Cop caught on tape...

i agree that not all cops are like this
but this type of thing happens way too often. i know it's unavoidable, depending on the situation, but stupid shit like this happens way too often.
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... and the officer isn't even considered to have done anything wrong. bullshit. anybody else got in your face and pepper sprayed you because they thought they gave you a 20 would've went to prison. AND THESE ASSHOLES SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

fact of the matter is, there are good cops, but at the same time there are total dumbass, egotistical, shitheads "enforcing" laws. if you ask me.... they need to stop "enforcing" for the sake of enforcing and start PROTECTING and SERVING people.

the mere fact that they are enforcing what is the law should give them LESS leniency when a crime is committed (because, like douchebag said: he knows the law). and they should never get hot-headed toward civilians in situations like the above videos (maybe others, but not these). unacceptable. somebody just kill these dickheads and make the world a better place (for civilians, and the cops that have to take the flak for these no talent ass clowns)
Wow. I didn't now we've met.
I guess I worded my response wrong in that I meant to say the attitudes of all the posters defending cops (who, in my opinion, are hardly ever not in the wrong) gets old and stale when clearly there is more evidence these days of corrupt and just plain evil men in blue. Sorry for singling you out as I must've confused you with other posters in a thread several months back where they make it their full time job to lambaste anyone attacking law enforcement regardless of the growing evidence (and sentiment) against them.
It sounds like you agree w/ the other poster that all officers are bad, and that's ok. You are entitled to your opinion. Hopefully you never need an officer, and if you do, be sure to turn him/her away.
Over the years the few times I've asked their assistance it was met with a bunch of b.s. That, or they had their own ideas about how to diffuse the situation. It's all about them not wanting to waste their precious time away from tea parties with their fellow comrades or from traffic "harassment" duty. I can honestly say that I've never had any positive interaction with any cop (all their doing), and have not even an iota of respect for any of them.
I guess I worded my response wrong in that I meant to say the attitudes of all the posters defending cops (who, in my opinion, are hardly ever not in the wrong) gets old and stale when clearly there is more evidence these days of corrupt and just plain evil men in blue. Sorry for singling you out as I must've confused you with other posters in a thread several months back where they make it their full time job to lambaste anyone attacking law enforcement regardless of the growing evidence (and sentiment) against them.

Over the years the few times I've asked their assistance it was met with a bunch of b.s. That, or they had their own ideas about how to diffuse the situation. It's all about them not wanting to waste their precious time away from tea parties with their fellow comrades or from traffic "harassment" duty. I can honestly say that I've never had any positive interaction with any cop (all their doing), and have not even an iota of respect for any of them.

hehe, i like that- "tea parties"
so true.... :tongue:
This is all to familiar.:mad: Know your rights people, cops are gangsters with badges. F-a cop!

Yeah, yeah,...some of you might say not all cops are like that and some BS that you respect them for what they do, do for us. But fukc that, I'm labeling them as they label/profile me.... They're all dikc heads in my book.

It is people like you who have taken this site down from a great place to hang out to a place I don't care if I ever return.

Your language, and your attitude is inapropriate for a reputable site. I can tell that you are the type that disrespects police any chance you can and that you probably deserve the attitude that receive. If you act like an idiot you are going to be treated like one.

I will be the first to say that the cop in the first video should be fired and if they find that he ever did fabricate arrests he should be put in jail. But reading your comments about ALL cops and what you call them makes me sick. I hope you never have to get in a situation where one saves your life, but if you do I think your attitude would change quite a bit.

I have only run into good and helpful police, but I fully know that there can be quite a few bad apples in any profession.
i agree that not all cops are like this
but this type of thing happens way too often. i know it's unavoidable, depending on the situation, but stupid shit like this happens way too often.
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... and the officer isn't even considered to have done anything wrong. bullshit. anybody else got in your face and pepper sprayed you because they thought they gave you a 20 would've went to prison. AND THESE ASSHOLES SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

fact of the matter is, there are good cops, but at the same time there are total dumbass, egotistical, shitheads "enforcing" laws. if you ask me.... they need to stop "enforcing" for the sake of enforcing and start PROTECTING and SERVING people.

the mere fact that they are enforcing what is the law should give them LESS leniency when a crime is committed (because, like douchebag said: he knows the law). and they should never get hot-headed toward civilians in situations like the above videos (maybe others, but not these). unacceptable. somebody just kill these dickheads and make the world a better place (for civilians, and the cops that have to take the flak for these no talent ass clowns)

Another real winner of a post! So you think someone who threatens to arrest someone else should be killed. Or someone who jumps the gun to arrest someone he thought was stealing and takes them into custody using the only means he has to not use excessive force should be killed.

I think both of these police didn't act correctly in the situation and should be punished. The first video was much worse in my opinion than the 2nd but they both acted very poorly. To suggest that all of these police should be killed is very inappropriate.

Again these types of posts is bringing this site down to the levels of FChat.

Good Job guys! :frown:
I think this falls upon the same type of argument as religion and politics. On one side you have the people who either have been abused by police in the past or are simply on the cop hating bandwagon, and on the other side we have the people who either have not had any police incidents and those of us who have had to deal with police but out of our own stupidity. It is almost a given that the people on either sides of this spectrum are unlikely to change their opinions.

For the record, I love the police. When I speed I get caught. When I drive normally, they don't give me a second glance. I've been yelled at once and threatened with prison time but it was understandable as I had a firearm under my seat.
The Internet is great. It is the "Kings' eyes and ears" as well as "Peoples eyes and ears"

As I have predicted in the past, which is not too difficult to reason why.. I believe as the price comes down, quality of video-camera hardware goes up, all citizens and especially public officials on streets think twice about any perceived wrongful action. This is good. The "Pre-Crime" (eg Minority Report) effect will be in to play!

This might take time, but we'll be there...2,5, 10 years at most.

Back to the topic - It sucks that this happened, and this is clear evidence that it DOES happen and is not just a tall tale - but it is only one of the majority of professional stops.

In my experience - I've had a number of different traffic stops over the last.. nearly 10 years and can say that the overwhelming majority were very professionals. Some sucked though, especially one....Basically, when I was 16, I got pulled over and the cop after speeding through a yellow light (35 in a 25 at most, believe me this was a 1980 VW JETTA 200k+ miles AT. I was behind someone and didn't want to miss it...)

He was yelling at me so I said.. in a very polite manner (don't laugh..) "Officer, could you lower your tone of voice, please?" I don't like people yelling at me.. He said, "What did you say? Step out of the car.." and went to arrest me in a public parking lot on Sat morning. When asked why, he said "because I was being a snot.." and presumed to say that I must be on drugs because my eyes were bloodshot from having an eye condition which makes them really irritated, especially after staying up the previous night; I dont and have never used drugs btw.. I ended up being charged with a reckless and had to get a lawyer to negotiate to a 'neg 2' with classes + fines (~$500) which I had to pay since my parents were poor and I worked at McDonals for $5.15 / hour ( I remeber exactly..) + community service. Fun stuff, never forget it.

Anyway, sometimes this happens! But as long as he didn't get a beating or falsely arrested and charged, good for him!
i agree that not all cops are like this
but this type of thing happens way too often. i know it's unavoidable, depending on the situation, but stupid shit like this happens way too often.
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... and the officer isn't even considered to have done anything wrong. bullshit. anybody else got in your face and pepper sprayed you because they thought they gave you a 20 would've went to prison. AND THESE ASSHOLES SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

fact of the matter is, there are good cops, but at the same time there are total dumbass, egotistical, shitheads "enforcing" laws. if you ask me.... they need to stop "enforcing" for the sake of enforcing and start PROTECTING and SERVING people.

the mere fact that they are enforcing what is the law should give them LESS leniency when a crime is committed (because, like douchebag said: he knows the law). and they should never get hot-headed toward civilians in situations like the above videos (maybe others, but not these). unacceptable. somebody just kill these dickheads and make the world a better place (for civilians, and the cops that have to take the flak for these no talent ass clowns)

That cop deserves to have his genitals pepper-sprayed.

The funniest part about that video was the guy peeking through the window thinking: "What about my apple pie?" :biggrin:
it's called exaggeration. i just got done saying that THESE PARTICULAR OFFICERS are bad examples of cops, and the that punishment in general for police officers should be worse than civilians, because they KNOW THE LAW BETTER.

if you can't treat people decently, cop or not, then you have issues. i don't care how bad of a day you've had - you better have a damn good excuse as to why you're taking it out on somebody you don't even know. but giving a cop a little "attitude" for getting pulled over for no reason for him to flip out.
Another real winner of a post! So you think someone who threatens to arrest someone else should be killed. Or someone who jumps the gun to arrest someone he thought was stealing and takes them into custody using the only means he has to not use excessive force should be killed.

I think both of these police didn't act correctly in the situation and should be punished. The first video was much worse in my opinion than the 2nd but they both acted very poorly. To suggest that all of these police should be killed is very inappropriate.

Again these types of posts is bringing this site down to the levels of FChat.

Good Job guys! :frown:

I think the guy should at least lose his job. It pisses me off because if I were shorted, or thought I was shorted, and I called the cops they would laugh. I bet they wouldn't even show up to "help me." In fact about 90% of the time I call the police they tell me they can't help me because it's a civil matter I am calling about. Oh and then the times they do help me I get billed for it. It is now mandatory when doing evictions that I have a police officer with me and that costs me 159 dollars and they get to do it when it is convenient for them. I may have the eviction order in my hand for a week before I can get the cops to go with me. It really helps that we placate them with donuts, that not a joke either. I feel bad for the landlords who don't bring the donuts down to the station and have the tenant living there without paying for another month while the cops sit on their asses eating our donuts. And for that matter if I didn't have to pay the $159 before.... then the service was paid through the taxes. Now I am paying more money in for the service I want some of my taxes back dam nit! NYS has done this with so many services. Law enforcement IMO is a joke compared to what it was 20 years ago. I think the cop at the drive through was completely abusing his power. Just last week a cop arrested a McDonalds worker because the cop had too much salt on his hamburger. These cops are demanding respect and know they are not getting it so they are demanding harder. I have never seen anyone get respect because they feel they deserve it, respect is earned regardless of who you are.

Carguy don't leave the site I really enjoy reading your posts and looking at the CGT in your avatar.
I've been yelled at once and threatened with prison time but it was understandable as I had a firearm under my seat.

You had a permit for the gun? If you did have a permit then it is not understandable to me. Permit means I can have and you can't yell.
I think the guy should at least lose his job. It pisses me off because if I were shorted, or thought I was shorted, and I called the cops they would laugh. I bet they wouldn't even show up to "help me." In fact about 90% of the time I call the police they tell me they can't help me because it's a civil matter I am calling about. Oh and then the times they do help me I get billed for it. It is now mandatory when doing evictions that I have a police officer with me and that costs me 159 dollars and they get to do it when it is convenient for them. I may have the eviction order in my hand for a week before I can get the cops to go with me. It really helps that we placate them with donuts, that not a joke either. I feel bad for the landlords who don't bring the donuts down to the station and have the tenant living there without paying for another month while the cops sit on their asses eating our donuts. And for that matter if I didn't have to pay the $159 before.... then the service was paid through the taxes. Now I am paying more money in for the service I want some of my taxes back dam nit! NYS has done this with so many services. Law enforcement IMO is a joke compared to what it was 20 years ago. I think the cop at the drive through was completely abusing his power. Just last week a cop arrested a McDonalds worker because the cop had too much salt on his hamburger. These cops are demanding respect and know they are not getting it so they are demanding harder. I have never seen anyone get respect because they feel they deserve it, respect is earned regardless of who you are.

Carguy don't leave the site I really enjoy reading your posts and looking at the CGT in your avatar.

i would not fire this guy. but i would tell him if anything like this happens again
he gets a month off without pay, and a third time he is fired.
if this particular officer does have a history of complaints that is out of normal for his job, then i would tell him next time this happens he is fired.
as most of us know, it can be very difficult to fire an employee especially without documentation. and cops are placed in very difficult situations so you are going to get a lot of complaints.
in the old days (40 years ago) cops were told the following.
"i want you guys to go out and clean up this town and kick some ass".
now they are told
"the city lost a lot of money in lawsuits last year because the proper arrest
procedures were not followed, please go over you procedure manual if you have any questions".
personally i think this is an improvement but a lot of cops have not gotten the message yet.
and i can see why the recent victim of a mugging or rape might like the old ways better.
a camera on every lightpole would be fine with me. i bet crime would drop significantly as would
bad behavior by civilians. the loss of privacy would not bother me.
This made the front page of CNN this morning. Here.
I think the guy should at least lose his job. It pisses me off because if I were shorted, or thought I was shorted, and I called the cops they would laugh. I bet they wouldn't even show up to "help me." In fact about 90% of the time I call the police they tell me they can't help me because it's a civil matter I am calling about. Oh and then the times they do help me I get billed for it. It is now mandatory when doing evictions that I have a police officer with me and that costs me 159 dollars and they get to do it when it is convenient for them. I may have the eviction order in my hand for a week before I can get the cops to go with me. It really helps that we placate them with donuts, that not a joke either. I feel bad for the landlords who don't bring the donuts down to the station and have the tenant living there without paying for another month while the cops sit on their asses eating our donuts. And for that matter if I didn't have to pay the $159 before.... then the service was paid through the taxes. Now I am paying more money in for the service I want some of my taxes back dam nit! NYS has done this with so many services. Law enforcement IMO is a joke compared to what it was 20 years ago. I think the cop at the drive through was completely abusing his power. Just last week a cop arrested a McDonalds worker because the cop had too much salt on his hamburger. These cops are demanding respect and know they are not getting it so they are demanding harder. I have never seen anyone get respect because they feel they deserve it, respect is earned regardless of who you are.

Carguy don't leave the site I really enjoy reading your posts and looking at the CGT in your avatar.

That sounds crazy that they are forcing you to use their services! I know of a bar close to one of mine that has fights virtually every weekend and they make them pay for a cop to stand at the front door during Friday and Saturday to help stop the violence. This makes sense to me but charging for evicting someone is a joke.

We give free food at our restaurant / bar to police and if we have any problems a manager calls and there are plenty of cops at our location in about three minutes. My managing partner's father used to be Chief of Police in the town, so I they would probably respond quickly for us anyway.
One problem is that it's too easy to become a cop. Any high school graduate that has run out of options can fall back on becoming a cop. I know an old friend that was a complete idiot - partied 24/7, drove around drunk (has 2 DUIs), smoked weed, sniffed coke, couldn't hold a job, had no direction whatsoever. So where does he turn to? Scottsdale Police! They take him in and now he's patrolling the streets bragging to his friends about how fun it is to bust all the punk ass scottsdale kids.

I think a job as a police officer should require a 4 year degree and a spotless background.
I think a job as a police officer should require a 4 year degree and a spotless background.

The RCMP in Canada do an intense background check on anyone wanting to join the force. They subject you to numerous written tests, polygraphs, and then interview everyone you've ever known. You have to be 5 years with not a single traffic ticket and I believe something like 7-10 years clean of marijuana. Any other substances and they simply say no.
Since it is 9/11. pay some respect to those NYPD officers who lost their lives for us citizens.

Don't forget, before 9-11 unjustifiably whitewashed their image, the NYPD had a far more sinister, far more realistic, and far more deserved reputation. Are we supposed to forget this fact, (and ignore reality), simply because twenty-three police officers happened to die on the same day that 15 times as many firemen died, and 130 times as many civilians died?

These questions become even more pressing in light of a credible report that the NYC Police Department may in fact be largely responsible for the tragic and unnecessary deaths of firemen on 9-11. According to an independent study commissioned by the City of New York, the failure of the NYPD to share vital information with the FDNY in a timely manner contributed to the horrific carnage among the firemen.
Well, i must say i am absolutly speechless !!!!!!! I am usually the first one to stand up and defend officers because both sides of the story are not known. However, in this case I in no way can EVER come to even try to defend the actions of this guy. Furthermore whats even more disgraceful to the profession is that he is a SERGEANT to boot. It is guys like this and actions like his that give my profession the bad reputation we get in the eyes of others. I canot for the life of imagine what this guy was thinking. EVEN if this kid was intending on setting him up and provoking him into this kind of reaction, he as a professional should have not stooped to the level he did and acted the way he did. Absolutly unnecessary, uncalled for and unprofessional !!!!

I would like to take this oportunity to APOLIGIZE for the honest hard working officers that truly do our jobs to help the citizens we are sworn to help and protect for the actions of this DUMB ASS. Not only did he belittle, taunt, and insult this guy numerous times, he CLEARLY mis-stated the law (I will say I do not profess to know the laws of the state this happened in).

Whenever anyone wants to start a line to get this dumb ass reprimanded, please include me and I will be happy to take the front of the line in uniform.

PLEASE do NOT let this idiot be the face of my profession !!!!!!!!

This year my car was almost hit from the side by an army officer driving government's car. I send the message thru our local news website and it was deleted. All the time he was tailgating me.
On one side you have the people who either have been abused by police in the past or are simply on the cop hating bandwagon, and on the other side we have the people who either have not had any police incidents and those of us who have had to deal with police but out of our own stupidity.

While most of the time this may be true, I don't believe it is as black and white as that. There are also A LOT of people who are just on the sidelines and they call it as they see it. I used to be a cop... for three years. I don't love cops, nor do I hate them. I hate the ones that are in the previous videos, with good reason, because they are not only disrespecting the citezens, but also also disrespecting themselves, their respective departments, and the occupation as a whole. Yes, I post a lot of these so called cop-bashing videos, but are they really? Or are they just making people aware? If it weren't for the internet and people ciculating this video the way they have, this prick would still be patrolling the streets. If I see a good cop video, or have a good experience with a cop, I will post it, and I have. I have had both good and bad experiences with cops, and all of them were a reflection of my attitude.

I would like to take this oportunity to APOLIGIZE for the honest hard working officers that truly do our jobs to help the citizens we are sworn to help and protect for the actions of this DUMB ASS. Not only did he belittle, taunt, and insult this guy numerous times, he CLEARLY mis-stated the law (I will say I do not profess to know the laws of the state this happened in).


Dave, I'm sorry you feel the need to apologize for this officers actions. But this is one of the MANY reasons that I am no longer an officer (we've already had that discussion :biggrin: ). The profession doesn't get near the respect that it deserves, but how can it with so many bad apples such as this one. I can't count the number of times I have been disrespected just because somebody had a bad experience with another cop and just assumed I would be the same way. Hopefully these same people never have a bad experience with someone of another race... :rolleyes:
Ive been in a situation where the cop acted EXACTLY like that, from taunts to threat of fabrications. The whole nine yards. This is now why evrytime I get pulled over I start recording on my cell phone the stop,maybe someday it'll come useful.

This is a perfect example of my theory on cops. Theres two kinds, the kind that actually cares about society and enforcing the law and the kind that got teased and picked on throughout highschool and finally got sick of working at McDonalds and are now out to get the respect they were never givin by abusing their power. I personally know of one tool bag I went to school with that fits the latter perfectly. I remember to wuss always coming to school in cop boots and driving a retired cop car braggin how his dad was a cop and how he is going to be one and even threatening revenge on those that made fun of him when he becomes a cop. He specificly told me how if he ever sees me in the NSX I was to get that he would pull me over for nothing and tow it.
Ive come across a few others that acted this same way and are on the power trips and full of threats like these.
Are these the great men we are suposed to repect and look up to??

Sadly, there are more d-bag tool cops than there are ones that actually care about enforcing the law rather than abusing it