. But 160miles guys, that is the dealer's emloyee(s) hijacking your car unbeknownst to you.

Hey, if my service guy ASKED to take the car out temporarily i'd say yes.
To put this in perspective, the dealer in question has been keeping in contact with me and letting me know the steps they are going to take in catching the culprit.

They are pissed and I can tell that its genuine. They are honest enough to tell me that they couldn't catch the culprit yet. They are honest enough to tell me the flaws in the operation of their dealership and what steps they are taking to fix those flaws.

If they wanted to they can lie and tell me that they did find the person and teminated him, but they were honest enough to tell me they are still investigating. IMHO they are doing something.

Originally posted by Jimbo:

I think the point we need to remember is that this could happen at ANY dealer.

Obviously, this was an act that wasn't sanctioned by the dealer. It was most probably some guy acting on his own and taking advantage of the situation.

In fact, one could argue that the safest place to go (in order to prevent this from happening) would be Ry's dealer.

As I said, let's learn from this and take the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen at any dealer.


I couldn't have said this better myself.
Originally posted by RyRy210:
To put this in perspective, the dealer in question has been keeping in contact with me and letting me know the steps they are going to take in catching the culprit.

They are pissed and I can tell that its genuine. They are honest enough to tell me that they couldn't catch the culprit yet. They are honest enough to tell me the flaws in the operation of their dealership and what steps they are taking to fix those flaws.

If they wanted to they can lie and tell me that they did find the person and teminated him, but they were honest enough to tell me they are still investigating. IMHO they are doing something.

I'm pleased to hear this and hope that your assessment is correct. OF course, your buddy is probably watching this thread and responding accordingly, but that doesn't mean he won't stick to his word. If they do determine who drove your car I would rather see him get and option for a period of suspension without pay then come back under probation and work off the settlement. It may just be a dumb punk kid that needs to learn a lesson the hard way. Then the dealer could really do the right things for you without paying a stiff price for the actions of one idiot.
Ry, what steps are they taking to prevent this problem from reoccuring? I'm just curious what kind of stuff they've done.

And, for the record, I don't consider this question to be continuing to beat the subject, so HA!

[This message has been edited by spookyp (edited 15 March 2003).]
My comments are limited to what would be acceptable to me in a (hopefully never) similar situation.

It goes without saying, if RyRy210 is happy, all is well.
But it is still a hot topic.
sorry if my comment regarding the dealer irritated anyone.

i just think that the dealer should not just make it right for this customer but should also let the customer know he's taken care of the offender. otherwise the dealer has only pacified one customer, not truly handled the problem. which wouldnt truly satisfy me personally. but to each his own.
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
... is it really such a big deal? Jeesh... but this banter is ridiculous. So what already...get over it ... Sorry RyRy but c'mon. Why waste so much energy?

Once again, I am embarrassed for you... unbelievable !!! ...but right on with my expectations.
Wow, four pages!

Said Adam to Eve:
Stand back, there's no telling how big this is gonna get!

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