Apple iPad

Adobe got 7 million iPhone and iPod touch download requests for Flash in December

By Vladislav Savov posted Feb 10th 2010 3:04AM

A touch of history might be appropriate here. Back in March 2008, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen proudly proclaimed that his team was about to start coding a Flash player for the iPhone, only for his company to promptly backtrack on those words a day later. Then, about this time last year, Apple and Adobe again announced that they were collectively working on putting the ubiquitous format on Cupertino's mobile devices, but you won't be surprised to hear that hasn't born any fruit yet either. In fact, relations seem to have grown a lot frostier thanks to the iPad's Flash-less introduction, and an escalating war of passive aggressive words culminated in Steve Jobs calling Adobe lazy. Lazy or otherwise, Adobe is keeping track of its download stats, and it's taken the chance to boast that it received a cool 7 million download requests for Flash player from iPhone and iPod touch devices during December. We're hardly shocked by this number, but it seems to illustrate well the fact that so long as the two heavyweights continue playing an increasingly complacent form of hardball with one another, the only winners will be their competition.
Sure, but you can acknowledge that they do exisit and that all people who buy them aren't all idiots and that they do serve a viable and justifiable function for those that do, right?

Sure. Just as you can acknowledge that the iPad has several key deficiencies, and is therefore not an appropriate device for a significant number of people, right?

I guess what bugs me most about Apple is their attitude that not only can I not have what I want, but also that I shouldn't be asking for it in the first place. "I want Flash" "You can't have Flash, and it sucks anyway, so you shouldn't even be asking for it" "But I want to play Webkinz..." "STFU".
Sure. Just as you can acknowledge that the iPad has several key deficiencies, and is therefore not an appropriate device for a significant number of people, right?

I guess what bugs me most about Apple is their attitude that not only can I not have what I want, but also that I shouldn't be asking for it in the first place. "I want Flash" "You can't have Flash, and it sucks anyway, so you shouldn't even be asking for it" "But I want to play Webkinz..." "STFU".

Well, that all depends on what your definition of significant number of people is. If you were to say a significant number of people don't wear watches, I guess I could agree with that. However, I could easily say a significant number of people do wear watches and be equally correct.

So the Ipad will be bought and utilized by a significant number of people and will also be insufficient for a significant number of people as well.

Playing Devil's Advocate... :tongue: if you are bugged by Apple's attitude, couldn't I argue the same by you? Apple just made a product. If you like it, you will buy it. If you don't, then you won't. Let the markets decide rather than speculate. However, you are telling them, NO! it MUST have flash. It must have a camera or multitask. But really, who are you to decide what people should need or want and who are you (not "you" personally, just the critics) to tell a company that what they should produce, when in reality, what they have already produced have sold millions? Shouldn't their historic success substantiate their position more than just your preference of what you feel the average user needs?
Shouldn't their historic success substantiate their position more than just your preference of what you feel the average user needs?

Probably. And as a long time AAPL shareholder, I am quite happy with their success, and wish it to continue.

I do wish, however, that at some point they made a product for me. I have a MacBook, and it's OK, but I do most of my work on my PC. (Also, with less than 10% of the market, you'd have to admit that a "significant" number of people don't want one.) I had an iPod Nano for a while, and hated it, and so now use a Sansa Clip. Never got an iPhone, because I need a real keyboard to type on. And now this.
Probably. And as a long time AAPL shareholder, I am quite happy with their success, and wish it to continue.

I do wish, however, that at some point they made a product for me. I have a MacBook, and it's OK, but I do most of my work on my PC. (Also, with less than 10% of the market, you'd have to admit that a "significant" number of people don't want one.) I had an iPod Nano for a while, and hated it, and so now use a Sansa Clip. Never got an iPhone, because I need a real keyboard to type on. And now this.

Why would you want Apple to make a product for you? Aren't you content with the alternative options you have? There are tons of other brands out there that make netbooks, notebooks, tablets, etc that are cheaper or more capable. Or is it that you want that Apple feel and look, aesthetics, build quality, etc...?
Why would you want Apple to make a product for you? Aren't you content with the alternative options you have? There are tons of other brands out there that make netbooks, notebooks, tablets, etc that are cheaper or more capable. Or is it that you want that Apple feel and look, aesthetics, build quality, etc...?

I need to develop that smug Apple fanboi persona. You've got it down; I'm still working on it.
for you apple haters. apple totally own3d you as you're talking about them for over 8 pages and that's what they want free marketing.

I've got my forum set to show 100 posts per page, so it's only on two pages for me.

Who's own3d now, hmmmm???? :biggrin:
Probably. And as a long time AAPL shareholder, I am quite happy with their success, and wish it to continue.

I do wish, however, that at some point they made a product for me. I have a MacBook, and it's OK, but I do most of my work on my PC. (Also, with less than 10% of the market, you'd have to admit that a "significant" number of people don't want one.) I had an iPod Nano for a while, and hated it, and so now use a Sansa Clip. Never got an iPhone, because I need a real keyboard to type on. And now this.

Again, perspective. If I were to make 10% market share in competitive and open market like that industry, I'd be tickled pink. Especially if my 10% was considered niche and loyal, which is exactly what Apple is.

I think you probably have them confused for a mass marketing producer that's trying conform to and appeal to everybody, but that's diametrically opposed to the very foundation of their origin (recall hammer into giant screen). The whole market that Apple is trying to appeal to are to those that already fit the Apple mentality. They aren’t trying to be McDonalds, or Coke, or Walmart. They want to be the niche boutique on the corner market. Sure they are more expensive and they have a very specific, not broad appealing selection, but there is a market for that. There is a need for what they are doing, because consider the alternative. Say they produce the tablet that “you” want. Well then they are now in a rat race against, Microsoft, HP, Acer, Sony etc. because those companies already produce the product “you” want. They tried that already in the past and guess what? They lost. They will never produce the product “you” want because they can’t compete in that market. They will lose. They did in the past and they would do it again. All they can do is produce an Apple product and let those with an Apple mentality buy and support that product. And so far it has been very good to them and I don’t think they see any reason to change that.

That's a reasonable take on Apple.

They aren't looking to be the Chevy, Hyundai or Kia of the computer industry. They are more of the Honda style.

They don't have a broad selection of products and they often shun from the conventional way of doing things.

I could have saved thousands of $$$ if I purchased a Kia or Chevy instead of my Honda Accord. Why didn't I? If you look at pure specifications of competing models, there isn't a huge difference. But I like Honda for small but meaningful details, fit and finish and a certain amount of intangible essence that I just can't pin down. And I view Apple in much the same way.

Sure, I could have purchased a Blackberry or some other smartphone instead of my iPhone but for me there's a huge difference.

Sure. Just as you can acknowledge that the iPad has several key deficiencies, and is therefore not an appropriate device for a significant number of people, right?

I guess what bugs me most about Apple is their attitude that not only can I not have what I want, but also that I shouldn't be asking for it in the first place. "I want Flash" "You can't have Flash, and it sucks anyway, so you shouldn't even be asking for it" "But I want to play Webkinz..." "STFU".


I don't think it's Apple's attitude that's causing the problem here. Heck, Apple loves Adobe's PDF format. You can print any thing on a Mac to a PDF file in Mac OS X without anything extra. It's a standard feature right out of box.

So, it's not simply a "we hate Adobe" thing. Again, why doesn't Adobe just fix their code? Blaming Apple is misplaced, IMHO. This is an Adobe issue.

I'd love to be able to view Flash on my iPhone and on my Mac without issues.

Jobs simply reached a point where he said, "Enough!" when these bugs really affected performance (speed and battery life) of the iPhone.

As I said, this ain't a religious thing. It's just a case of buggy code that needs to be fixed. This whole thing would have been a non-issue if Adobe would get their act together.

Looks Like HULU is going to support iPhone/iPad

All that could be about to change. According to TechCrunch, an "industry insider" has revealed that Hulu is already working on an iPad version of its site which should be ready to launch by the time the iPad is released in March. Whether this will take the form of a dedicated app or a "mobile version" of the site coded in HTML5 rather than Flash remains to be seen. TechCrunch notes that "putting Hulu on the iPad boils down to a business decision, not a technical one." Unlike YouTube, which had to re-encode a large portion of its videos for iPhone compatibility back in 2007, Hulu's videos are already encoded in the iPhone/iPad-friendly H.264 video format. The only Flash-encoded portions of Hulu that would have to change for iPad compatibility are the player itself (the "wrapper" for the video with its controls) and the ads.

I'd like to point out something regarding the iPhone/iPad.

Apple has made it possible, with their App Store, for individuals to break into the commercial software business with minimal investment.

Before the App Store, if you had an idea for a commercial software application you needed a lot of money to market and distribute your product. A lot of money. I know because I've been there (I designed a "Best of Macworld" application a number of years ago).

Now, it's possible for a smart, motivated one man shop to build an application and make millions of dollars. And I'm totally serious about this. There are numerous people who have done just that on the App Store.

If you watch Jobs' keynote you'll see one such developer who wrote a iPhone app called "Brushes" (a painting program) and he's now working on the iPad version.

The opportunity that Apple has provided is staggering and I'm somewhat surprised that you don't hear more people mentioning it.

This could be the killer product for us in the next year. The screen is now large enough to use as a full automation remote and for $400-$600 per unit, even though it sounds like a lot, is far less expensive than the $2500+ per touchpanel customers used to pay us to put them around the house. I can see one of these ending up in every single room of our future projects, depending on how reliable it proves to be. Manufacturers of large, expensive touchpanels take note. Those days are nearing an end.

Dang, did I call it or what! Less than a week later... BAM!

Article below:

The hot new Apple® iPad is a full 2-way Crestron® touchpanel – available the same day it ships from Apple. Immediately take advantage of the free Crestron Mobile™ app (currently available from iTunes®) to transform your iPad into a complete home automation touchpanel, or use the Crestron Mobile Pro™ app to turn the iPad into a entirely customized user interface while enjoying the sleek, stylish Apple look, right from day one.

Use existing Crestron software tools to create GUI designs and seamlessly integrate with any Crestron control system, including Prodigy®. Use the vast library of free Crestron graphics or produce custom images desired. Browse, select and play songs and movies; control lights and adjust temperature, all from the iPad.

The iPad connects to the Crestron controller via WiFi or 3G network the same way the iPhone® or iPod touch® does today. Simply add complete Crestron control to any room in the home, or take advantage of the 3G iPad for control anywhere, whether in the car, on vacation or at the office.

Crestron is committed to offering great solutions for integrating Apple products into the home. Create touchpanel interfaces with XPanel for Mac® to take full Crestron control from any iMac® or MacBook®. Convert your iPod® into a Crestron controlled media server using the Crestron Interface for Apple iPod (CEN-IDOCV), Crestron iServer™ (CEN-ISERVER) or the Prodigy® Interface for Apple iPod (P-IDOCV). Crestron Mobile™ lets you use the iPad, as well as iPhone and iPod touch, to take complete control of any system, anywhere.

Check out the complete Crestron line for Integration with Apple Products at
Ilya it's funny, I was just having lunch with a friend yesterday and we talked about EXACTLY this. In fact, we were talking specifically about Crestrons overpriced solutions and how we could put together a turnkey solution using iPad's for a fraction of the price. (We spent a significant amount of time on a failed business venture a couple of years back developing an extensive IR library and intelligent activity oriented design which we could leverage for this)

Funny that Crestron comes up with something that takes advantage of this.

Jimbo: Hey I wanna be one of those that makes millions too! Download my latest iPhone creation (2D physics racing game) and help me reach that goal! :) Only 99c

Promo video here:
You know what really irks me about some Apple Fanbois is their MR. KNOWITALL attitude.

Not all is like this, but I've been meeting a fair amount lately.

One where I was having a conversation with a guy about how great iPhones are...blah blah blah. He was explaining to me the day he can now do picture messaging on his iPhone. I reply, yeah....MMS... He was a bit confused, then he agrees with me. I work for a large Cellphone co. and started to tell him why apple just got to supporting the feature. I proceed to tell him what it takes from a cell network perspective to do this "MMS". It all seemed over his head. I wasn't very impressed or enthusiastic about his new found feature on his iPhone...Jeezzz we've had this feature for years, even with non-smartphones.

Another recently, where we are testing new Android products for compatibiilty with various car multimedia systems and the dealer service writer seemed to be a bonafide Apple Fanboi. He was really giving himself props on his tech savy skills. Yet,he proceeds to break the battery cover plastic, while trying to give a charge on the Acura TL we were given for the test. I was talking about the new features like 1080p HD out from our new devices and the multitasking features (surf web and text others, check stock reports), I can do while on boring conference calls. He basically discounted all that and said I can do all that too. Total BS unless you've got a jailbroken copy and even at that, I've seen it perform and it does NOT perform like any of the Android devices out.

I like the ease of use and the nice aesthetically pleasing look of the iPhone. Apple simply gets the design factors. I just really really can't stand some of the owners who have blinders on. They'd polish Steve Jobs knob in a dime if given the chance. Its a gadget for Christ sakes! its not the holy f$%#$% grail! It doesn't give you super powers, nor makes your penis bigger because you use it! It always seems to be the guys....who are the most annoying about their Apple superiority over other products. I've conversed openly and will give props to various features of Apple products, since they have paved the way to some markets.

The iPad might be a success, only time will tell, but you know what? Its not like it was back then...The iPhone was a totally new product that reinvented mobile web browsing and applications on a mobile device. Apple is not alone this time. There are lots of companies that will not stand to let Apple repeat its success with the iPhone. Intel is one of them...
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Well, I'm not an Apple fanboi or whatever some of you are referring to. I hate the fact that no matter what PC I buy, I always feel like I'm getting ripped off. I feel like I just shelled out hundreds of dollars for a brand new hunk of crap. I finally moved up to the MacBook Pro, and will buy an iPad most likely later this year. I'm 150% satisfied with my purchase. Everything from the look, the feel of the keys when typing, the abilities of the touchpad, to the consistent performance, and the intuition with which many of the functions were designed. It may have been more than twice as much, but at least I like it. I will NEVER buy another PC. Just my $0.02.
I'll be pre-ordering the entry level WiFi so I can start working on it, and get the 3G later once it comes out. A little annoyed at the whole microSIM thing though...
I'll be pre-ordering the entry level WiFi so I can start working on it, and get the 3G later once it comes out. A little annoyed at the whole microSIM thing though...

since the only difference between a SIM card and a microSim card is the plastic around the chip, I predict someone will come out with an adapter sooner or later. Something along the lines like that of micro SD, mini SD, and SD cards.