Apple iPad

This should get all you apple fanbois excited.

I am looking forward to seeing what is new.

Knew that one was coming, maybe a sign iPhone 4G/HD should be announced pretty soon too.

Also, first iPad in-dash car installation.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Knew that one was coming, maybe a sign iPhone 4G/HD should be announced pretty soon too.

Also, first iPad in-dash car installation.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Wow.. now that will cause some accidents!

I think the glass screen would be extremely hard to see in the sunlight, but it is a cool idea.
It would be nice if someone wrote "the radio" app then the "climate control" app and then we would have this instead of the factory radio.
HP vs iPad

iPad - Available now.

HP Slate - ???

The HP Slate can blow away the iPad in every way, but you will still never convince fanbois that it is better than an iPad.

My guess is since the slate is running Win7 and only a 1.6Ghz processor, it won't feel near as snappy and fun as the iPad does. We'll see.
Is that the best comeback you have?
I care not for comebacks, it's a serious question. I Googled around a bit and couldn't find a release date. I'm genuinely interested to see how successful MS and HP will be at tuning Win7 to be a touch based OS.

Sounds like apple is having problems of their own with the iPad they need to resolve.
What kind of problems? I haven't paid any attention to reviews this week. The only issue I've had with mine is I've had to re-enter my Wifi password 3 or 4 times since Saturday. Aggravating, but not exactly a show-stopper.
I care not for comebacks, it's a serious question. I Googled around a bit and couldn't find a release date. I'm genuinely interested to see how successful MS and HP will be at tuning Win7 to be a touch based OS.

What kind of problems? I haven't paid any attention to reviews this week. The only issue I've had with mine is I've had to re-enter my Wifi password 3 or 4 times since Saturday. Aggravating, but not exactly a show-stopper.

Wifi Problems mainly. Though I read something about Crashing and Overheating.

This is interesting on its performance:

Release date on the Slate looks like Fall, so Apple has a HUGE advantage there.
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I care not for comebacks, it's a serious question. I Googled around a bit and couldn't find a release date. I'm genuinely interested to see how successful MS and HP will be at tuning Win7 to be a touch based OS.

+1 .I thought your question was pretty direct. When is this Slate coming out? I'm interested as well. Did looked at P88 as well but still looking around.
Regarding WiFi range, I took my iPad across the street to my neighbors house to test it. I knew from past experience that my MacBook Pro could see my router from in his garage, but that my iPhone loses signal before I even get across the street.

My iPad falls somewhere in the middle. It can't connect from in his garage, but it can in his driveway.

Not sure what, if anything, that means.

edit to add: I've never tested it with my wife's iPhone 3gs or iPod Touch. I guess I should give them a try too.
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The HP Slate can blow away the iPad in every way, but you will still never convince fanbois that it is better than an iPad.

My guess is since the slate is running Win7 and only a 1.6Ghz processor, it won't feel near as snappy and fun as the iPad does. We'll see.

And therein lies the problem. When are people going to realize it's the overall end-user experience and not necessarily hardware specs?

Full MacOSX running on the iPad would suck. That's why they're not running it and that's what differentiates this product. They've targeted the apps to fit the hardware profile to give the best possible end user experience. It's not going to start slowing down a week later or require a reinstall -- it's just going to work, and keep on working and give a great user experience.

It's an appliance, not a computer. If you want a computer, buy a netbook, and if you need something more powerful, get a laptop.
As anticipated Apple talked about iPhone (and iPad) OS 4.0 today.

Neat stuff. Multitasking done in a way to preserve battery life and maintain performance and much more.

Check out the keynote presentation.

Oh, regarding the HP Slate. iPad is something different. It's not a desktop OS shoehorned to fit on a touch screen. It's funny how now that Apple introduced the iPad all these wannabes are coming along with touchscreen computers. It's not just about the form factor of the hardware. If running Windows on a touchscreen was so great then why did they wait for Apple to make their move? At least Google's Chrome running on a touchscreen has some originality.

As Arshad rightfully pointed out it's about the entire user-experience and not just about touchscreen form factor. The iPad is about simplicity and functionality. It's kind of deja vu with the iPad because I remember the same things were once said about the Macintosh in 1984 when compared to a "real" computer such as the IBM PC.

The Mac was derided as a toy. No real computer uses a mouse. No real computer can rely on pretty little pictures (icons). No DOS command line prompt?! - Clearly the Macintosh is not a serious contender. No expansion, closed architecture, blah, blah, etc.

Well, the Mac was indeed the prototype for all personal computers that we have today. Today's Windows 7 owes most of its heritage to Apple and the Macintosh. When you look at today's PC just about every attribute was inspired or adapted from the Macintosh.

The iPad has a long way to go and it may never be the prototype of future computers as was the Macintosh in its day, but there are clear signs that Apple is once again providing innovative solutions. For a lot of people the Windows-based PC and indeed the Mac OS is way too complicated. And much of the complication serves no useful purpose. The iPhone 4.0 announcement today shows that the iPad will be advancing at a quick pace.
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Just out of curiosity, what do you iPad guys see on
I don't have my iPad with me, but I tried it with my iPhone, which should be the same. It redirects to - you can go there from your desktop PC to see what it looks like.

It's certainly not as pretty as, but it is arguably more useful if you're looking for news and information about the tournament.

edit - okay that's weird. When I typed the mobile site link into Firefox, I saw the same site as on my phone. When I click the link above, it shows the graphics intensive version. Odd.
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yet another prime thread bite the dust.'s_law

Funny Guy. What else would you call him? Dictator? He is going out of his way to hurt a company that pretty much made his product the product of choice for designers. If it wasn't for Photoshop and the rest of the Adobe Design suite, nobody in business would use a mac.
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Funny Guy. What else would you call him? Dictator? He is going out of his way to hurt a company that pretty much made his product the product of choice for designers. If it wasn't for Photoshop and the rest of the Adobe Design suite, nobody in business would use a mac.
i think the majority of people in business would call him brilliant... a founder with a very unique vision of what he believes his company needs to be and do to achieve the types and levels of success he believes it capable of achieving.

business models change. what / who worked well and were important in the past are always subject to change to suit a company's changing vision, goals and needs. it's a shame flash can't run on these platforms as some would like it to, but market(s) appear to be evolving as they normally do. (edit: we'll see if aapl sticks with the current plan or if / how it changes over time.)

(disclaimer: we have a 5 year old g5 and a pair of 3g iphones. we also own a bit of aapl. i expect we'll have an ipad a couple of releases from now. 3 years ago i developed a business management tool using a spreadsheet as the foundation, then 2 years ago revved it using a 3rd party tool and without any further work on my part, it now runs on the iphone for 7.99. a pop. UHN-real.)
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For the curious, I did a bunch of screen caps of car manufacturer websites from my iPad. I didn't drill very deep into any of the sites, so it's possible stuff is broken that I didn't see.


Honda - Missing video.

GM - Wants to install Flash.

Toyota - Loads mobile site.


Ferrari - Missing video.

Lamborghini - hopelessly b0rked.

Nissan - b0rked, but informative about why.



BMW - redirects to bare-bones mobile site.




Infiniti - Looks okay, but wants to install Flash Player.

Lexus - redirects to nice looking mobile site.

Hyundai - Works, but looks like crap.
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Adobe is warning investors that it may take a hit on its profitability because customers are moving away from Flash. That trend is almost entirely due to Apple's crusade to avoid Flash in its iProducts. Yesterday's announcement that Apple would no longer accepting iPhone applications generated from 3rd party development products (Flash) made the situation all that more dire for Adobe.

We're not exactly sure where The Flash Blog stands as a mouthpiece of Adobe corporate (official vs. unofficial), but they've certainly let their feelings be known without any sugar coating or corporate speak. Lee Brimelow, the author is a Platform Evangelist at Adobe focusing on the Flash, Flex, and AIR developer communities.

What is clear is that Apple has timed this purposely to hurt sales of CS5. This has nothing to do whatsoever with bringing the Flash player to Apple’s devices. That is a separate discussion entirely. What they are saying is that they won’t allow applications onto their marketplace solely because of what language was originally used to create them. This is a frightening move that has no rational defense other than wanting tyrannical control over developers and more importantly, wanting to use developers as pawns in their crusade against Adobe. This does not just affect Adobe but also other technologies like Unity3D. [...] Now let me put aside my role as an official representative of Adobe for a moment as I would look to make it clear what is going through my mind at the moment. Go screw yourself Apple.