Colored 02+ NSX Headlights... what do you think??

Yeah but that doesn't qualify as a real car.

Dude how can you that:confused: The VR4 is arguably the predecessor of all these current heavy awd drive power everything cars that are so popular:eek:
Dude how can you that:confused: The VR4 is arguably the predecessor of all these current heavy awd drive power everything cars that are so popular:eek:

The pioneer of fat weight... haha sorry I forgot. My bad... :biggrin:

.... it's fun from up here ... in this top RED position ... to see you guys fight.... blue vs silver :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

eahehhehe that i poked you guys, for real, there are some colors i absolutly love in the NSX... the one and only CW.... FR, after all it's the original color for the car...LBBP and Imola orange... are truly deep colors...the orange gets the word "Fire" in my mind.... beautifull....

these ones above are those i absolutly love

Black looks good, but i think that it vanishes most of the beatifull lines of the most of the dark colors...

about the's fairly common, but there is a particular tone of silver i seems in some angles...don't know what is the color code
about the's fairly common
lol, now they will be after you.

UnhuZ said:
in this top RED position
Yeah, for a fire engine. :biggrin:

Stop hijacking a good thread. This is about headlights not your personal problems.
Stop hijacking a good thread. This is about headlights not your personal problems.

Oh unbunch your depends:tongue: Now that an LBBP has once again solved a silverrock problem everything is fine. Crazy old coot!

lol, now they will be after you.

Even Dave and the rest of his rock boy lackeys aren't crazy enough to go after the red bunch! That's just suicide:wink:

Besides the silverboys are done anyway. Maximus_NSX color choice has him so bored he's looking at Porsches and other exotics. Ski_Bankers sh*t is all busted up and sittin at the dealer. Turbo2Go keeps modding hoping people will forget what color he picked. Most new threads are either guys excited because they just got an LBBP or guys asking how much they can get for their used "rock" so they can buy something else. Tsk tsk stick a fork in em they're done:biggrin:
Oh unbunch your depends:tongue: Now that an LBBP has once again solved a silverrock problem everything is fine. Crazy old coot!

Even Dave and the rest of his rock boy lackeys aren't crazy enough to go after the red bunch! That's just suicide:wink:

Besides the silverboys are done anyway. Maximus_NSX color choice has him so bored he's looking at Porsches and other exotics. Ski_Bankers sh*t is all busted up and sittin at the dealer. Turbo2Go keeps modding hoping people will forget what color he picked. Most new threads are either guys excited because they just got an LBBP or guys asking how much they can get for their used "rock" so they can buy something else. Tsk tsk stick a fork in em they're done:biggrin:

Ahhhhhh...I can smell it now.:tongue: :biggrin: Is that silver rock steak I smell?

Ahhhhhh...I can smell it now.:tongue: :biggrin: Is that silver rock steak I smell?


Actually I smell "depends" ..LOL You can't eat steak with false teeth

Did you like my fire engine? :biggrin:

Sweetness bro! Probably reminded Dave of something from his youth
Read it again, that was for the red on top comment.

Update....Still waiting for the call that the reflectors are ready.

I know but it still looked like something from Daves youth.

I just picked up the reflectors from the shop and they look awesome. I can't wait to see how they look in the assembled headlight or better yet on my car :biggrin: .

The best news is they said my NSX should be home next week

Well now i have to start putting the lights back together.
MAN... i can't wait to see your color matched headlights....

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

please...hurry up.... :biggrin: :biggrin:
MAN... i can't wait to see your color matched headlights....

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

please...hurry up.... :biggrin: :biggrin:

Thanks Nuno for this thread. I wouldn't have thought about doing it if not for you. They are reassembled and ready to go back to the shop tomorrow :biggrin: .

Best i can do for now :tongue: .

Thanks Nuno for this thread. I wouldn't have thought about doing it if not for you. They are reassembled and ready to go back to the shop tomorrow :biggrin: .

Best i can do for now :tongue: .


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Gangsta! I can't wait to do this mod over the winter. I so hope your going to NSXPO so I can see this!
Thanks Nuno for this thread. I wouldn't have thought about doing it if not for you. They are reassembled and ready to go back to the shop tomorrow :biggrin: .

Best i can do for now :tongue: .


Mike, you couldn't leave it alone, could ya?:) Honda meant for the NSX to have the SILVER colored headlamps. Alright, I have to admit, it looks semi decent, even if it is LBBP.:tongue:
Thanks guys,

I can't wait to see them on the car next week. It's been so long since i have driven it, i just hope they get it done. I never got a chance to take any good pic's of the car since i purchased it but they are coming :smile: .
does anybody have an extra headlight cover for the front passenger side? i need to get one right away and they're special order from the dealer.
Man... they look awesome..... i WILL do that to mine....for sure...

i just don't know exactly what...

4 options for my Red Coupe:

1 - Red like NSX-R
2 - Red allover like sorcery picture
3 - Black like NSX-R
4 - Black allover like sorcery picture

man...i'm really happy for you.... no need to thank me..i just brought up a subject i've been wondering for sometime...