Confirmed: Replacement will be Front Engine setup.

I am not sure about the whole design being farmed out, but I know with tires, brakes, etc. they may try many different offerings before settling on the OEM choice, which in many cases can be a $$-driven decision instead of the best possible product for the job.
whatisreal7 said:
Is it common in the automobile industry for companies to farm out conceptual designs to many design houses, each with different requirements, and at the end of the day, collect all the renders/designs to make a decision? I can see how this particulary design house in LA, of which a prime member knows a friend who works there, happens to be designing a front-engined NSX "option", whereas other design houses are designing a mid-engined and rear-engined HSC.

Yes. Its very common, hence the different studios around the world. Another thing that happens quite a bit is farming out a design to a competing company. Nissan/Renault did this with the G35 coupe....they wanted a really cool design, the let their in house design studios around the world do it, but they also hired other design studios (often called design, Frog Design, IDEO, Pininfarina, The Fuse Project, DesignWorks (BMW)).

With the G35, the winner happened to be Porsche. Yup, you heard me. Porsche designed the G35 coupe...not Nissan, not Renault. They pretty much won the "competition". Its similar to what happens in the military industry....air force asks Boeing, Lockhead Martin, Northrop and etc. to come up with the next "whatever"...the winner gets the contract.

So in this case, Nissan was like "Well...we want to sell alot of these...Porsche's design was better than ours, so we'll use their design (that we hired them to do) to produce the G35 coupe."

Another example is Pininfarina. Honda hired them in the past to do a concept design. I forgot what it was was the black/chrome Honda concept car.
Spinner said:
Yes. Its very common, hence the different studios around the world. Another thing that happens quite a bit is farming out a design to a competing company. Nissan/Renault did this with the G35 coupe....they wanted a really cool design, the let their in house design studios around the world do it, but they also hired other design studios (often called design, Frog Design, IDEO, Pininfarina, The Fuse Project, DesignWorks (BMW)).

With the G35, the winner happened to be Porsche. Yup, you heard me. Porsche designed the G35 coupe...not Nissan, not Renault. They pretty much won the "competition". Its similar to what happens in the military industry....air force asks Boeing, Lockhead Martin, Northrop and etc. to come up with the next "whatever"...the winner gets the contract.

So in this case, Nissan was like "Well...we want to sell alot of these...Porsche's design was better than ours, so we'll use their design (that we hired them to do) to produce the G35 coupe."

Another example is Pininfarina. Honda hired them in the past to do a concept design. I forgot what it was was the black/chrome Honda concept car.

I am not saying you are incorrect, as I have no real knowledge of this aspect of the industry, but it seems odd that Porsche would design a product to compete with them. I can understand them designing a watch or other non-auto item, but wouldn't this be like Apple asking Iriver to design a new MP3 player for them?
Shumdit said:
I am not saying you are incorrect, as I have no real knowledge of this aspect of the industry, but it seems odd that Porsche would design a product to compete with them. I can understand them designing a watch or other non-auto item, but wouldn't this be like Apple asking Iriver to design a new MP3 player for them?

Yeah, it does sound strange, but thats how the industry works for some reason....kinda like making IPODS compatible with PCs. I don't think Porsche was worried about the G35 stealing any potential 911 sales...

I don't know what the business details are...I guess they just offered Porsche alot of money for their services.:biggrin:
whatisreal7 said:
Is it common in the automobile industry for companies to farm out conceptual designs to many design houses, each with different requirements, and at the end of the day, collect all the renders/designs to make a decision? I can see how this particulary design house in LA, of which a prime member knows a friend who works there, happens to be designing a front-engined NSX "option", whereas other design houses are designing a mid-engined and rear-engined HSC.

Well if Honda are only at the conceptual design phase now... Then the car, (whatever it is.) is still more than 3 years away!

That'a 2010 or later!
Spinner said:
With the G35, the winner happened to be Porsche. Yup, you heard me. Porsche designed the G35 coupe...not Nissan, not Renault. They pretty much won the "competition".

So in this case, Nissan was like "Well...we want to sell alot of these...Porsche's design was better than ours, so we'll use their design (that we hired them to do) to produce the G35 coupe."

No big surprise here. It is common knowledge that Porsche makes more money from designing for other car companies than they make manufacturing & selling cars.
AU_NSX said:
Well if Honda are only at the conceptual design phase now... Then the car, (whatever it is.) is still more than 3 years away!

That'a 2010 or later!

That's what I was a way, its probably a good thing...let Toyota, Nissan and whoever come out with their Flagship sports cars first and then do whatever it takes to beat it.
Spinner said:
That's what I was a way, its probably a good thing...let Toyota, Nissan and whoever come out with their Flagship sports cars first and then do whatever it takes to beat it.

I have never heard of this one, Porsche designed the G35. I'm not questioning you, but curious where you got that information. I have read on a Japanese article that the chief designer of the G35 is a Japanese guy, with European styling house.

Yeah, with the body of Enzo designed by a Japanse guy, I believe it.

I am pertty sure that, Honda only uses in house team to design their production cars. They have however, used pinniferina design on some of their show/concept cars.
Vancehu said:
I have never heard of this one, Porsche designed the G35. I'm not questioning you, but curious where you got that information.

It's just more pure unadulterated Internet bullshit. The G35 was desgned in-house under the supervision of Infiniti's chief designer Scott Fessenden.
Hugh said:
It's just more pure unadulterated Internet bullshit. The G35 was desgned in-house under the supervision of Infiniti's chief designer Scott Fessenden.

I thought that was the case, because my buddie at Nissan Corp in Torrance told me it was styled in California for the US market, with the assistance of Renault. He brought over the prototype G35 and 350z six months before they hit the show room - over to my house to show them off. It was weird driving those car, I never care much for them because the gear boxes on those prototype were pertty clunky. Kinda killed my "first" impression on them. My little brother however, is on his second G35, he love the car.

But anyway, back on track... Let's talk about the NSX replacement.
Vancehu said:
But anyway, back on track... Let's talk about the NSX replacement.

Well that'll be a short discussion... :biggrin:

lets see Honda started the NSX design in 1986, and came out with a prototype in 1989 and then released it to the public in 1990...

It would seem that design started this year (assumption) 2006, we could expect a prototype in 2009 and we could see them on the showroom floor say sometime 2010...
The NSX design had a great deal of help from design house Pinnafarina. Pinnafarina designed the concept for Honda and Honda tweak it for production. It is not something Honda talks about much.
Silver F16 said:
The NSX design had a great deal of help from design house Pinnafarina. Pinnafarina designed the concept for Honda and Honda tweak it for production. It is not something Honda talks about much.

I'd like to see a verifiable source for this little tidbit of information. Sounds like more message board bullshit that probably got spawned by some lamer on a Ferrari site.

The NSX design began in 1985 by Masato Nakano and Kazuhiro Ichinose at Honda's design studio in Saitama. This was all done in extreme secrecy and nothing was farmed out. Pininfarina had as much to do with the production NSX as Uganda has with the United States' space program. :)

Honda does have a long standing and well known relationship with Pininfarina and many people confuse the HP-X prototype car displayed at the 1984 Turin auto show as the predecessor to the NSX.
Information, rumors, and damned lies

I spoke to an Acura regional person the other day about another issue and she said the best information, ie. rumor, that they have is the new NSX will be a 2010 model. There are no details whatsoever about the configuration. It is possible it will be a FlexFuel vehicle since so many go to CA. She said there is a lot of internal US pressure for E85 within the organization.
She also said Honda, Lexus and Toyota are seeing their hybrid sales tanking except for 4 cylinder models. So look for them to offer 4 cylinder models only in the future. I told them that they should have taken a page from hi-tech industry to understand that only early adopters would buy such a kludge and once the Birkenstock types bought theirs that would be that. She agreed. However, they still have a long term r&d program for hydrogen but had no details and knew of no plans to actualy offer a car.
She said Honda took innumerable samples of 10% ethanol gasoline in CA from retail stations and found that almost all measured between 15-23% ethanol. (This could be why people are complaining about unusually poor mileage with 10% gas.) She said not to worry since all modern cars can tolerate up to 25% ethanol without any problems. My comment was it was significant that folks were being charged for 90% gasoline and not getting it. She smiled.
She is from the Mountain states where E85 is plentiful and has been running an old AUDI beater (as opposed to a new AUDI beater) on it for over a year and has found NO problems with fuel system leaks, rot and so on. She said another car company found the main system that fails is the fuel regulator or any other fitting that has silicone hoses, o-rings, etc. She was surprised by this but that is what they found. This backs up research from some midwestern university that ranks commonly used compounds for ethanol compatibility. She remembered stainless steel and anodized aluminum is the best and silicone is the worst but couldn't remember the paper but is on the 'Net somewhere.
I'm not a chemist so I can add no authority to these claims.
Re: Information, rumors, and damned lies

ivanj said:
I spoke to an Acura regional person the other day...

:confused: This person would know less than we do at this point. Especially Acura. We don't even know if this car will be an Acura or Honda or a Zoomba.

I'm not busting your chops here but we have come to know what reliable sources of info are on prototypes and future models and typically regional sales managers/coordinators are not it.

The other info she shared is probably more accurate and thanks for sharing it.
Hugh said:
It's just more pure unadulterated Internet bullshit. The G35 was desgned in-house under the supervision of Infiniti's chief designer Scott Fessenden.

The G35 sedan was designed in house. The Coupe was Porsche. I got the information from my instructor ( of the chief designers for Honda).
Silver F16 said:
The NSX design had a great deal of help from design house Pinnafarina. Pinnafarina designed the concept for Honda and Honda tweak it for production. It is not something Honda talks about much.

I haven't heard this information either.....
Vancehu said:
I have never heard of this one, Porsche designed the G35. I'm not questioning you, but curious where you got that information. I have read on a Japanese article that the chief designer of the G35 is a Japanese guy, with European styling house.

Yeah, with the body of Enzo designed by a Japanse guy, I believe it.

I am pertty sure that, Honda only uses in house team to design their production cars. They have however, used pinniferina design on some of their show/concept cars.

G35 sedan was all renault/nissan in house. As far as Honda, yeah, I've never heard of an aftermarket company doing concepts for production cars for Honda. Production cars if I'm not mistaken, have always been in-house.

Some of the crazier concepts are also handled by the American studios. The Honda Spocket was designed by another instructor of mine (Bernard) and was in-house. Fortunetly it never made production:biggrin: Oops...did I say that out loud?
Re: Information, rumors, and damned lies

NSXGMS said:
:confused: This person would know less than we do at this point. Especially Acura. We don't even know if this car will be an Acura or Honda or a Zoomba.

I'm not busting your chops here but we have come to know what reliable sources of info are on prototypes and future models and typically regional sales managers/coordinators are not it.

The other info she shared is probably more accurate and thanks for sharing it.
The person was not in sales. "She" is actually a pastiche of several people I have spoken with to protect identities and confidences, I bow to your higher info since all I got was rumors. All I know is the dealership wasn't willing to take an order based on "her " info!
Re: Information, rumors, and damned lies

NSXGMS said:
:confused: This person would know less than we do at this point. Especially Acura. We don't even know if this car will be an Acura or Honda or a Zoomba.

Actually that's the only thing we do know for sure. It will be an Acura. Oh yeah, we can also be reasonably sure it will have 4 wheels, a motor and a choice of colors. Anything beyond that is pure speculation.
Re: Information, rumors, and damned lies

Hugh said:
Actually that's the only thing we do know for sure. It will be an Acura. Oh yeah, we can also be reasonably sure it will have 4 wheels, a motor and a choice of colors. Anything beyond that is pure speculation.
You forgot to mention leather seating, glass windows, in-dash CD player with iLink, and... maybe, maybe Navi system.