Colored 02+ NSX Headlights... what do you think??

OK, i have decided to do this. I will pick up the headlights tomorrow, take them apart and take them back to the shop. Thanks again Chris.

Wish me luck. :smile:
GREAT luck...! I can't wait to see the finished product..

Now let me get this right.

Your repair shop has years of repair experience and they don't feel confident in their ability to take these lamps apart so you are going to do it yourself.

That's lame that they don't have the confidence or know how to do this task for you.
That's what we do in collision repair -WE TAKE THINGS APART AND PUT THEM TOGETHER!
If you can't do a glue job how in God's name are you going to ever cut cars apart and weld them together again?
They should be ashamed.

Sure it's not something that a beginner or someone with little repair experience should try, but a pro?
"We can't do that mister customer, you do it, we're afraid we might break it". Sheeze.:rolleyes:
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I think it's very "F-car'ish", and that's the reason alot of people are saying the C6 is an F-car wannabe. Having said that, I still like it. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but didn't want to try and do it myself. Now that I have a source, I will get them done soon...

It's funny too because there's A LOT of things I've been contemplating doing to my car, but haven't really taken the time to research and wasn't really sure what the mods would look like. With Forza 2, I can actually do everything I've been wanting to do to my car aesthetically, and see how it will turn out before I actually drop the coin... :cool:

by f-car..... do you mean the honda Fit? :tongue:

yeah, it does look like they ripped it off ferrari.... but, hell, it looks good so who cares? :smile:
GREAT luck...! I can't wait to see the finished product..

Thanks for the support Ravi,

I am about sick thinking that i might screw them up. I will know in a few hours.

"We can't do that mister customer, you do it, we're afraid we might break it". Sheeze.:rolleyes:

lol, that is almost exactly what they said.

OK guys, here's an update.

There's no turning back now. The headlights are apart and no broken clear covers :biggrin: . It was not easy but i was able to separate them. The sealer they used was unbelievable, it just kept stretching and at times i had to cut it with a razor knife. I will take them back to the shop tomorrow.

edit....I couldn't wait so i took them back today. I don't need any delays, she's been gone long enough.

btw.. i think i found the "bouncing headlight" problem and when i have a little more time to look at it i will post about it.


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OK guys, here's an update.

There's no turning back now. The headlights are apart and no broken clear covers :biggrin: . It was not easy but i was able to separate them.

Don't hold out on us!!! How did you do it? :confused:
ummmm, Is it headlight yet? :biggrin:


If you guys want to know everything i could do a short how to.

Dude that is soooooo brave...LOL
Dude that is soooooo brave...LOL

What you don't like my $2k roast? :smile: . I read a few posts on other forums about how to do it but wouldn't you know our lights aren't made anything like the ones i read about. I was really worried about the headlight lens' being glass. The ones i read about were able to remove the lens' from the assembly before heating it up. On the NSX the lens' cannot be removed until you take the assembly apart. So you have to heat it up with the lens' in.

Give me about a week. I'll take some more pic's when i reassemble and post a how to. It's not very hard and takes about 2 hours.

I am so excited to see the car finished i can't stand it.

edit... wow my oven is dirty :redface: . I guess i know my next job.
If you are from Tennessee and work on your car parts in the kitchen and use your wife's oven to bake the parts... you maybe a redneck.:biggrin:

When I did these lamps I first got another Honda lamp with the same type of lens and body and baked it with a medium wave infra red lamp to find and record the melting threshold of the glue and the plastics used in the lamp.
I recorded that, and then took off the electrical parts like the ballast and plugs, in short, anything that would come off.

Then I heated the lamp, monitoring the surface temp keeping it about 40 degrees above the glue melting point, well below the temp that the plastic body and lens begin to soften.

There were other precautions I took as well.

Kudos for having the balls and mazel that so far, it is going ok.
Redneck and proud of it :biggrin: .

But see that's why you are the pro. I took the low tech method :tongue: . I was nervous for three days about doing it.

Thanks buddy.
I am still waiting for the reflectors to be finished.

Please Read.

Guy's please read the thread on bouncing headlights. This is something that will effect every 2002+ sooner or later. Start at post #57 and you can see the cause. I have found a way to fix this but it requires the headlight to be disassembled so if you are going to paint yours it needs to be fixed then. Believe me you don't want to have to do this twice. :eek:
Kudos for having the balls and mazel that so far, it is going ok.

He's LBBP of course. He doesn't need a "rock" colored car to make people think he's got "stones":wink:
I though the Mitsubishi 3000 had lights colored like this well before the Ferrari.