Confirmed: Replacement will be Front Engine setup.

AU_NSX said:
Yes and the recent management are completely to blame for the NSX's TOTAL lack of further development after he died! Yes they kept building it but invested zero in its future development!

They are also to blame for Honda now exiting totally from producing sportscars! Honda are a company building economically safe & mass produced boring everyday transport vehicles.

This situation would NEVER have been allowed to happen had Soichiro lived on!

Even all their Formula 1 engineers left and went to Ferrari when the new Honda management axed the funding for F1 shortly after he died! Have a look at the "N" for Nippon in a little white sticker on the Ferrari F1 in front of the steering wheel next time!

Whether you want to accept it or not... Honda are not the company they were when they developed the NSX...

//"Don't conspiracy what you can explain by incompetence," //:biggrin:
AU_NSX said:
Yes and the recent management are completely to blame for the NSX's TOTAL lack of further development after he died! Yes they kept building it but invested zero in its future development!

Not true. Soichiro died in 1992. The NSX had several key refinements made after his death. The most notable being the 6 speed tranny and larger engine.

What else was there to do? The car was virtually perfect when it was introduced. It still regularly humiliates cars costing 2 or 3 three times it's price and cars with more than twice its horsepower on the racetrack.

Honda is first and foremost a publicly traded company. Consider it a miracle we even have the first gen NSX. Their primary obligation is to their shareholders and that means building cars that will sell in large numbers and generate profit. A car like the NSX and it's future sibling are purely halo cars that showcase the company's engineering talents, create public awareness and get people into showrooms. You can't compare Honda to a boutique manufacturer like Ferrari or Lamborghini. They have the luxury of churning out the latest greatest sports car every two or three years but they have to because the ones they build are mechanical nightmares that can't even be driven they way they were intended. But when a giant like Honda flexes its muscles and decides to build a new supercar, you can bet your cute little Aussie ass that our friends over in Italy are getting newly diagnosed cases of acid reflux disease, uncontrollable bowel movements and migraines. Because not only will it trounce anything their silly little factories in the Alps will spit out for the next ten years, it will be reliable and economical to service.

I can't wait to see what Honda has in store for them in a couple of years.
Hugh said:
Not true. Soichiro died in 1992. The NSX had several key refinements made after his death. The most notable being the 6 speed tranny and larger engine.
I'm sure those upgrades were already in the pipeline before he died... Car companies usually design and then R & D changes etc 5-10 years in advance of when we see them!

The 2002 update was forced on them as well due to the new pedestrian impact standards which the pop-up lights wouldn't pass...

Hugh said:
What else was there to do? The car was virtually perfect when it was introduced. It still regularly humiliates cars costing 2 or 3 three times it's price and cars with more than twice its horsepower on the racetrack..
Yes I totally agree... But, they could have spent a bare minimum like Porsche does every couple of years to give the engine say another 200cc and tweak the suspension, upgrade the TCS electronics, release JDM only models like the Type-R into international markets... Basically keep the car a step ahead of the competition and in the public and motoring press faces!

But they didn't... Honda basically forgot about future R&D and let the NSX just die a slow death... Like a relic of the Soichiro years....

Hugh said:
Honda is first and foremost a publicly traded company. Consider it a miracle we even have the first gen NSX. Their primary obligation is to their shareholders and that means building cars that will sell in large numbers and generate profit. A car like the NSX and it's future sibling are purely halo cars that showcase the company's engineering talents, create public awareness and get people into showrooms. You can't compare Honda to a boutique manufacturer like Ferrari or Lamborghini. They have the luxury of churning out the latest greatest sports car every two or three years but they have to because the ones they build are mechanical nightmares that can't even be driven they way they were intended.
I totally agree!... It is because "they are a publicly listed company... and their primary obligation is to their shareholders and that means building cars that will sell in large numbers and generate profit" that there is no NSX now! In fact all their models since Soichiro died have been in response to the competition... And that is why another sports car is planned... in response to the competition... but I will guarantee it won't be out before the V10 Lexus or the Nissan GTR.

Look, to build a revolutionary car like the NSX was back in 1989 when the first production model was tested by the worlds motoring press, you need a visionary at the helm of a company with HUGE resources. Soichiro was that visionary and Honda had the resources.

Today, Honda do not have that man...

Volkswagen have that man at the Helm, and they have the resources... The result is the Veyron... Shareholders would never allow such a model to be made... 5 million English pounds each to build and sell them for 870,000 English pounds!

Hugh said:
But when a giant like Honda flexes its muscles and decides to build a new supercar, you can bet your cute little Aussie ass that our friends over in Italy are getting newly diagnosed cases of acid reflux disease, uncontrollable bowel movements and migraines. Because not only will it trounce anything their silly little factories in the Alps will spit out for the next ten years, it will be reliable and economical to service.

I can't wait to see what Honda has in store for them in a couple of years.
Hugh, don't get me wrong... I love Honda!... I own 4 Hondas (2 NSX's, '90 Prelude, '06 Accord) I go to the F1GP and wear my BAR Honda gear that I paid a fortune for... I have an autographed Honda flag from Jenson and Sato that hangs on my living room wall... I am their biggest fan!

There is nothing I would like more than for Honda to produce another Halo car like the NSX...

It's just I have been watching them for so long and they have gone from being the company others had to catch-up to... To a company that is now trying to catch-up!

I am not really expecting much from them...

I hope I am sooo wrong! I hope they shock the pants off me and the world!... I am just not going to get my hopes up to be disappointed when they come out with some mass produced front engine GT and call it an NSX replacement...

PS... How did you know I had a cute ass? :biggrin:
Hugh said:
DocL showed me pics. :biggrin:

WTF Hugh? I've never been to Australia or United Arab Emeritus. But, I did get a pciture of your ass when you were on the operating room table.

And just so everyone knows. Here's how you look after your recent operation.

Hugh said:
And I just wanted to say thanks for the superb dental work. :)

Those were the only teeth that the surgeons could save during the operation. I told you it was going to take at least 6 months for the bone graft to become integrated. You can always wear the partial denture that I made for you. :biggrin:
DocL said:
Those were the only teeth that the surgeons could save during the operation. I told you it was going to take at least 6 months for the bone graft to become integrated. You can always wear the partial denture that I made for you. :biggrin:

Well at least they put my teeth in the right place. That's a lot more than I can say for yours. :biggrin:

Warning: Clicking the above link will immediately place you in a NON WORK SAFE situation. Also, you WILL expel any fluids in your mouth out of your nose.
I just love the NSX Prime. Such great information. Hugh, don't pay attention to the others your teeth look just fine, though I would recommend you shave a bit. DocL you remind me of a bad date I once had.

I recall when I met with the engineers from Honda back around 2003 and we discussed the NSX, that there was a concern about placing a larger engine in the current car. The concern was maintaining the balance. A larger engine would have required changing the entire car effecting the whole design.

As a consultant I often teach the Toyota Production System to clients. As such I have tried to keep current with what the Japanese are doing within the automotive industry. Honda is a unique company in that they are engineering driven. Toyota on the other hand is very customer driven. I don't mean to imply that they are one way only. But wouldn't most of you agree that Honda tends to focus on technology as a marketing edge. The other issue is their devotion to being a green company. Over the last few years I have had the sense that they place a great deal of emphasis on being green and doing responsible things as a car company. They use consensus in decision making and sometimes that comes back to haunt them. Think about the RL. Most every auto magazine and car nut wants Honda to build a V8 for the RL. Honda on the other hand feels that the car is good enough with the V6 and is responsible to the environment. I bet they could sell a lot more RLs if they offered a V8. Yet they don't. Someone else in the previous posts made the observation that Honda felt that the NSX was essentially a perfect car. And consequently they were reluctant to change it. I recall their engineers telling me that the car was fast enough in the form of the then current 2003, and it did not need to have a much larger engine or lots more horsepower. That is kind of how they think. It really is not so bad. We all want more power, the real question is why. In straight line driving I guess having 500 hp would be nice. But I would bet you that after having it for a while that we would opt for a 20% increase if they would sell it. I drove the Z06 and liked it. However, I could still see adding more horsepower so that it was king of hill. Now driving it on a race track is a bit different. I loved watching the video of the NSX racing against the Viper. While the Viper was fast in the straights the NSX could pass it on the turns-- it just takes great skill.
Spinner said:
No offense taken guys. The reason the source is legitimate is because I was also the same major as they werre (hence classmates). We all went to Art Center and majored in automotive design. There are only a select few schools for auto design: Art Center (ACCD-Pasadena), Center for Creative Studies (CCS-Detroit), Royal Academy of Arts (UK), Univ. of Arts (Tokyo) are the biggest names....

It's a very small and tight-knit industry. Everyone knows each other type of deal....

And yes, the NSX is being designed here, Japan as well as by other Honda Studios around the world. Doesn't mean they'll use the one done here in L.A. or anything.

What usualy happens is somewhat of a "competition". Toyota's Celica, Honda's Element, hell Mazda's Rx-7 were designed here....Towards the end, the different studios submit their designs to Japan, and what often happens, is they select a few designs and let the main design studio in Japan take over with further refinements. At this point, alot of times the satelitte studios are no longer involved.

There are numerous designs going on for the NSX, but one things sure is that the L.A. studio was commisioned to design the NSX replacement with a front engine lay out. That's all that my two friends could tell me.

IF there is a mid-engine NSX replacement being designed, then it isn't being done in the U.S.

As for the name, at this point, they're not calling it the NSX...alot of times, we have "working titles"...codenames, etc.

How you get the replacement will be front engine, confirmed, from those info is beyond me. If true, this only suggest what we have already know in the past; that different setups are still out there vying for final approval.
drmanny3 said:
We all want more power, the real question is why. In straight line driving I guess having 500 hp would be nice. But I would bet you that after having it for a while that we would opt for a 20% increase if they would sell it.

I see from your sig-line that you have a CTSC. Why did you want more power? :wink:
I'm just thinking... what if the so-called 'front engine' for the replacement NSX is actually a Mid-front setup as like SLR of Mercedes?

Well, SLR is still consider as a MR, right? Only different is that its engine is located in front of the cabin. Maybe NSX will have the same setup? Wow~ if that is true, I wonder how would the replacement NSX looks like with long head and short end just like SLR and on top of that, with V10 SH-AWD. Oh my GOSSHH! It will be so awesome !! Don't you guys agree? :biggrin:
C30A4 said:
I'm just thinking... what if the so-called 'front engine' for the replacement NSX is actually a Mid-front setup as like SLR of Mercedes?

Well, SLR is still consider as a MR, right? Only different is that its engine is located in front of the cabin. Maybe NSX will have the same setup? Wow~ if that is true, I wonder how would the replacement NSX looks like with long head and short end just like SLR and on top of that, with V10 SH-AWD. Oh my GOSSHH! It will be so awesome !! Don't you guys agree? :biggrin:

Wasn't it published somewhere that SH-AWD can't handle the 500+ hp that the V10 would produce?
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C30A4 said:
I'm just thinking... what if the so-called 'front engine' for the replacement NSX is actually a Mid-front setup as like SLR of Mercedes?

Well, SLR is still consider as a MR, right? Only different is that its engine is located in front of the cabin. Maybe NSX will have the same setup? Wow~ if that is true, I wonder how would the replacement NSX looks like with long head and short end just like SLR and on top of that, with V10 SH-AWD. Oh my GOSSHH! It will be so awesome !! Don't you guys agree? :biggrin:

So you want something that will look like a fat S2000 that has put like 1000 lbs on?

No thanks.
I think it has to be a mid-engine replacement to be called the NSX, and even then would not necessarily use that name since what NSX stood for might not apply to this replacement. If they are going to make it a front engine car (or front-mid, a la SLR) they should just call it the CRAPBOX 3000.:rolleyes:
Is it common in the automobile industry for companies to farm out conceptual designs to many design houses, each with different requirements, and at the end of the day, collect all the renders/designs to make a decision? I can see how this particulary design house in LA, of which a prime member knows a friend who works there, happens to be designing a front-engined NSX "option", whereas other design houses are designing a mid-engined and rear-engined HSC.