Cop caught on tape...

I wonder how many people this cop helped convict in the past are now calling their lawyers and filing appeals.

There was a case in my town where the officer set someone. He went to the resturant where the mother of a murderer worked and took the glass off the table that she touched and lifted her finger prints off the glass. Then he said he found the finger prints on the gas that was used in the srime to burn up the bodies of the people her son killed. The son was shot to death when the police raided the house he lived in.
The cop admitted to lifting the prints when he was interveiwing fpr a position for the FBI.
The mother spent several years in jail and upon getting out sued the county for 20 million dollars and got it too. :frown:
I'm going to step "out of character" for a minute:

Many of you people here are spoiled.:mad: Yes, I said it. You're spoiled by the very "system" that you complain about.

Sure, there are bad cops. But zoom out from your microcosm for a second and consider this: There are bad cops in America. And what do we do with bad cops? We sue them. They get fired... whatever. In many places in the world, you can't sue cops. You can't sue "the state."

What do the beat cops carry in the U.S.? A club and a .40 cliber pistol? Guess what they carry in Iraq. A Gloc, and an AK47, and they mount an RPK (a belt-fed machine gun) on every police vehicle. They also have RPGs. These are the regular beat cops... they don't even have any kind of SWAT team over here yet. Why don't the cops need that kind of stuff in the US? Because the "system" works. It's not flawless, but if you can make it flawless... what are you waiting for?

You think you have it bad when an NYPD officer tazes someone as an act of excessive force? Imagine being here, where the phrase "excessive force" doesn't have any meaning whatsoever (to local nationals, but we're teaching it to the police), and the police don't have any non-leathal means of subdual.

Yes, there are bad cops in the US, but quit fussing about it, go through the right channels, and get something done. Or run for office, and make some policy changes. But don't complain about somthing that you're not willing to take steps to change.

If the shoe fits, wear it....

///END RANT///
I'm going to step "out of character" for a minute:

Many of you people here are spoiled.:mad: Yes, I said it. You're spoiled by the very "system" that you complain about.

Sure, there are bad cops. But zoom out from your microcosm for a second and consider this: There are bad cops in America. And what do we do with bad cops? We sue them. They get fired... whatever. In many places in the world, you can't sue cops. You can't sue "the state."

What do the beat cops carry in the U.S.? A club and a .40 cliber pistol? Guess what they carry in Iraq. A Gloc, and an AK47, and they mount an RPK (a belt-fed machine gun) on every police vehicle. They also have RPGs. These are the regular beat cops... they don't even have any kind of SWAT team over here yet. Why don't the cops need that kind of stuff in the US? Because the "system" works. It's not flawless, but if you can make it flawless... what are you waiting for?

You think you have it bad when an NYPD officer tazes someone as an act of excessive force? Imagine being here, where the phrase "excessive force" doesn't have any meaning whatsoever (to local nationals, but we're teaching it to the police), and the police don't have any non-leathal means of subdual.

Yes, there are bad cops in the US, but quit fussing about it, go through the right channels, and get something done. Or run for office, and make some policy changes. But don't complain about somthing that you're not willing to take steps to change.

If the shoe fits, wear it....

///END RANT///

I am sure I would find it very hard to adjust to living in Iraq.
I'm going to step "out of character" for a minute:

Many of you people here are spoiled.:mad: Yes, I said it. You're spoiled by the very "system" that you complain about.

Sure, there are bad cops. But zoom out from your microcosm for a second and consider this: There are bad cops in America. And what do we do with bad cops? We sue them. They get fired... whatever. In many places in the world, you can't sue cops. You can't sue "the state."

What do the beat cops carry in the U.S.? A club and a .40 cliber pistol? Guess what they carry in Iraq. A Gloc, and an AK47, and they mount an RPK (a belt-fed machine gun) on every police vehicle. They also have RPGs. These are the regular beat cops... they don't even have any kind of SWAT team over here yet. Why don't the cops need that kind of stuff in the US? Because the "system" works. It's not flawless, but if you can make it flawless... what are you waiting for?

You think you have it bad when an NYPD officer tazes someone as an act of excessive force? Imagine being here, where the phrase "excessive force" doesn't have any meaning whatsoever (to local nationals, but we're teaching it to the police), and the police don't have any non-leathal means of subdual.

Yes, there are bad cops in the US, but quit fussing about it, go through the right channels, and get something done. Or run for office, and make some policy changes. But don't complain about somthing that you're not willing to take steps to change.

If the shoe fits, wear it....

///END RANT///

I have to disagree with you there.

Why are you comparing the US to Iraq? It's not even a valid comparison. Why not make a comparison with another industrialized nation like Japan? Do police in Japan or the UK carry lethal weapons? No. But somehow their system works. What's your point?

People in the US can sue the department, state, etc. Does the money for the settlement come out of thin air? It comes out of the pockets of the taxpayers. We're not happy when the police is sued for misconduct.

Can we change the system? Sure.. but it's not an easy task. The police union stands in the way when politicians propose making changes to the "work 20 years and we'll give you 50% of the average of your last three years salary" pension system. Residents complain when their taxes increase year over year to cover local govt employee pensions and healthcare. The police argue that crime will increase in their city if police officers are laid off; the residents quiet down their complaints over fear it may come true. Police unions demand officers be allowed to work overtime. In my area, a rookie's salary is around $40k. He will make approximately $20k in overtime.

I could care less about what goes on in Iraq, other than if our soldiers come home safely. I don't see why you even bother making the comparison. The bottom line is, in any profession, people should be held accountable for their actions. In law enforcement, people should be held to a higher standard.

I'm going to step "out of character" for a minute:

Many of you people here are spoiled.:mad: Yes, I said it. You're spoiled by the very "system" that you complain about.

Sure, there are bad cops. But zoom out from your microcosm for a second and consider this: There are bad cops in America. And what do we do with bad cops? We sue them. They get fired... whatever. In many places in the world, you can't sue cops. You can't sue "the state."

What do the beat cops carry in the U.S.? A club and a .40 cliber pistol? Guess what they carry in Iraq. A Gloc, and an AK47, and they mount an RPK (a belt-fed machine gun) on every police vehicle. They also have RPGs. These are the regular beat cops... they don't even have any kind of SWAT team over here yet. Why don't the cops need that kind of stuff in the US? Because the "system" works. It's not flawless, but if you can make it flawless... what are you waiting for?

You think you have it bad when an NYPD officer tazes someone as an act of excessive force? Imagine being here, where the phrase "excessive force" doesn't have any meaning whatsoever (to local nationals, but we're teaching it to the police), and the police don't have any non-leathal means of subdual.

Yes, there are bad cops in the US, but quit fussing about it, go through the right channels, and get something done. Or run for office, and make some policy changes. But don't complain about somthing that you're not willing to take steps to change.

If the shoe fits, wear it....

///END RANT///

WOW! That's a fucked up line of thinking...

so, just because we are still better off than MOST countries, we should just accept it and be glad that we are not being shot for talking back to a cop? WOW! :eek: :rolleyes:
WOW! That's a fucked up line of thinking...

so, just because we are still better off than MOST countries, we should just accept it and be glad that we are not being shot for talking back to a cop? WOW! :eek: :rolleyes:

Heavens no!:eek: That's exactly the opposite of what I'm saying. My point is that there are ways to get what you want, you just have to be willing to work for them.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't complain, but rather than whine about it, stand up! Do something! We have that freedom in the US. Take some initiative.

But for people to say "I hate all cops and none of them deserve any respect..." THAT is a f***ed up way of thinking. That is someone basically profiling cops because of their profession. It's no different than racism. Period.

They sit and fuss and whine because they GOT CAUGHT breaking the law, probably mouthed off and were generally jerks to the officer, and then they have the nerve to say that the cop doesn't deserve any respect?

And then they complain that "the system" allows the cops to get away with murder... No it doesn't. And even if it DID, the people are the ones who created the system, and therefore have the power to change it. The people are the ones who vote on whether to increase taxes for officers' salaries, and the people are the ones who vote each other into office. You don't like the way your mayor/governer/congressman/president is doing his job? Can you do it better? Then run for office. Or join a campaign or support a campaign or SOMETHING.

Many places in the world do not have that freedom, and those people really can't do anything but complain... and they may even be punished for that. I mean, for crying out loud: people have fought, bled, and died to give us the freedom to not only complain, but to ACT on our complaints. Rather than wuss out and cry about it, go kick some political/social/economical butt in the name of what you believe in.

There is another thread floating around about quirks or anal-retentiveness or whatever. I guess one thing that I can't stand is when people complain about a problem to which a solution exists, but they are too lazy (or whatever) to persue it.

As for cops in other countries, my point was that in America we can punish a cop for bruising an arm during an arrest, whereas in other countries, cops really can get away with murder. To not take advantage of that right, espsecially when there's real violence involved is wimpy and inexcusable. A person who doesn't act invalidates his complaint.
It was on the news this morning that the cop has been fired.
took long enough!!!

if the guy is a huge d!ck, Ild drive by and laugh my arse off at him if I was that kid

if the guy was just having a bad night and had it at the wrong time with the worng person, then I have a little remorse.....for his family

What a moron

in reply to "Who is this terd?"
I hope this little POS punk bastard tries his little video stunt with me when I pull him over alone- and I WILL pull him over - because I will see "his gun" and place a hunk of hot lead right where it belongs.

We verified the existence of the post which, until some time around July, was publicly available here. It has been deleted. Because the CopTalk forum allows anonymous posting, only the site's administrator has the ability to confirm the identity of a poster or his status as a law enforcement official. When contacted by TheNewspaper this week, the forum owner had no comment beyond, "Sorry, the posting log I have access to only contains the most recent 300 messages, and that particular message cycled off some time ago."
took long enough!!!

if the guy is a huge d!ck, Ild drive by and laugh my arse off at him if I was that kid

Reminds me of one of my teachers in high school. He was a total d!ck. He beat on us and constantly verbally abused the students. He was also sexually agressive with the females. He is now the guy who mows the park. Serves him right.
Reminds me of one of my teachers in high school. He was a total d!ck. He beat on us and constantly verbally abused the students. He was also sexually agressive with the females. He is now the guy who mows the park. Serves him right.

you dont have any idea how funny that last part is to me :biggrin:
When will these Saint Louis cops learn?

uh-mazing (!) on two counts:

* some members of that police dept haven't yet gotten the message that harassing people isn't a good thing for many reasons, likely among them the loss of their jobs / retirement / future employability.

* i was here to post exactly the same link when i saw you'd beaten me to it!

And cops wonder why they are so hated! It's called the "blue wall of silence". It's a brotherhood that thinks they are above the law. St. Louis PD should just clean house... :mad: