Apple iPad

I have a feeling if APPLE did their app store that way you guys would say it is BRILLIANT!

I'm not trying to be a Fanboy, I am just relating my experiences. I began my struggle with PCs in the late eighties and ended my struggle with PCs last weekend when the Dell laptop hard-drive crashed. I have always been a Ford fan but owning my first Honda (NSX) showed me what made Honda, Honda. I had never owned a Honda motorcycle before (although I admired them) but now own a Gold Wing. The average age of my personal Honda fleet? 1991. That really is saying something. Those aren't my garage queens, they are my only transportation - I don't own any other cars or motorcycles. I have come to feel the same way about Apple products. Although they aren't perfect, for the most part they just work and are super reliable. They are also transformative in that you go from tinkering with your computer just to keep it going to actually getting things done. The iPad can also totally function in a business environment and can easily replace most laptops.

I had to enter my FiOS router password several times yesterday, which made me quite unhappy. Digging around, it appears one fix is to change the router from WEP to WPA.

My linksys router was running open (no password) but the iPad wouldn't link to it. What worked for me was to reset the router to the default settings, then set it to Channel 6, WPA-Personal with a password.

I was also having the dreaded "iTunes won't recognize the iPad" problem. I reinstalled iTunes (didn't uninstall, just reinstalled over the previous installation) and the problem cleared right up. It seems that a reinstallation corrects/repairs the "support for mobile devices" portion of iTunes.
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I was also having the dreaded "iTunes won't recognize the iPad" problem. I reinstalled iTunes (didn't uninstall, just reinstalled over the previous installation) and the problem cleared right up. It seems that a reinstallation corrects/repairs the "support for mobile devices" portion of iTunes.

It is my understanding that you need the latest iTunes version to work with the iPad, so I'm thinking you didn't reinstall iTunes, but actually upgraded.
No more random crashes, blue screens of death, installing, reinstalling, and reinstalling software.
My Mac gave me a little drama, I had to upgrade the operating system, as well as tweak my wireless router settings, plus reinstall iTunes, but the Ipad is up and running so here is my review:

Classic Mac fanboyism. Reinstalling software on a Windows machine is evidence of how much Microsoft sucks. Reinstalling software on a Mac is no big deal.
Flash is on the way out, get over it. And no, if Apple did a points system on their iTunes Store, it would be just as stupid as Microsoft's. Having said that, I gladly forked over money for Halo maps whenever they came out.

I don't think Flash is on the way out as fast as you think. If you watched that video I think you would be smart enough to realize there is a lot of life left.

I personally can't wait for it to be on my BB.

We'll see what happens when it is on every phone except yours.
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Classic Mac fanboyism. Reinstalling software on a Windows machine is evidence of how much Microsoft sucks. Reinstalling software on a Mac is no big deal.

Hey Bob, a suggestion. Could you lighten up a bit on the "fanboyism" comments directed at someone personally, eh? :cool:

No one's putting you down for your choice of computer and the pro-Apple comments here really shouldn't be interpreted as a threat to you or other Windows users.

Just because someone really likes a product and has mentioned problems (or even bitched) they've had with other competing products doesn't make them a rabid fanboi and it certainly doesn't warrant a put down. Granted, some Mac users can be overbearing and intolerant but I've certainly not seen that here on this forum.

I think this kind of thread works best when it's non-personal and we just concentrate on what each of us likes or has problems with.

PS: I use a Windows PC running XP at least 8 hours a day.

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Hey Bob, a suggestion. Could you lighten up a bit on the "fanboyism" comments directed at someone personally, eh? :cool:

It wasn't my intention to rail on Jett personally. But you must admit that it is a bit hypocritical to complain about Windows and having to reinstall apps, and in the same post talk about a Mac issue that was resolved by reinstalling the app? Just a bit?

PS: I use a Windows PC running XP at least 8 hours a day.

I have a Mac at home, which I use probably 50% of the time. My daughter uses it almost exclusively. I also support many Mac users at work, and so I am intimately familiar with the various problems they encounter. Indeed, when I audit my ticket logs I find that Mac calls by percentage are about equal to Windows calls.

The things that I take issue with, and when I will call out fanboyism, is when claims are made that Macs are in some way better than Windows machines, or when Microsoft is chastised as evil while Apple is placed on a pedestal. Again, I don't mean to be personal about it, but it is the nature of dialog that comments are made in response to other comments

Personally, I don't really care if one uses Windows, or a Mac, or even Linux. Use what you like. Use what's comfortable for you. Use what gets your stuff done easiest for you. All of the major OSs have their strengths, and their weaknesses. Acknowledging only the strengths of one's OS while ignoring the weaknesses is a logical fallacy know as confirmation bias. Or more colloqually, fanboyism.
I don't think Flash is on the way out as fast as you think. If you watched that video I think you would be smart enough to realize there is a lot of life left.

I personally can't wait for it to be on my BB.

We'll see what happens when it is on every phone except yours.

I doubt Flash will be on EVERY phone but mine.
It wasn't my intention to rail on Jett personally. But you must admit that it is a bit hypocritical to complain about Windows and having to reinstall apps, and in the same post talk about a Mac issue that was resolved by reinstalling the app? Just a bit?

For every application I have had to reinstall on a Mac, I have had to reinstall 10 on a PC. I went out of my way to say that Macs weren't perfect and to critique the iPad's shortcomings. So no, I don't think I am being hypocritical at all - I am just stating the facts. The fact that a Honda occasionally requires repair doesn't make it equal to a Camaro, it is the reliability, the frequency of repairs, the durability and longevity of the car before it needs replacing, all of these factors are important - the same with computers. If you buy a Mercedes, you pay a premium price to get a premium product. The same with Apple products, you pay a premium price and get a premium product. This doesn't mean there isn't a place in the world for economy cars or economy PCs - they both fill a large market demand.

The things that I take issue with, and when I will call out fanboyism, is when claims are made that Macs are in some way better than Windows machines...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Macs ARE better than Windows machines. They are of much higher quality construction, and are more reliable and durable. Your argument is like saying that Hyundai is equivalent to Honda. It just ain't so. This doesn't mean that a lot of people don't buy Hyundais, though. They are more affordable and they are "good enough", just like PCs.

...or when Microsoft is chastised as evil while Apple is placed on a pedestal.

I agree with you here. All that "Gates is evil, Jobs is God" stuff is just too much.

I don't mean to be personal about it, but it is the nature of dialog that comments are made in response to other comments.
Me either, so don't get mad when I post this rebuttal.

Personally, I don't really care if one uses Windows, or a Mac, or even Linux.

Yes you do.

Use what you like. Use what's comfortable for you. Use what gets your stuff done easiest for you.

That was what I was doing when I was interrupted by the fanboy and hypocrisy allegations.

All of the major OSs have their strengths, and their weaknesses.

Facts not in dispute.

Acknowledging only the strengths of one's OS while ignoring the weaknesses is a logical fallacy know as confirmation bias. Or more colloqually, fanboyism.

I went out of my way to point out my device's weaknesses, so I don't think I suffer from confirmation bias (fanboyism).

Newton's Law of Computers: For every Fanboy (fanatic) there is an equal and opposite Mac hater (fanatic).
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Classic Mac fanboyism. Reinstalling software on a Windows machine is evidence of how much Microsoft sucks. Reinstalling software on a Mac is no big deal.

Reinstalling software on any machine can be an inconvenience, but it sure is alot easier than on any windows machine. Just click & drag, and you're done, unless you're installing MS Office or Adobe CSx. ;)
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Macs ARE better than Windows machines. They are of much higher quality construction, and are more reliable and durable.

Of course, there are hundreds of different kinds of Windows machines, and four or five different Macs. Macs are of a very high quality, I agree -- and certainly at the price point that most Windows users demand, they're going to get an inferior machine. But there are also very high quality Windows machines out there, if one is willing to pay.

It also helps to have a monopoly controlling both the hardware and software, as Apple does. Microsoft has to deal with a zillion separate manufacturers. Apple only needs to deal with itself.

Me either, so don't get mad when I post this rebuttal.

Never! I enjoy the debate :)
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Macs ARE better than Windows machines. They are of much higher quality construction, and are more reliable and durable. Your argument is like saying that Hyundai is equivalent to Honda. It just ain't so. This doesn't mean that a lot of people don't buy Hyundais, though. They are more affordable and they are "good enough", just like PCs.


last I checked Mac's ran PC hardware.
Considering that a full version of Flash isn't on *any* smartphones today, I'd say that's a pretty safe bet.

What part of "will be" did you miss?

How about I put it this way. Flash will be available on EVERY smartphone EXCEPT the iPhone in the next 1-1.5 years.
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Reinstalling software on any machine can be an inconvenience, but it sure is alot easier than on any windows machine. Just click & drag, and you're done, unless you're installing MS Office or Adobe CSx. ;)

What exactly are you guys doing that requires you to re-install software over and over.

I have had windows machines my whole life and can't recall having to re-install anything unless I formatted a new drive.
Reinstalling software on any machine can be an inconvenience, but it sure is alot easier than on any windows machine. Just click & drag, and you're done, unless you're installing MS Office or Adobe CSx. ;)

Windows: Double-click setup.exe, then click Next > Next > Next until you're done. Not so difficult. Even easier if you're installing from CD or DVD, as most Windows machines are confured to autorun the disc (albeit mine isn't).

Click & drag? From where? To where? Then what?

Of course, both are dramatically easier than Linux, unless one likes sudo'ing from the command line.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Macs ARE better than Windows machines. They are of much higher quality construction, and are more reliable and durable. Your argument is like saying that Hyundai is equivalent to Honda. It just ain't so. This doesn't mean that a lot of people don't buy Hyundais, though. They are more affordable and they are "good enough", just like PCs.

Aside from the casing and the hardware for the iPad/iPhone, how are Macs and PCs different? Remember, you're stating build quality here, not user experience with the software. PCs and Macs (when talking only Intel and Nvidia) share similar components. Intel and Nvidia are don't make their hardware any different for one or the other.

A more accurate comparison (IMO) would be to compare a car that is manual to a car that is automatic of the same make and model, with the automatic costing twice as more because it's easier to drive.

My biggest problem with apple is the premium they charge for their name for the same hardware. My desktop cost me roughly $1000 to put together last year compared to the closest spec'd one on apple's site (which doesn't come close to my build) which was north of $3k. I'm running both Win7 and OS X 10.6.3 in a dual boot (using EFI-X dongle).

PS: for those arguing HTML5 vs Flash:
<object width="400" height="225"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="225"></embed></object><p><a href="">Comparison of performance of Flash Player 10.1 and HTML 5 on Mobile Devices</a> from <a href="">michael chaize</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

I was trying to refrain from posting back on this thread, but I was bored and this was one of the top threads today in which I found this ridiculous statement (no offense).
What part of "will be" did you miss?

How about I put it this way. Flash will be available on EVERY smartphone EXCEPT the iPhone in the next 1-1.5 years.
I doubt it. Not a full version anyway. Let us be sure to revisit this thread in a year or so and have a chuckle at whichever of us was wrong.
For the record, it's not that I hate Macs.

I hate *all* computers. :tongue:

Working in tech support will do that to you. :biggrin:
For every application I have had to reinstall on a Mac, I have had to reinstall 10 on a PC. I went out of my way to say that Macs weren't perfect and to critique the iPad's shortcomings. So no, I don't think I am being hypocritical at all - I am just stating the facts. The fact that a Honda occasionally requires repair doesn't make it equal to a Camaro, it is the reliability, the frequency of repairs, the durability and longevity of the car before it needs replacing, all of these factors are important - the same with computers. If you buy a Mercedes, you pay a premium price to get a premium product. The same with Apple products, you pay a premium price and get a premium product. This doesn't mean there isn't a place in the world for economy cars or economy PCs - they both fill a large market demand.

Working in the IT industry for over 15 years I can tell you that your experience is very different than mine. In the end, a lot of it boils down to user error. I've found Apple computers to have more problems than PCs.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Macs ARE better than Windows machines. They are of much higher quality construction, and are more reliable and durable. Your argument is like saying that Hyundai is equivalent to Honda. It just ain't so. This doesn't mean that a lot of people don't buy Hyundais, though. They are more affordable and they are "good enough", just like PCs.

I recently repaired several MacBook pros which all suffer from the same problem which have required logic board replacements. Apple wants around $1200 to fix these. I've been able to acquire the boards for about $400-500 saving the users some money. The problem they suffer from is that the graphics chip is mounted in the middle and is surface attached using BGA (ball grid array). With the chip being mounted in the center of the MacBook, they are highly prone to failure because of chassis will flex and dislodge the chip. So the best way to handle the Macbook Pros is to pick them up with both hands and be very careful. This problem will occur again and again if the user is not careful leading to very expensive repairs. The unibodies are just slightly less susceptible to this problem. The good news is the logic boards can be repaired, PM me if you are having this issue and I can hook you up with a fairly inexpensive repair.

If you are buying a Macbook Pro or any other Apple product, I'd advise you to buy the Apple care extended warranty. Some of the construction on the Apple products might seem nice at first but just because you might have a magnesium or aluminum case doesn't mean it's any more reliable. You can build a car like a Bentley but it doesn't mean it's going to be reliable. The superdrives get stuck all the time, that magnetic connector for the power adapter is prone to failure and even fire (I've seen a burned one myself) and OSX has problems too.

I usually buy business series notebook computers from HP and they have been solid as a rock. If you've had good luck with your Apple products, good for you. I'm seeing an increase in people switching back to PCs now.