Apple iPad

Typing this on an iPad right now. This sales guy is talking about how bad flash is to customers asking why they can't see the sites they are pulling up. Lol.

It's pretty cool though. Great screen. Wouldn't want to type on it for a long time.
Looks like the iPad jailbreak is in the works or ready to be released soon!!

On a related note, those with jailbroken iPhones using MyWi to create a wifi hotspot are working great with the iPad tethered to it.

Test drove an iPad today at King of Prussia Mall Apple Store.

Very interesting product. I'm waiting for the 3G model. First impressions...

Even though I've seen plenty of photos and videos, and know the dimensions, the iPad is smaller than I imagined. For those of you with 15" laptops, imagine half of the screen - that's about the size of it.

It's very, very fast. Windows, controls, images just pop! Scrolling, panning and zooming photos happen in real time - seem faster than any laptop computer I've used. Fun.

Has a substantial feel to it. Feels nice in the hand.

Onscreen keyboard was fine. Serious users will want the wireless keyboard. I wasn't crazy about the keyboard dock because you have to move your hand up to the screen to interact with the device and it's portrait orientation only. Makes more sense to use the wireless keyboard and be able to do landscape or portrait and prop up the iPad a bit for easy hand interaction.

Display is gorgeous. Colors and display angle fantastic.

Was very impressed with the Keynote, Numbers and Pages apps. If you're a speaker or lecturer, this is the way to go.

This will be a killer tool for the serious photographer, particularly professional photographers. Apple should work on a iPad version of Aperture ASAP.
Test drove an iPad today at King of Prussia Mall Apple Store.

Very interesting product. I'm waiting for the 3G model. First impressions...

Even though I've seen plenty of photos and videos, and know the dimensions, the iPad is smaller than I imagined. For those of you with 15" laptops, imagine half of the screen - that's about the size of it.

It's very, very fast. Windows, controls, images just pop! Scrolling, panning and zooming photos happen in real time - seem faster than any laptop computer I've used. Fun.

Has a substantial feel to it. Feels nice in the hand.

Onscreen keyboard was fine. Serious users will want the wireless keyboard. I wasn't crazy about the keyboard dock because you have to move your hand up to the screen to interact with the device and it's portrait orientation only. Makes more sense to use the wireless keyboard and be able to do landscape or portrait and prop up the iPad a bit for easy hand interaction.

Display is gorgeous. Colors and display angle fantastic.

Was very impressed with the Keynote, Numbers and Pages apps. If you're a speaker or lecturer, this is the way to go.

This will be a killer tool for the serious photographer, particularly professional photographers. Apple should work on a iPad version of Aperture ASAP.

I thought it would be bigger too. It is pretty small, but it is a nice size.

I am not sure why it would be a killer tool for a photographer. With only 1 GHz processor, it is a very slow computer. It runs the iPhone OS well because it is nearly 2x as fast as an iPhone, but for real computer applications, it would be worse than a netbook. For what it does though, it sure was snappy. It was impressive how fast the pinch zoom worked.
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Well most netbooks are not running particularly robust CPU's either (largely Atom based). The advantage that the iPad would have is that it's got a much more powerful 3D engine than most netbooks, and an application like Aperture benefits in a large way by offloading the image processing to the 3D engine's shader complex rather than trying to plow through it with the CPU. On image processing tasks, I would expect the iPad to be substantially faster than the average netbook.
From a use case perspective, I just can't see how the iPad is superior to my Netbook that cost half as much, and can run pretty much any software on it.

-no multi-tasking (insane!!!)
-no web-cam / crappy camera
-no media card slot so I can pop in my SD card from my camera and save pictures to the iPad without using another device
-extremely limited storage (16gb is barely adequate for most netbooks - those that run Linux)
-lack of industry standard USB / mini-USB / micro-USB ports (my android phone has a micro-USB port, come on Steve!!!)
-no flash (although I hate flash, lots of site require it)

Lest you call me an Apple hater, I have iPhone & iPod Touch. I just don't see how this thing is worth $500 for a small 16gb model that seems so crippled... :confused:
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Well most netbooks are not running particularly robust CPU's either (largely Atom based). The advantage that the iPad would have is that it's got a much more powerful 3D engine than most netbooks, and an application like Aperture benefits in a large way by offloading the image processing to the 3D engine's shader complex rather than trying to plow through it with the CPU. On image processing tasks, I would expect the iPad to be substantially faster than the average netbook.

Interesting. I would never use a netbook to work either.

I think the iPad and Netbooks are pretty much just web browsers and not great for much else.

If you already have an iphone, you can pretty much do everything the iPad can do and more... just on a smaller screen.

I forgot to mention, I tried some apps that were upscaled for the ipad from the iPhone... they looked like CRAP. I am sure it won't be that long though until there are a bunch of native res aps.
Looks like the iPad jailbreak is in the works or ready to be released soon!!

On a related note, those with jailbroken iPhones using MyWi to create a wifi hotspot are working great with the iPad tethered to it.


If the iPad is so great as it is, why do you ever need to jailbreak it?

If they hack it to run flash, I will get one.
If the iPad is so great as it is, why do you ever need to jailbreak it?

If they hack it to run flash, I will get one.

Even if it ran flash, I seriously doubt you'll use it for more than an over-priced toy.

Think about how you use your computer today. Can you imagine if it could only run a single task at a time? You'd throw it away!!

The iPad, while it looks gorgeous, is exactly that! When I'm browsing the web at home, I open additional links / tabs, while still browsing the tab I'm on.

With the iPad, it can't do that. It can only open a single page at a time, for you to view.

I can forgive that on my iPod Touch / iPhone, because I use them when I don't have my PC available. I can't forgive that on the iPad, because something that large is expected to do more.

I predict once the hype dies down, and people start to realize the real limitations of this device, a lot of people are going to sell them or go back to PCs.
Heh, after a full day plus, I have hardly put mine down. This thing is going to 90% replace my laptop. I've also read a couple hundred pages of an ebook on it. So far I'd say it is exceeding my expectations.
Heh, after a full day plus, I have hardly put mine down. This thing is going to 90% replace my laptop. I've also read a couple hundred pages of an ebook on it. So far I'd say it is exceeding my expectations.

That's exactly what I said about my iPod Touch too when I first got it. hehe...

Let's see what you say in a couple of months, when you're back to doing stuff on your laptop 90% of the time again.
I thought it would be bigger too. It is pretty small, but it is a nice size.

I am not sure why it would be a killer tool for a photographer. With only 1 GHz processor, it is a very slow computer. It runs the iPhone OS well because it is nearly 2x as fast as an iPhone, but for real computer applications, it would be worse than a netbook. For what it does though, it sure was snappy. It was impressive how fast the pinch zoom worked.

I do think the iPod would be a great tool for a serious photographer.

Putting aside the performance for moment, it would be a great to store and preview shots that a photographer would make out in the field. You probably wouldn't do serious Photoshop retouching work on the iPad but it would be great for making sure you got the shot. It's compact and for viewing images the screen is miles ahead of any netbook that I've ever seen. You could also offload your photos from your memory card onto the iPad. I'm sure it would be also fine for simple cropping and basic editing.

Now with regard to performance, it's impossible to compare processors strictly by clock speed along. So, when you say it's a 1 Ghz processor, therefore it's slow, is misleading. There's also the issue of GPU and how much it contributes.

For sure, it's not as powerful as a high-end laptop or desktop, but when I used the iPad yesterday all the image manipulations I was able to do were very fast indeed.
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From a use case perspective, I just can't see how the iPad is superior to my Netbook that cost half as much, and can run pretty much any software on it.

-no multi-tasking (insane!!!)
-no web-cam / crappy camera
-no media card slot so I can pop in my SD card from my camera and save pictures to the iPad without using another device
-extremely limited storage (16gb is barely adequate for most netbooks - those that run Linux)
-lack of industry standard USB / mini-USB / micro-USB ports (my android phone has a micro-USB port, come on Steve!!!)
-no flash (although I hate flash, lots of site require it)

Lest you call me an Apple hater, I have iPhone & iPod Touch. I just don't see how this thing is worth $500 for a small 16gb model that seems so crippled... :confused:


1. The iPad is a multitasking device. Multitasking is currently being limited to enhance battery life. iPhone OS 4.0 is coming soon and by all accounts Apple will then unveil full multitasking for all developers.

2. True, there's no web cam. Not a big deal breaker for me as I've never really used my web cam on my MacBook Pro.

3. You're wrong. There is a simple little adapter where you can plug your SD card into the iPad. You don't need to use another device. There's also one that has a USB connector too.

The iPad uses the same 30 pin "standard" that is used by all iPod/iPhone devices. There are tons of devices and accessories here. Apple is trying to keep the i/o connections standard across the family of products and that makes sense. That way developers can be sure of a standard.

4. Extremely limited storage? 16GB is the baseline model. You can get 32 or 64GB if you wish. 64GB is a lot of a storage for a small device. And if you're comparing against Netbooks be sure to include 16, 32 or 64GB SSDrives into the comparison. Need more storage? I plan to use Dropbox and iDisk to give me pretty much unlimited storage. There's also the very cool Airstash...

...although I'm waiting for the price of the Airstash to come down a bit. I'd say under $75 would be great.

5. Flash. Well, already many sites are rapidly revising their content to move away from Flash. This is just not going to be a big deal. The success of the iPhone and now the iPod is just accelerating the shift away from Flash to HTML5 and H264 for video. In a way, I wish Apple would just implement Flash but allow a software preference setting for those of us who block Flash because it's buggy and a huge battery drain.

The iPad, while it looks gorgeous, is exactly that! When I'm browsing the web at home, I open additional links / tabs, while still browsing the tab I'm on. With the iPad, it can't do that. It can only open a single page at a time, for you to view.

Well, sure you can only look at one page/tab at a time because of the screen size. But you can indeed open additional pages on the iPhone and iPad while still browsing on the page/tab you're currently on. I do this all the time with my iPhone and I tried it on the iPad and it works well. Yes, Safari on the iPhone/iPad doesn't have a tabbed interface but there's thumbnails for each of the pages that you've elected to open in the background.

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1. The iPad is a multitasking device. Multitasking is currently being limited to enhance battery life. iPhone OS 4.0 is coming soon and by all accounts Apple will then unveil full multitasking for all developers.
iPhone OS 3.1.3 currently does not do multi-task. Playing with the iPad it was evident it is no different and does not multi-task either.

2. True, there's no web cam. Not a big deal breaker for me as I've never really used my web cam on my MacBook Pro.

3. You're wrong. There is a simple little adapter where you can plug your SD card into the iPad. You don't need to use another device. There's also one that has a USB connector too.
interesting, only costs $29, why not just build it into the device? The tear-down shows plenty of space for that.

The iPad uses the same 30 pin "standard" that is used by all iPod/iPhone devices. There are tons of devices and accessories here. Apple is trying to keep the i/o connections standard across the family of products and that makes sense. That way developers can be sure of a standard.
Yes, because USB is not standardized enough...

4. Extremely limited storage? 16GB is the baseline model. You can get 32 or 64GB if you wish. 64GB is a lot of a storage for a small device. And if you're comparing against Netbooks be sure to include 16, 32 or 64GB SSDrives into the comparison. Need more storage? I plan to use Dropbox and iDisk to give me pretty much unlimited storage. There's also the very cool Airstash...
I have a 32GB iPod Touch, and it only has 8 GB free with only some of my library of music / videos on it. 64GB is definitely not enough, not if it's going to be more than a toy.

...although I'm waiting for the price of the Airstash to come down a bit. I'd say under $75 would be great.

5. Flash. Well, already many sites are rapidly revising their content to move away from Flash. This is just not going to be a big deal. The success of the iPhone and now the iPod is just accelerating the shift away from Flash to HTML5 and H264 for video. In a way, I wish Apple would just implement Flash but allow a software preference setting for those of us who block Flash because it's buggy and a huge battery drain.

Well, sure you can only look at one page/tab at a time because of the screen size. But you can indeed open additional pages on the iPhone and iPad while still browsing on the page/tab you're currently on. I do this all the time with my iPhone and I tried it on the iPad and it works well. Yes, Safari on the iPhone/iPad doesn't have a tabbed interface but there's thumbnails for each of the pages that you've elected to open in the background.

Yes you can open multiple pages on the iPod Touch / iPhone. But they will not load until you are actually displaying that page. A lot of good that does. Kind of like the multi-tasking - you can multi-task all you want, when you switch over to that specific app...
Well it does multitask, it's just limited to certain things like Apple's iPod software. Perhaps, you'll want to take a 2nd look at it when 4.0 is released.

Yes, USB is not very standardized. Already there must be 4 or 5 different USB connectors with more undoubtedly to follow. I understand your critique but Apple's trying to introduce some kind of standard so 3rd party developers can count on the hardware being standard across all the products. This is already becoming a problem for Android developers who can't count on a standardized hardware spec across the board.

When I first saw the iPad I also thought it would be great to have the SD card built right into the side of the unit just like the MacBook Pro - but they didn't and one has to use the little adapter thingy. Not a big deal but yes, it's another little doodad to carry around.

I think your comment that essentially says that anything less 64GB is a toy is a bit unrealistic. Remember the iPad is not designed to replace a laptop and it's designed to be effective at a certain price point.

I see nothing wrong with keeping your full library of photos, music and videos on your primary computer and then transferring these over to the iPad as needed.

Hey, it just might be that the iPad is not for you and you're the kind of user who should always be using a laptop wherever you go. The iPad is not trying to be everything to everyone, but it's attempting to do a few key things very well.

One thing Apple does need to address is printing. I understand the iPad doesn't have to do everything that a laptop does, but there should be some way of printing directly from the iPad (and iPhone too). Hopefully this too will be addressed with 4.0 because it sucks having to email PDFs to another computer for subsequent printing.


iPhone OS 3.1.3 currently does not do multi-task. Playing with the iPad it was evident it is no different and does not multi-task either.

interesting, only costs $29, why not just build it into the device? The tear-down shows plenty of space for that.

Yes, because USB is not standardized enough...

I have a 32GB iPod Touch, and it only has 8 GB free with only some of my library of music / videos on it. 64GB is definitely not enough, not if it's going to be more than a toy.

Yes you can open multiple pages on the iPod Touch / iPhone. But they will not load until you are actually displaying that page. A lot of good that does. Kind of like the multi-tasking - you can multi-task all you want, when you switch over to that specific app...
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I do think the iPod would be a great tool for a serious photographer.

Does it have the ability to view RAW images?

I don't necessarily agree it would be a "great tool" but could be an interesting "toy". I currently use an Epson viewer to download/store/view images in the field and it can display images shot in RAW (I don't shoot JPEGs). Plus the Epson has an 80GB capacity and a screen large enough and clear enough to check the shots plus it is small enough to attach to my belt.

The basic iPad would be woefully inadequate for most shoots because of limited storage. For example, I did a "small" shoot in DC before the weekend and had over 15GB of images in only 3 hours.

Does the iPad actually have the ability to run Photoshop? I read it can't run Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.
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Does it have the ability to view RAW images?
I shoot in RAW and had no trouble syncing several iPhoto albums to the iPad.

Now, whether the computer converted them to something else in the background before sending them to the iPad or not, I don't know.

I haven't got the SD card adapter yet, but I trust that when I do I'll be able to take RAW files off the camera card into the iPad and then sync them to my iPhoto library after.
I can see the usefulness of this.
For someone who doesn't have their laptop on 24x7 right beside them like I do, just keep their pad in standby mode by their sofa. Want to google something it takes 2 seconds to do it.

What's going to be interesting in when everyone else releases this year.




Even if it ran flash, I seriously doubt you'll use it for more than an over-priced toy.

Think about how you use your computer today. Can you imagine if it could only run a single task at a time? You'd throw it away!!

Well, my main use for it would be to see how the sites I design render on the Mac OS. If it had flash it would be perfect for this. Without it, not as good -- but it may still still useful. I am not sure.

I agree with the others on the lack of USB and having no way to print is pretty silly too.
I can see the usefulness of this.
For someone who doesn't have their laptop on 24x7 right beside them like I do, just keep their pad in standby mode by their sofa. Want to google something it takes 2 seconds to do it.

What's going to be interesting in when everyone else releases this year.





HP Slate
iPad vs blender:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Formula1 iPad app.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>