BaschBoost update, from MB

Originally posted by true:
My car uses a fully laptop programmable ecu. I run the car openloop all the time so it reads only my fuel maps. The ecu has a function to disable o2's which I do. I tune it with a wideband o2. What are your mods? It's all motor? 12.2 n/a is fast.

Intake, Exaust , Header, FPR, AFC, 100 shot

do you use DFI?
Nope no DFI..when I said stock ignition I meant all ignition components...stock distributer,coil, wires etc. The ecu is really good about letting me control ignition timing. It's really easy to advance or retard in any spectrum of RPM/boost range while leaving the distributer statically set stock (18 degrees btdc). It's pretty neat.