Cop caught on tape...

One problem is that it's too easy to become a cop.

I think a job as a police officer should require a 4 year degree and a spotless background.

Uhh, we would have 1/3 of the cops we have now.:biggrin: IMHO it is really simple. If you paid Police Officers or Teachers more you would get more intelligent, better educated people. If you pay then $35k a yr. then you are not likely to get the best and the brightest.
Uhh, we would have 1/3 of the cops we have now.:biggrin: IMHO it is really simple. If you paid Police Officers or Teachers more you would get more intelligent, better educated people. If you pay then $35k a yr. then you are not likely to get the best and the brightest.

cops make WAY over 35k a year.
Uhh, we would have 1/3 of the cops we have now.:biggrin: IMHO it is really simple. If you paid Police Officers or Teachers more you would get more intelligent, better educated people. If you pay then $35k a yr. then you are not likely to get the best and the brightest.

cops make WAY over 35k a year.

I worked for the 2nd highest paid dept in the Nation (right behind city of Oakland). The quality of the officers doesn't change with the amount of pay. If anything it gives them more of a "holier than thou" attitute. And, most of the officers I worked with DID have a degree, which fueled their ego's even more. Not all of them were bad, but not all of them were good either. Fortunately for that dept the good outweighed the bad.

I believe when it comes to hiring quality personnel, it's more of a matter of demographics. Not so much where the person was raised or lives, but where the dept is located. If you patrol a shitty town, you run into more bad people, and your perspective changes. You work in a higher quality area, and you are less likely to have as much negative contact with the public. You are more likely to have better quality officers in places like Beverly Hills or Upstate New York (I don't know a comparable city on the East Coast?), than let's say Compton or Jersey. I know this is not a definitive outlook, but it's a plausible one.

I'm not saying that any of these reasons is an excuse for the actions of any officers, period. Because its NOT. If you are an officer, you act professionally 100% of the time while in uniform or you will immediately lose any respect you had left after putting on said uniform. The problem is that officers tend to take work related matters personally, when instead they could just bite their tongue, do their job, and save themselves, their dept, and their profession a world of embarrassment...
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Maybe the big brother approach is the only solution. Maybe a video/audio recorder needs to be part of their uniform.

Per the news report- the good sergent must have tampered with his, cause it is now missing.

Well, here we have a legitimate bad apple, pretty clear cut. even ONEADAM12 is part of the concensus on this one, but lets try to remember the counterpoint-

This arse isn't the only cop in America-town. there are lots of good guys doing good things too.

Most employees are closely monitored while working. I don't see any downside to them being recorded while on duty.

The government is allowed to watch us, but we aren't allowed to watch them. :tongue:

If there were video cameras in every cop car, and every jail, there would be a new lawsuit every day.
One problem is that it's too easy to become a cop. Any high school graduate that has run out of options can fall back on becoming a cop. I know an old friend that was a complete idiot - partied 24/7, drove around drunk (has 2 DUIs), smoked weed, sniffed coke, couldn't hold a job, had no direction whatsoever. So where does he turn to? Scottsdale Police! They take him in and now he's patrolling the streets bragging to his friends about how fun it is to bust all the punk ass scottsdale kids.

I think a job as a police officer should require a 4 year degree and a spotless background.

I have an absolutely spotless background, and was actually turned down by LA Sherriff's Dept for basically having too much integrity during the background investigation.

I'm not sure I like the way cops are screened, but I don't know that I have a better way...
I have an absolutely spotless background, and was actually turned down by LA Sherriff's Dept for basically having too much integrity during the background investigation.

I'm not sure I like the way cops are screened, but I don't know that I have a better way...

Geez. That's ridiculous!
This is all to familiar.:mad: Know your rights people, cops are gangsters with badges. F-a cop!

Yeah, yeah,...some of you might say not all cops are like that and some BS that you respect them for what they do, do for us. But fukc that, I'm labeling them as they label/profile me.... They're all dikc heads in my book.

Thus the cycle is perpetuated...
From the Houston Police Dept. web site:

Police Officer ** $37,103.30 - $51,540.32

* Earn up to $32,00.00 while training during 6 month academy and 6 month field training/probation, with a bachelor’s degree.
** Earn over $49,000.00 your second year, with a bachelor’s degree, equipment allowance, shift/ weekend pay, and bilingual pay.
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Per the news report- the good sergent must have tampered with his, cause it is now missing.

Well, here we have a legitimate bad apple, pretty clear cut. even ONEADAM12 is part of the concensus on this one, but lets try to remember the counterpoint-

This arse isn't the only cop in America-town. there are lots of good guys doing good things too.


only the sherrif has the key to open the box with the audio and video
simple backwater lackies trying to cover there own injustice
I hope he rakes in big bucks on this one!!

^^can you believe the sherrifs interview??? the poor kid was baiting and pushing his buttons, and thats a legitimate reason to act the way he did, break the law, and abuse his position??!?! He should be as calm as a cucumber in ANY situtation

I believe it was Ice Cube and NWA that said it best, "F*CK the POLICE!!!"
Well, i must say i am absolutly speechless !!!!!!! I am usually the first one to stand up and defend officers because both sides of the story are not known. However, in this case I in no way can EVER come to even try to defend the actions of this guy. Furthermore whats even more disgraceful to the profession is that he is a SERGEANT to boot. It is guys like this and actions like his that give my profession the bad reputation we get in the eyes of others. I canot for the life of imagine what this guy was thinking. EVEN if this kid was intending on setting him up and provoking him into this kind of reaction, he as a professional should have not stooped to the level he did and acted the way he did. Absolutly unnecessary, uncalled for and unprofessional !!!!

I would like to take this oportunity to APOLIGIZE for the honest hard working officers that truly do our jobs to help the citizens we are sworn to help and protect for the actions of this DUMB ASS. Not only did he belittle, taunt, and insult this guy numerous times, he CLEARLY mis-stated the law (I will say I do not profess to know the laws of the state this happened in).

Whenever anyone wants to start a line to get this dumb ass reprimanded, please include me and I will be happy to take the front of the line in uniform.

PLEASE do NOT let this idiot be the face of my profession !!!!!!!!


Thanks Dave. Most cops I've met are great people like yourself.

There are bad apples in every profession, and the one in the video sounds like he will get his due.

Take care.
The kid is white. What would have happened if he was a minority.

I was just wondering where Jesse Jackson was
guess it only matters when the cop is white and the "victim" is black......and theres plenty of money to be extorted out of the 5 O to make Jesse shut up
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I am confused at how the Chief of Police can condone ANY of the actions of that officer. How is signaling going into a lot slowly suddenly 'driving erratically'? He blames the victim when his officer was totally out of line, and is a disgraceful representation of what we all fear in the police. That they can do what they want without consequence, and really do hold our life in their hands, as they can make up the cause and say we were resisting arrest later on (just like this officer did). The fact that he was not fired immediately suggests that this kind of action is tolerated, and only acted upon now because it is such a public matter. It reminds me of a local video here where several off duty officers were taped driving over 100 mph on the highway, and the video aired on Indy news stations. No punishment at all, and the Chief actually went on the news to say they did nothing wrong, they were just 'excited' to get home from the Academy. It is situations like these, and the poor handling off them when they are brought to light, that I believe is the root of the resentment and divide between the police and the general public.
Well, i must say i am absolutly speechless !!!!!!! I am usually the first one to stand up and defend officers because both sides of the story are not known. However, in this case I in no way can EVER come to even try to defend the actions of this guy. Furthermore whats even more disgraceful to the profession is that he is a SERGEANT to boot. It is guys like this and actions like his that give my profession the bad reputation we get in the eyes of others. I canot for the life of imagine what this guy was thinking. EVEN if this kid was intending on setting him up and provoking him into this kind of reaction, he as a professional should have not stooped to the level he did and acted the way he did. Absolutly unnecessary, uncalled for and unprofessional !!!!

I would like to take this oportunity to APOLIGIZE for the honest hard working officers that truly do our jobs to help the citizens we are sworn to help and protect for the actions of this DUMB ASS. Not only did he belittle, taunt, and insult this guy numerous times, he CLEARLY mis-stated the law (I will say I do not profess to know the laws of the state this happened in).

Whenever anyone wants to start a line to get this dumb ass reprimanded, please include me and I will be happy to take the front of the line in uniform.

PLEASE do NOT let this idiot be the face of my profession !!!!!!!!


Thank you. It is good to see that someone in the profession also sees how unacceptable this is. Despite my own personal opinions, I do hold out hope that the majority of law enforcement is good at heart. Your statement makes me feel that this is possible, and glad that there are a few good guys out there with a badge actually protecting us from the bad guys instead of being one themselves.
I had a great experience with an officer today.

I turned right on a no right turn corner, to see him standing right infront of my motioning me to the curb, in my NSX.

I honestly didnt know I couldnt turn right there. I actually knew he was there because I passed down the road 10 mintues prior; on my return I didnt know that I could not turn right onto the street, I thought he was taking only those who turned left.

I appologized profusely, told him (truthfully) that I didnt know that I couldnt turn right there and that when I was in the intersection (and thus below any signs) I made a last minute decision to make the turn.

He let me off.

Today makes up for the poor experience I had with a real jerk of an officer a year ago.