BaschBoost update, from MB

uh oh, we have thesbians massages? Anybody have pictures?

[This message has been edited by Andrie Hartanto (edited 07 November 2001).]
What else would you expect by mentioning 'thesbians' in a virtual room full of

We have a choice selection here in LA. New York may have it's Thespians, but by God we have our Thesbians!

(Very appropriate post #69)

OK... guess we should get this discussion back on track.
I'm very impressed with the power of this setup using stock injectors, regulated or not. Getting it to run this way without leaning out probably took some major R&D.

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 07 November 2001).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Next thing you know, someone's going to post some of those x-rated smilies...


[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 07 November 2001).]

Ok, what I want to know is how to post smiles within messages, rather than just at the top of each message. And especially how you animate them!

I saw at least one post which seemed to speculate that perhaps Corky Bell or someone affiliated with him was responsible for the 4g62bt2c30a posts. That is not his style, and I take offense on his behalf to any such suggestion. It amounts to stooping to 4g62bt2c30a's level.

Just thought that needed to be said.
Originally posted by sjs:
I saw at least one post which seemed to speculate that perhaps Corky Bell or someone affiliated with him was responsible for the 4g62bt2c30a posts. That is not his style, and I take offense on his behalf to any such suggestion. It amounts to stooping to 4g62bt2c30a's level.

Just thought that needed to be said.

I agree whole heartedly with sjs. Corky is a bit mature for this stuff, as is yours truly!
I mean really, I'm gonna be 50 in two short years, what am I doing hanging out with a bunch of Thes, oh- never mind.

I also wanted to correct something MJ said in his letter to 3vhs43gh- No, you don't get a pee break- go buy a MotorMans Friend. We'll see about lunch. Thanx though for trying to clarify things to 36gh4sh4st54, I think you are wasting your breath though. He never wanted info, he just wanted to have some fun. Heh. Heh. Boy, we're having fun now. Wee. Wee. Sigh.................

MB <g>
Hey Lud:

I didn't know that a member could completely delete their previous posts. If this is true, I respectfully suggest that it be made impossible. This thread is no longer a coherent thread at all, because that turkey's innane comments are now gone. Can just anyone come in here, create havoc with NSX-devoted people and reputations, and then just disappear without a trace? I certainly hope not. If an individual makes a fool of himself on this site, then I think he should pay the price of having the written record remain, until it goes away by natural selection, as all eventually do. RSVP.

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
I sent an e-mail to the registered address for the person posting as 4g62bt2c30a explaining that I found his questions perfectly valid but the way they were asked to be unacceptable for this message forum and asked him to go back and clean them up.

I'm not sure if that is the reason he deleted them or not, but the end result is a nice move toward restoring the usual tone of this discussion forum.

Now I would like to ask everyone else who was involved to please go back and clean up their messages. Clean up does not necessarily mean delete - just turn down the heat. Thanks guys.

Re: disabling the delete option - unless I also disabled editing it would be pointless (otherwise you could just edit the message down to nothing). I think people really like being able to edit their messages. I know I do. If anyone wants to continue discussion of this or any other topics not related to the Basch supercharger, please start a new thread in "NSX Prime Discussion."

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 07 November 2001).]
Originally posted by ewarman:
Can you send me the e-mail too? I am interested in what it takes to animate the smiles.

No, sorry, I've got to go back and clean up my responses to that gibberish idiot...

Besides, there is no e-mail address in your profile or your post.


The NSX Model List Page

[This message has been edited by lemansnsx (edited 07 November 2001).]
This is the only thread where it seems everytime I look at the number of posts it goes down! I guess more people are busy deleting their posts. I have read through this entire post a couple of times and don't feel that anyones posts except Mr. Gibberish needs to be edited. Actually I liked it more before he deleted all of his posts because everyone could see how much of an idiot he was.

I for one will not be editing my posts.
Originally posted by ewarman:
Can you send me the e-mail too? I am interested in what it takes to animate the smiles.

if you see a smile you like, you can hit the edit / delete button on the top of the message (third from left) as though you wrote the message, and the url is visible. sometimes easier than viewing the source if its a long thread full of jibberish (like this one).

you can hit the edit / delete button on the top of the message (third from left)

It's third from the left if the person's e-mail address is accessible (so the envelope button appears), second from the left if it's not.

It's always the second from the right, though.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 07 November 2001).]
Originally posted by justin hall:

if you see a smile you like, you can hit the edit / delete button on the top of the message (third from left) as though you wrote the message, and the url is visible. sometimes easier than viewing the source if its a long thread full of jibberish (like this one).

You didn't need to make it that easy.
You can find dozens of animated smiles by a quick web search. Just copy the source.

[This message has been edited by KGP (edited 07 November 2001).]
Originally posted by NSXGOD:

I seem to remember the belts breaking on the CT kits for the first year or two they were in production so often you couldn't replace them fast enough if you were a horny octopus on speed. (I saw Doug H. and Wayne M. replace 3 of them in one day at Holtville - quite a sight actually)

Correction. Belts broke because an inexperienced moron (that would be me) incorrectly adjusted alignment/tension of pulleys, thus screwing up the bearings in one of the pulleys, so the belt was spinning at high speeds with a big wobble in it. It wasn't the fault of Comptech. Which is why Larry works on my car. No broken belts in probably 3+ years since he became my go-fast crack dealer.

Doug "Just the Facts" Hayashi

It would be nice if EVERYONE signed their real name at the end of their posts. What is this, some AOL-hook-me-up-newbie-anonymous-im-chat-guess-who-the-fuk-I-am?
back to my cave....
Because I believe anonimity is highly overated, and because I have no shame in regards to the opinions that I have expressed on this board, I have re-edited my Avatar to show my true name. This way I am always identified, and I don't lose my post count.

Philip Glorioso at your service!

By the way, in contribution to the origional thread... Say what you will, but Mark B. ,and Mark J. are really very nice people who do not deserve to be mocked for contributing all that they have to the NSX community. Most people appreciate the innovations that they make available.


[This message has been edited by H-carWizKid (edited 08 November 2001).]