BaschBoost update, from MB

Originally posted by 4g62bt2c30a:
I guess when everything is complete and all the changes have been made to bring it to market, that will be the time to ask the serious questions about performance and reliabilty.

OK... a reasonable statement.

Then you later said...

Chris, fuel delivery been determind yet? Increase in pressure or bigger injectors? What is being used for fuel managment?
yada.. yada..

All reasonable questions. The only one who can provide valid answers is Mark. We can all take a guess...
- the test cars are still running
- yes the test is repeatable
- if I had a secret sauce I certainly wouldn't reveal it till I have it fully tested (and even then I might still with-hold my intellectual property)
Originally posted by 4g62bt2c30a:
Sjs.... Heh... I'm not the one who tryed to bring a supercharger to market unprepared and had to pull out due to complications with the assembly. My question are viable based on the chain of events. To me based off of advertisement with sos and dali that they were ready to go. Based off of marks most there beta test were almost complete.All they were going to do is review data over the trip.....Then ooooppppsss. They BROKE. And now everyone says well, There still in beta testing. I understand R&D takes time but my questions are in order based on what I have seen.[/B]

In one post you say you should probably wait until the unit is ready to go and in the next you ask your same questions to Chris. I can't believe you already have 14 posts, I don't think you will last much longer to build up many more though. Lud will only take so much and then poof!!! Ask Ravetek, oh ya he is gone! You have been enough of a waste of time to me and I won't bother replying to anymore of your posts.
Although I doubt you are new to the NSX community, you are obviously new to this online community. Let me explain a few things:

The NSX community for enthusiasts is small. Due to this, our community has low tolerance for individuals that do not contribute positively to the discussion at hand. Personally, I think your questions are very valid, and the techies on this list would normally love to discuss them with you.

Realize it is not the questions that you prompt, however, the ways that you ask the questions is what offends people on this list.

Likewise, the NSX market is small for vendors in the community. You may not be aware that many of the vendors offer their products and services to the community at little or no gain, because they do this as a hobby to support something they are passionate about.

I hope you will understand that the level of support that the community contributes largely dictates the success of a particular product.

Learn to positively support the community and vendors, and I think you will be very happy with the results.

-- Chris

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Originally posted by 4g62bt2c30a:
What are you a DICKtator, This is a massage board. Your going to kick me off for having an opinion? I have viable questions, you don't like what I post. Don't read and respond to it. Besides it looks like your the one that is out of control.....


You might also learn to use the board so we can tell your text from ones you attempt to quote, just in case we care. Oh, never mind, the others show a degree on common sense, intelligence and literacy, so there’s no confusion after all.
Originally posted by 4g62bt2c30a:
What are you a DICKtator, This is a massage board. Your going to kick me off for having an opinion? I have viable questions, you don't like what I post. Don't read and respond to it. Besides it looks like your the one that is out of control.....

Well, you obviously didn't read the various posts offering you some advice on tactic (including mine from about an hour ago), and you don't appear to understand what you are doing wrong. Let me say to you what many said to Ravetek before he got the boot...

When suddenly EVERYONE ELSE appears to be the problem, maybe it is actually YOU and not them!
Has this guy ever owned a supercharged car before. I owned a acura integra gsr supercharged from Jackson racing before I bought my NSX. His questions would be really hard to answer. An increase in horsepower can also come from a more efficient supercharger. That is why most turbocharged cars get more horsepower with the same amount of boost. They are more efficient and lack parasitic losses. A supercharger runs of a pulley connected to the motor by a belt. This steals some power from the motor the amount depends on how efficient the supercharger is. As far as fuel management, there probably is something that increases the fuel pressure on the car. On the Jackson kit they used a relay that was wired to the temperature sensor. Only under boost did this relay activate and trick the car into thinking it was cold, this would deliver more fuel to the injectors. If you drive normal then you would never even know you had a supercharger. Once you put your foot into it then you would know by the whine from the supercharger. My car ran fine, never had a problem. Big improvement over stock. As far as 100 RWH instead of motor hp, that is hard to believe with only 6PSI. If it was a turbo I would say easy. But its possible. I think Mark is trying to generate customer interest, to get an idea how many he can initially sell. I sure this is expensive and challenging to build. Why complain if Mark can only deliver a product that at most matches Comptech but is $4000.00 less GO MARK!! If its better, than great!! I still save $4000.00. I know I would like to get one. First I need to sell the one from my Integra and buy a new clutch for my NSX. If you don't want to wait and find out your answers then don't. Buy the comptech. For $4000.00 I'm willing to wait

[This message has been edited by nsxxtreme (edited 06 November 2001).]
Very well put. I as well have personally emailed Mark B. and recieved a super quick repsonse answering all my questions completely and welcoming any others. I understand you seem to want to get this info out in the open, but I feel confident Mark would repsond to any questions including the ones you have posted here. This message board could be a great asset to you if you work with us instead of against us. There is a great deal of knowledge here. Just my 02. No offense intended in any of my comments.

It's quite clear to me that "4g62bt2c30a" is no mere questioning consumer.

The blatant, repeated and varying spelling errors even in the same post (eg. knoledge and knollege) indicates to me that this person is going out of their way to hide their identity. It's actually a common technique whereby the poster, usually on a stock bulletin board forum, uses babytalk or gibberish in order to unfairly bash a stock. They do this in an attempt to hide their identities.

Most people that come onto this NSX forum, do so because they just got a NSX or they're thinking of getting a NSX. This person joined this forum with the express purpose of making these comments on the Basch Boost. Supposedly this "4g62bt2c30a" is a NSX enthusiast who knew about this forum and it's only NOW that we're hearing from him?

It's been pointed out as well, that the comments made by this poster are not simple questions, but are of a fairly technical nature and are laced with innuendo and snide comments.

I'm frankly surprised at these posts because they're done in an obvious, over-the-top manner. Usually "bashers" are a bit more subtle and try to use some measure of finesse when they pull these games.

In my opinion, this is someone who stands to lose or be hurt financially from the success of Mark's product. I'm guessing a competitor of some kind. I think this is likely because of the technical and inquiring nature of the criticisms as well as the other aspects of the posts that just seem strained to me.

I also say this because some of the critiques and attacks focus on how certain preliminary information was disseminated to our small community. I sense a certain amount of arrogance. I think most of us on this forum and in the NSX community understand that Mark Basch isn't the head of a huge corporation, but we respect him and hold him in high regard. We understand that he has released information on a preliminary basis and we're fine with this.

Apparently, this is not true or good enough for our anonymous "4g62bt2c30a". He demands to have complete and technical answers now or he will resort to making insinuating comments like Mark has something to hide.

This is just my opinion by the way. And if I've somehow been unfair in my comments, well no harm has been done...the person making these posts is anonymous.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords
I think you hit the nail right on the head! I also feel kind of bad that he was able to goat me into responding to his foolish posts.

I think everyone should just take it easy
. I had the same questions about the fuel, injectors, etc that I posted under a different thread. I think the question of fuel, injectors, etc is a valid question given the horsepower numbers quoted, and everyone should not be in such a rush to condemn this user because of his questions. In another thread which I started in the Vendor Review Section, about "Complaints about Mark Johnson" of Dali Racing, people were quick to condemn me and question my "motives"(as people here have questioned "4g62bt2c30a's" motives). I was the only one who dared to start to "question" the reputation of someone who is established in the nsx community After a bit of "me against the forum", many others slowy came out and told about their experiences with Mark Johnson that many on this forum were quick to say was "impossible" by a respected member. I'm not saying everything he has said is correct, but again its a very valid question. Even Bryan Zublin, who has a beta unit, posted on the NSX e-mail list asking about injectors sizing of stock injectors and what other other forced induction units were using. Basch did state that they were using stock injectors in the beta units along with the numbers he quoted, in the end what if they used bigger injectors?
Some of those who criticized people "questioning the injectors" would certainly have egg in their face. P.S. although I do not get along with Mark&Mark, I am not "4g62bt2c30a". Some who know me on this forum have been asking if it its me in disguise. Hehe, its not me, I guess only person who would know is Lud, if he checked the IP address of both users

[This message has been edited by 19inchNSX (edited 07 November 2001).]
Just wanted to remind everyone that products are never perfect when introduced no matter how much testing you do on them. For example, Car makers, computers, etc. And while Basch is beta testing the supercharger, I am sure given the budget of Comptech R&D, that they tested their unit more than Basch ever will. But yet, the Comptech Supercharger that is sold today is the result of changes from the original unit due to customer complaints, customer questions, and unforseen problems. Because people are questioning the design of the Basch Supercharger, maybe Mark Basch will change to bigger injectors, maybe not. While some people are using stock injectors with Comptech Superchargers at 6psi, I'm sure they are nowhere close to 366rwhp. I'm sure no one here wants to deal with a blown engine when a single injector is maxed out and fails under boost. Also the $400 for aftermarket injectors is a cheap insurance against an engine that costs $25,000 from Japan. I for one would get bigger aftermarket injectors just to replace old ones. Questions, complaints, are all part of the product development process. In the end, those who are successful are those who consider those questions and complaints and address them promptly.

[This message has been edited by 19inchNSX (edited 07 November 2001).]

In all fairness, it's not the questions that were asked that's at issue here.

It's the demanding attitude and accusatory manner that's at issue.

If someone simply posted, "Hey, Mark can you explain what's happening with fuel regulation?"....there would have been no issue or problems at all.

Those of us who know Mark Basch also know that he would be more than willing to answer any question put to him. Those who don't know him, deserve to extend a certain amount of courtesy and let him answer a question before leveling criticism and accusations.

The attitude of this poster is like he was somehow wronged or that he already bought something that was misrepresented. Which of course, is not the case.

I honestly think the answer can be found by looking for a competitor....and a competitor who isn't all that clever to boot.

But that's simply my opinion.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords
Originally posted by Jimbo:
I honestly think the answer can be found by looking for a competitor....and a competitor who isn't all that clever to boot.
Hmmm... someone who might have studied fuel management MIGHT be able to produce yet another competitive forced-induction kit, possibly of the exhaust-gas-driven-turbine variety ??

Then again, this could just be one of Corky's disenfranchised ex-disciples ??
I agree with Jimbo, it was quite obvious he was trying to start an argument and discredit Mark Basch not to find an answer to his fuel questions. I am quite sure he could of contacted Mark B. personally and gotten sufficient answers or a time frame when his questions would be answered. He basically called him a liar in more than one post without ever getting an answer to his question. If someone can read through all of his posts and not see what he was trying to accomplish then maybe I am wrong, but I don't think so.
Well, my last update was addressed to, "My Boost Inquisitive Friends". That was too cute for some people, so how about, "To My Detractors, Competitors, and other Conspiracy Theorists". Mr 19 inch and Mr
5xcf34bhv6d54 seem to be making much of the following issues-
The fact that I was crowing about our driving BB equipped cars to NSXPO, then went silent. Allow me to repeat- THE COUPLER BROKE
I told eceryone who was there, and everyone on this forum, that the couplers that connected the drive unit to the SC did not hold up. They have been replaced with flexible couplers which are working wonderfully, thank you.

The fact that I am associated with that Mark Johnson guy, the ire of Mr 19 inches previous postings- Let me say as loud and proud as I can- I consider MJ to be one of my closest friends, personally AND professionally. He even has his own room at my house, which I can arrange tours of, if anyone is interested.

The "facts" according to Mr 19 inch, that CT has done more testing than I ever could, or would. wrong, Mr Anonymous- check some facts.
As CT's number one installer on the planet, I am (was) privvy to alot of details, and at no time did they ever have as many beta testers as I do, or driven as many miles on test cars as I have / am still doing. Its an immature assumpton that because they are bigger, they are better.

Mr f65g4dr546g makes a HUGE deal about BZ inquiring about fuel system components, as if he is worried about something.
If I wanted beta testers who would limit their comments to, "wow dude, the cars is fast", or "bummer dude, its broke" I would have culled my beta testers from a different group. BZ's input, like the rest of them, is invaluable BECAUSE of the questioning and suggestions, not despite it, thank you.

Offering the system on two dealers websires before it was ready for sale seems to be a big one for predicting doom and gloom, hhmmm.
The days leading up to NSXPO became quite a frenzy of rumors about what my charger was and was not, so I decided that releasing what was at the time current details, was better than the rumor mongering, and I left it to my two trusty dealers to do that anyway they chose and I still stand behind their decision to list the products on the websites. They did say we were still testing, and quite frankly, all my cute and snide remarks aside, I really do fail to see what the heck this has to do with anything. Mr 5gdrh363dx54g sure seems to think it means something.
Go figure. In case someone STILL does not understand my position, it is simply, in the words of Orson welles (and so close to Holloween), I will sell no SC, before its time.

And the fuel system- oh yeah, did someone have a real question? My fuel system contains a minimum of four new parts-
1)a new, adjustable fuel pressure regulator, which allows for adjustability in both boosted and non boosted modes. It allows for almost double the fuel pressure and quantity, not by formulae- but by testing.
2)A rising rate fmu which adds 8 psi fuel per psi boost, for a total at 5psi boost of 96 psi fuel pressure.
3)A voltage inverter triggered by a hobbs switch that changes fuel pump voltage from 13.7 to 20v, which allows up to 35 percent more fuel IF NEEDED, by testing, not formulae. BTW, the dc motor that drives the pump is rated 12 to 24v, so no- it will not fail prematurely because of higher voltage.
CT does the same thing.
4)A black box of my own desighn which manipulates the map signal during boost to control injector operation, and the rest of that story is proprietary, IOW, its between me and BZ, who builds them for me.

In closing (I do have a regular job, you know)I would like to remind Mr 19 inch and Mr
f23g54ds6gr54, that I NEVER respond to anonymous attacks. I do so today SOLEY because of the incredible number of good people who have taken their precious time in the last few days to come to my defense, as if they need to. Mr 19 inch so eloquently reminded us back in May, when attacking my credentials, that being anonymous is a right-
let me tell you Dude, this is a car club, not the National Defense forum. If what you have to say is so important, why not share your identity with those of us HONEST people, who do so because it gives our friends and readers an insight into who, or shall I say, what, we are.

Mark Basch
SuperCharge for World Peace
At first, I thought you were just looking for some information. Albeit in a bit of an impolite manner. BUT for someone who insists that he is *only* looking for information, you sound awfully like someone trying to make a point. Why not make your point and be done with it?
Also, What does Mark Johnson's absence have anything to do with anything? He DOES have a reputation of being very busy and unreachable. Check how often MJ posts on this message board. It is very sporadic. It may be that he just hasn't checked the board in a while..
Originally posted by 4g62bt2c30a:
Jag, The comment of production problems pertained to suplier issues with parts. Like I said who knows? As far as "Unfortunatly" It seems interesting that all you people are easy to jump on me but if you look.....Knowbody has put any of my questions to rest, In fact Mark Johnson (NSX GOD) Has not even responded. The problem lies in the fact that Mark j won't respond and you people don't have a clue how to.


Dear Mr. Gobblygook,

1) In fact I replied to your post before you asked it. (see my post above: posted 06 November 2001 13:54)

2) If you had emailed me at all ever with questions on the kit components I would have responded to your e-mail in a day or two depending upon the e-mail load of the day. If you were familiar with the "Phone Policy" information posted on the website you would know that I wouldn't answer the phone if you called anyway as I don't answer the phone ever. (exceptions to this rule: Blondie or Mark Basch)

3) The fuel system for the BBSC 'A' kit is not finalized - we are testing 4 different combinations of gizmos to see which gives the BEST & SAFEST PERFORMANCE at the LEAST COST.(that is called the "Bang for the Buck" factor [or the "other" BB in the BBSC kit])

4) I will be driving one of the "beta" BBSC kits on my car both to and from the Spring Mountain Motorsports Track in Pahrump NV on the 15th. [leaving from PHX] and for about 8 hours straight on the track as part of the torture testing that we are doing BEFORE the kit is released to the public. (well I hear that I get lunch and pee breaks, maybe it will only be 7 hours and 56 minutes) If you want to put your BS where it should be - show up at the track and show US what YOU think you know.

5) As for the HP "claims" - I was at the dyno shop while they were running the tests on the cars, and my car actually did the least of the three initial installs, gaining "only" +114 RWHP. That is why we are being conservative and only guaranteeing the 100RWHP for the consumer kits. Personally I think +100RWHP [net of parasitic losses] for $5600 installed is a killer deal - your opinion may differ, and you are welcome to buy something else.(in fact; PLEASE DO)

6) Yes we had driveshaft coupler failures on the trip to NSXPO - big deal, shit happens. We got a new & better design coupler installed after we got back and it seems pretty happy in there so far with over 3300 miles into the testing of it. Was it a bummer we didn't get to hit RA with an extra 100HP on tap? sure, but then Peter Cunningham would have had to pull over for me instead of the other way around! <g> I seem to remember the belts breaking on the CT kits for the first year or two they were in production so often you couldn't replace them fast enough if you were a horny octopus on speed. (I saw Doug H. and Wayne M. replace 3 of them in one day at Holtville - quite a sight actually)

7) If the dyno results that we have posted on the beta kits (same car, same day, same dyno, same tech) are not "cold hard data" then please tell me what [in your obviously edukated opinion] constitutes that kind of information, and if it is available, and you ask in a polite fashion, maybe I'll post it.

8) You can place an order now [before the final product is shipping] for 2 reasons:

a) because we need to know how many "early adopter" orders there are out there in order to get enough parts made in the initial machining run to take care of as many people as possible.

b) we are trying to schedule the non PHX or San Diego on-site installs in the most efficient manner by geographic area & number if kits, and need to line up a local tech in those areas to be trained at the same time for later installs. All of that takes time to arrange and schedule.

9) Massages are a great thing, but only your neck will need one after a ride in the BBSC test cars.<g>

10) I heard from Paxton that someone called them Tuesday (the 6th) with lots of questions about our kit,
didn't give their name and behaved in an offensive manner on the phone from a 619 area code - could that have been you? Paxton only supplies the blower, they do not make the kit, and will not answer questions put to them about the details of what the kit does or does not contain. (they don't know)

Further information may be obtained by asking. If the answer is available, we will post it.

need more info? please private me @

[email protected]

Mark Johnson, CEO of Custodial Services @ Dali Racing, a Not For Profit Company.
WOW!! I am just glad its over so I don't have to feel like I have to deal with highschool drama again. We got a bunch of Thesbians in here :-).

PS Way to go Mark. Can't wait to see the product. I know it is going to be fantastic. I hope it pulls so hard my neck falls off.



RX7 Man
Ha! Thesbians! Now we're talkin'.
I want in on this discussion.

You have my complete and undivided

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 07 November 2001).]
Originally posted by ilya:
Ha! Thesbians! Now we're talkin'.
I want in on this discussion.

You have my complete and undivided

Oh great, first we get some joker posting about massages instead of messages and now we've segued into a discussion on "thesbians"! I love it!

The NSX Model List Page
Next thing you know, someone's going to post some of those x-rated smilies...


[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 07 November 2001).]