I find it very interesting that the only people who are trying to use numbers to prove me wrong, no- lets call it what it is- prove me DECEITFULL- are the people who have already decided that I am full of s---. Reminds me of the politicians who use numbers and formulas and statistics to prove ridiculous theorys about all sorts of things we know to be bogus. With all due respect to Russ Collins, he is a motorcycle guru, and his stated formulas do not cover every situation. As a few have mentioned already, not every engine fits into every formula and the engines FURTHEST from the formulas seem to all be Honda engines. Can any of my detractors explain in good soid engineering form, why Honda engines get anywhere from 15 to 40 per cent more power from a cubic liter than Ford or GM besides the obvious diffrence in redlines? I would love to hear it. Do you understand anything about volumetric or thermal effiency? Formulas are starting points, nothing more. If we took the formulas quoted here and tried to stuff all of our project cars into them, most would not fit just like the Supra example quoted above.
I am not going to reveal everything here, at least not today. I don't have to, and it would weaken my position in the market, not strengthen it. I already have more orders than I can fill, from people who know and trust me, and if you think "that doesn't sound like Mark", Mark is getting very tired of people who are pretending to care about the community buying a product that may not be as advertised when their only real concern is whether or not the success of my product may be in the best interest of their friends and associates.
But for those of you who have a genuine interest in this, let me just say this- as so many have mentioned, the reason for their trust in me is my experience with SC's. I have installed almost 50 NSX SC's and what I do know is that CompTech uses the exact same voltage inverter that I do (guess that's backwards) and we have never had a fuel pump failure in at least 300 kits. Comptech also runs the basic kit (which is 95% of those sold) at 88 to 90 psi, and we have never had an injector failure. I do not believe another 2 to 4 pounds is going to be any different. When you all talk about running too close to max ratings and duty cycles, you must remember that the engine is actually in the boost mode less than 2 per cent of its life. There is NO boost in the engine at all except when the pedal is almost to the floor. Nothing at cruise, idle, or normal accel. And lastly, for now, to the common comment about paying a few dollars more for a better pump and injectors-it is not about money- it is about reliability and availabilty. There are no injectors available from Honda that meet the requirements we have, except possibly the JDM injectors that come with the Gruppe M kit, and since I turned them onto the p/n, with the CT hi-boost kit. These injectors are too big, and you must cut the fuel pressure way back to use them. If fuel pressure should increase from this number say because of an FMU failure, the engine would die a slow death from cylinder wash- I have witnessed this myself. I do not choose to use injectors from an aftermarket sourse because they fail too often compared to Honda injectors and I won't accept that. Cruise the Integra and Civic boards and read about the failurs of injectors from some of these companies you are so full of.
And lastly, lastly, I am not in this myself. I am working with two other tuners, as well as, twenty five minutes from now Nick is dropping off his beta tester at one of the most prestigious fuel mgmt computer builders in Ca, to have fitted the "black box" of OUR design, for install and initial calibration, then he is driving straight to Phoenix for another long night at the dyno, before a long day at Firebird tomorrow for track testing. MJ's CC 3.2 beta tester will also be fitted by midnight with the same black box and will also be running at Firebird tomorrow along with at least 15 NSX's that I have modified and maintain. I wish some of you nay-sayers would leave the safety of your keyboards and come into the trenches with me, and MJ, and Nick, and BZ, and Chris, and all the others who are out here in the real world using their pride and joy NSX's along side MY pride and joy VERYRED, finding out where fromula's end and the real world starts, and most important, where the fun is.
And lastly, lastly, lastly, I get a lot of mail this week asking why I don't jump in here more to defend myself- I just don't have the time- see previous paragraph.
The "kit" is not yet in its final form. The parts listed on the sites offering them for sale are the current 'minimum' parts that will be used. If anything listed gets dropped from the final kit, everyone who has placed an order will certainly be notified and they can cancel if they like. As I have said over and over, the kit is not for sale untill I am completely impressed with it. If you have to have an SC now- I still sell CT and GM SC's, if you really want to spend 10 grand. I could use the money. (G)
Mark Basch