Disrespect and bullying that's encouraged, promoted and Spread on NSXPrime.

I'm fighting for the respect of the 95-96 NSX,

With all due respect, we are talking about a car here. Everybody has his/her own preferences. I personally think there are other important issues in our lives that needed respects these days. I've said this before, ALL NSX's are great.
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I'm going to throw a flag here. As a '95 owner, that doesn't reflect my experience joining Prime. I was welcomed, even when my questions highlighted my obvious ignorance. People certainly disagreed with me, but not because I had a '95. Anyone with any NSX should be darn thankful. I could never have done all of the repairs and maintenance without the generous support of Prime members which is why I'm trying to pay it forward. aamof, I've got ~25 DM's recently to 2 others, helping them sort their new-to-them 95's. I recommend a 95/96 NSX to anyone who wants a Targa with a lower entry cost. Maintenance & milage > year.

However, as an olive branch to all current and former '95 owners (including myself), I have started my own completely unbiased thread to help prospective owners avoid buying a year/tranny/roof/Type S, Type T, Type LMNOP NSX would be bad for them:
I'm still shaking my head at your sign off "Yours truly from the worst NSX ever created.

I don't offen post here as much as I use too. This post I found very troubling.
I had a very long retort ready and was about to hit post reply but I stopped.
I love healthy discussion, debate, dialogue, but this is NOT. I felt that NOTHING
good would come from engaging the OP anymore. Here in the south when we are
struggling to end a bad exchange we just say "well bless your heart"

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