Cop caught on tape...


And cops wonder why they are so hated! It's called the "blue wall of silence". It's a brotherhood that thinks they are above the law. St. Louis PD should just clean house... :mad:

Who cleans house if it is a learned behavior from the superiors above them? Seriously? :confused:
So now the kid is getting stalked by police...

There are documented threats from police officers...

The blue line is blurry here. I have a feeling this is going to end badly.

Or the kid is going to be wealthy... I see this heading straight for a lawsuit.

oh hes gonna be laughing all the way to the bank soon :)
and Im sure there arent too many St Louis citizens that feal too happy towards their PD especially after this
and any future trouble he gets into Im guessin he'll easily get out of with such an apparent attempt to try and stalk, threaten, and set him up

Crazy. But I am not surprised. I will say, that in all professions, there are bound to be bad apples. Doctors, lawyers, bankers, grocery store clerks, home builders etc...I think the reason this shocks us so bad is that most people don't have alot of love for cops to begin with. Most of us have probably gotten a whiff of cop "harassment" at some point...being pulled over and ticketed for going 7mph over the speed limit. Saying all cops are f'ing a$sholes is like saying everyone is an a$shole. Anyways, you could tell the cop knew he was in trouble when he realized he was being taped. So he in essence, was trying to talk his way out of trouble.

Either way, I am sure that the kid will get some ridiculous amount of money, and at the same time filling the pockets of some hot-shot attorneys.
Crazy. But I am not surprised. I will say, that in all professions, there are bound to be bad apples. Doctors, lawyers, bankers, grocery store clerks, home builders etc...I think the reason this shocks us so bad is that most people don't have alot of love for cops to begin with. Most of us have probably gotten a whiff of cop "harassment" at some point...being pulled over and ticketed for going 7mph over the speed limit. Saying all cops are f'ing a$sholes is like saying everyone is an a$shole. Anyways, you could tell the cop knew he was in trouble when he realized he was being taped. So he in essence, was trying to talk his way out of trouble.

Either way, I am sure that the kid will get some ridiculous amount of money, and at the same time filling the pockets of some hot-shot attorneys.

We're no longer talking about one cop, now other cops have taken it upon themselves to harass the kid.
I will say, that in all professions, there are bound to be bad apples. Saying all cops are f'ing a$sholes is like saying everyone is an a$shole.

Very True. Those that say that ALL cops are A**hole's are probably just A-holes themselves andhave only had bad interactions with cops because of their attitudes... example of a having a good attitude and taking control of the situation? this happened two days ago...

Came to a four way stop sign. I didn't run it, but looked both ways, no cars in any direction, so I rolled through it (CA stop). As I'm going through the intersection (in my wifes Mercedes), I see a cop approaching the stop sign to the left, he saw me roll through the stop. As I cross through the intersection, he turns left behind me. Before he can turn on his lights, I pull over. Instead of pulling behind me, hepulls up next to me and rolls down his passenger side window. I already have my car shut off, and both hands on top of the wheel where he can see them. He looks over and says... "What happened?" I laughed and just said "I'm an idiot! I've got my head in the clouds...". He said "alright, you need to pay more attention. Have a good day!" and drove off...

If he were an asshole cop. He could have EASILY cited me for the stop sign and tinted windows. But he didn't. BECAUSE NOT ALL COPS ARE A**HOLES!
Crazy. But I am not surprised. I will say, that in all professions, there are bound to be bad apples. Doctors, lawyers, bankers, grocery store clerks, home builders etc...I think the reason this shocks us so bad is that most people don't have alot of love for cops to begin with. Most of us have probably gotten a whiff of cop "harassment" at some point...being pulled over and ticketed for going 7mph over the speed limit. Saying all cops are f'ing a$sholes is like saying everyone is an a$shole. Anyways, you could tell the cop knew he was in trouble when he realized he was being taped. So he in essence, was trying to talk his way out of trouble.

Either way, I am sure that the kid will get some ridiculous amount of money, and at the same time filling the pockets of some hot-shot attorneys.

while I mostly agree, with a bad doc, banker, grocery clerk etc. If they suck or you dont like them you just wont return to use their services. When a cop is bad, he breaks the law and other cops allow him to, thus hes above the law and his lackies stand by and assit him doing so. Personaly I dont care if a cop is an a-hole all day long, as long as he does he job as he was hired ans sworn to do so and doesn break the law.

Its sad we now need cameras to get any justice or clarify and prove any injustice.
This is nothing, no matter what city, and it will continue, just like how I noted in a past post how a damn near identical thing happened to me, only I didnt have a camera to validate my story.
Meh.....I was gonna chime in to chastise the cop in the initial video, he was indeed a jerk and I've been treated that way even AFTER identifying myself as a cop. In fact, I had one cop pull her gun on me even AFTER I identified myself as a cop, because I reached for my passenger side seat to get my ringing cell phone.

I'm glad to see some people here stating the obvious fact that cops like this are in the minority (even though some obviously disagree). I have a better perception that most of you as a cop myself, as a black guy driving a nice car, as a citizen, off-duty, that has been harassed on occasion.

I'm a bit numb to talk much in regards to all this since we recently lost one of our own, when four officers were ambushed by a subject with an AK-47, and one was shot in cold-blood.

I've also seen the video time and time again of that college kid that got tased. The kid was in the wrong from the moment he resisted, fought back, and made a ridiculous scene, regardless of whether he should have been allowed to stay or go. That got most of the media attention, not the officer that was murdered. It made me very sad to be an officer in this country. Sometimes you feel like all your sacrifice, all that you give up to be in this line of service, is for naught. :frown:
i am 53 yo. the cop's behavior does not surprise me at all.
strange as it may seem to some of you, i think this fellow's camera saved him fro} a beating. the cop was probably drunk or on speed. or perhaps it is all staged by a couple of drama students.
what i like about this video is that
1. it demonstrates the power of the internet
2. it shows why an in-car camera is a nice thing to have.
does anyone know where i could find a camera like this that does a 30 minute loop?
Hey there. Ya there is. I have one mounted on my Bike (Gsx-r 600) and I use it for fun while riding with buddies. I have an extra that I can send, but i believe I got it for around $150 usd or so. Or you can order online I think, but it's a very portable size. Kinda like half a hot w/bun. Takes memory cards, and depending on res. can record up to 1 hour. 1mg card. Very simple operations. 1 click and you're ready to go. Decided not to go the full size vid cameras, due to mounting frustrations.
I can't seem to find a link for a pic, but it's made by "OregonScientific". I purchased in Hong Kong, so i don't know if they have it in North America, which I'm sure they do. PM me if you want to purchase mine, and we can chat from there.
Where was that incident from? Cops in Van don't usually give you a warning. They either just cuff your ass, or let you go. No need to show who's da boss.
While I'm happy the pig was fired, I have to wonder, how many people are in jail because of him because they had less restraint.

How many people has this cop screwed who didn't have a camera mounted and running in their car?
while I mostly agree, with a bad doc, banker, grocery clerk etc. If they suck or you dont like them you just wont return to use their services.

True. But we all pay for the wrong-doings of others. Enron??? :wink:

Its sad we now need cameras to get any justice or clarify and prove any injustice.

So very true!
Who cleans house if it is a learned behavior from the superiors above them? Seriously? :confused:

You are damn straight, Corruption comes from the top. I see this all the time especially in RE offices. If the person in charge is not corrupt he/she will not allow corrupt people to work underneath them. This is where I come to the conclusion that if there is one corrupt individual in a office they are most likely all corrupt. I have seen plenty of situations where a good person will leave an office because he/she doesn't want to work with corrupt people or corrupt people pushed out of a job where only decent people work.

So you meet someone who is consistently corrupt chances are his/her boss is condoning the behavior or in some case instigating the behavior.

I had situation last week where a RE agent screwed someone. I told him I was going to call the board of realtors. He told do what you have to do. Because he probably knows they will do nothing and he can get away with screwing people. That alone makes it appear to me as if the BOR condones his behavior.
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I feel pretty lucky here in AZ. Every single police officer I have encountered has been extraordinarily polite and professional. At first I thought I was just lucky, but I was wrong!
I feel pretty lucky here in AZ. Every single police officer I have encountered has been extraordinarily polite and professional. At first I thought I was just lucky, but I was wrong!

I consider myself unlucky in AZ. The first time I was ever there, I got a ticket for "cruising"... and I was the passenger. :confused:
It must be an omen, as last night, I got pulled over by a State Trooper in the NSX going 83 in a 70mph zone on the highway. My radar lit up like a Christmas tree, but it was too late. He comes up, asks for my drivers license and registration. I said yes sir, I am going to reach in my glove box now for my registration. He left, came back, and handed me a warning. I thought for sure I was going to get a ticket. He said that I was "cruising pretty steady", and just to slow down. I said I have not had a ticket in 8 years, and he said, well, you are not getting one tonight either. But hey, how do you like your car. I love it I said. And I went on to tell him I have had it for 2+ years now. Is it as fast as it looks he asked. I said yeah, it can get up there. How fast have you had it with a smile on his face. I'd rather not say I replied. He said to be careful merging onto the highway, and to watch out for the tire shreads just ahead. I said thank you, and went on my way. State troopers in Indiana are not famous for letting people off with a warning. :tongue:
Oh Boy...
from CNN

Kid was driving his Dad's "fancy sportscar" and gets arrested for chirping tires while exiting a parking lot, and apparently for being a "spoiled rich kid" since Dad let him drive it? (this one hits close to home for me)

The best part is the beating in the holding cell, and taser threat for failing to comply with a request to sit down...:rolleyes:

Oh Boy...
from CNN

Kid was driving his Dad's "fancy sportscar" and gets arrested for chirping tires while exiting a parking lot, and apparently for being a "spoiled rich kid" since Dad let him drive it? (this one hits close to home for me)

The best part is the beating in the holding cell, and taser threat for failing to comply with a request to sit down...:rolleyes:


I thought you meant the SAME kid in St. Louis... this one deserves a new thread. Idiot Danbury, CT cops.

The cops' voice tone changed once he knew he was being recorded!

Then he continues on the conversation to explain himself and to I guess try to calm down the kid!


Attitude??? Obvious cops aren't Sig "F"ing Freud!!!

This was a bad I dea to watch this early in the morning! I am soo PIssed off and fired up!!!

BUt Hey! I LOVE NSX's!!!!


Keep up the justice, Shifty! I love you video's you post!!!!


The cops' voice tone changed once he knew he was being recorded!

Then he continues on the conversation to explain himself and to I guess try to calm down the kid!


Attitude??? Obvious cops aren't Sig "F"ing Freud!!!

This was a bad I dea to watch this early in the morning! I am soo PIssed off and fired up!!!

BUt Hey! I LOVE NSX's!!!!


Keep up the justice, Shifty! I love you video's you post!!!!


I think you just watched the first video (that cop has already been fired) and not the newest video :).
Oh Boy...
from CNN

Kid was driving his Dad's "fancy sportscar" and gets arrested for chirping tires while exiting a parking lot, and apparently for being a "spoiled rich kid" since Dad let him drive it? (this one hits close to home for me)

The best part is the beating in the holding cell, and taser threat for failing to comply with a request to sit down...:rolleyes:

i'm right there with ya :rolleyes:
Watching this newest video begs the question "Who are the scum behind the badge?" and "Who in the hell gave them the authority and the POWER???" (of which they seem to have an unlimited amount.) My personal belief is that any time a cop (or judge) is caught abusing his authority, or at any time breaks the laws he is sworn to uphold then instant electric chair for him. No trial, no wasting taxpayers' resources. Just rid the world of this waste of a human one by one.
Watching this newest video begs the question "Who are the scum behind the badge?" and "Who in the hell gave them the authority and the POWER???" (of which they seem to have an unlimited amount.) My personal belief is that any time a cop (or judge) is caught abusing his authority, or at any time breaks the laws he is sworn to uphold then instant electric chair for him. No trial, no wasting taxpayers' resources. Just rid the world of this waste of a human one by one.

Where did you live.....North Korea? China?
In my experience, state troopers ( or highway patrol what have you ) are the most professional, followed by city cops, and then finally by sheriff's deputies.

I've never been pulled over ( knock on wood), but after having several incidents, I cannot stand the county sheriff's office. In my county, it's mostly a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" attitude where the deputy's cronies are above the law. I am not impressed.:mad:

However, having said that, my dad's been a cop for 27 years, taken off street duty 10 years ago due to chasing a guy on foot and getting hurt so I have a soft spot for police. I say it's a wildcard and not indicative of the entire force, but you have to watch the relationships of the police as they relate to the guy in charge. If the guy at the top is crooked, you can bet the guys writing you the tickets are crooked as well, but not always.