Acura NSX-T vs. Porsche 911 Turbo

Originally posted by bill92nsx:
Where is Allan, haven't heard from him, this isn't normal for him to miss out on this thread. Hope he didn't get banned but I can't see any reason why.

As Allan's attorney, I demand to know why my client has been banned from NSXPRIME.COM?! Don't ban us because we are beautiful!
Originally posted by G-man:
You need to grow and do your research before you start spouting off. And if Allan could still post here, he would back me up on this.

Did you read my post....Did I say anything, make claims or statments about your car or any other car for that matter. I only posted what I thought would be something more interesting and factual than the crap published in the recent article and/or owners of differing cars that are making claims. I have no reason to doubt them nor did I show bias did I ? Heck if I had the cash, I would own everyone of the cars mentioned and i've driven some of them personally...they are good cars. Read b/f you post and if you don't understand i'll take the time to explain in more detail, I thought my statement was pretty straight forward.
Originally posted by Tom Larkins:
I've watched from afar on this one and the Super Car showdown horsecrap that was published. Take all the hot s#i+ cars from these last 2 two threads and any other forum for that matter and do a showdown of our own...

Tom, sorry dude if I misread this first comment in your last post. Seemed hostile toward me and my "hot s#it" car.
I know Alan is overbearing, but we do need the guy for the race, want to be fair with everyone. I am gonna find a way to set this up, where exactly do u live Gordon, and would Lud be able to come out with his NSXS, then we have to find the time out of our schedule and meet up to do this.
Originally posted by Deqle:
I know Alan is overbearing, but we do need the guy for the race, want to be fair with everyone. I am gonna find a way to set this up, where exactly do u live Gordon, and would Lud be able to come out with his NSXS, then we have to find the time out of our schedule and meet up to do this.

I live here in Blacksburg, VA with Lud, so we are already 2/3 of the battle.
All we need is for Allan to blow us all away.
Tom Larkin is right, we should gather up and wage war. I live in San Diego, would you guys able to come around to Alburqueqe, New Mexico, It wouldn't be too far for the dude neither. My schedule is probably more flexible than yours, so make it in advance. What do you guys think.
I am extremely happy with the NSX, and my future plan include a second one. If some of you think that I don't appreciate other marques, you are dead wrong. Look at all the events that I hosted, and you will see a ZO6, 996t, M3, S2K, S4TT, RSX in the mix with the NSXS, I went out of ny way to invite these guys in because, unlike some people on this post, nobody around here like to gloat, we appreciate each vehicles for its differences and we get along with each other. That is why I will alway defended the NSX, it's might be a little bit short in some area but more than make up for it in some, then if you go and add some mod, and you will be smoking. So please if any one gonna mention another vehicles, please let us know what it's pluses and minuses, share it, and be honest about it cause trust me I have driven just about everything that you guys had mention. But don't talk about how you are gonna stomp an NSX and the NSX sucks, cause that is where you go wrong. And now we gotta settle this.
Originally posted by NetViper:
It is a shame we even have to have this NSX vs XXX car battle... and more often than not, the NSX is at a disadvantage...

If honda had taken steps to gradually improve the car like Porsche did with the 911.. right now we would be comparing the porsche to an NSX with a 3.8L V6 with 345+HP, some version of PSM, maybe AWD and a bunch of other refinements. It's kind of sad.

I have never been a huge Porsche fan, but I must say I respect their goals of always improving their cars. I wish Honda had taken this approach with the NSX.

Not changing the power since 97 is a big loss IMO.

Oh well..

I find the follow on-line review rather interesting and true about why Honda didn't upgrade the NSX over the years...
"After 5 long years, we expect more from this revision. Now it is obviously inferior to the new 911 and 360 Modena, no matter in performance or handling. The NSX was a symbol for Japanese sports car making. When it was born in 1990, it was much more advanced than contemporary Ferraris and Porsche. With such a strong basis, it could have been turned into another legendary sports car like 911 if Honda evolve it in the same way as Porsche. Unluckily, Honda would rather let it get aged and dying. This seems to be an inevitable fate for a car losing money throughout the years." Review-

Or read the review in its entirety :
IMO, things weren't the same for Honda anymore when Soichiro passed away in 1991. He was the driving force behind the company's constant technological innovations ever since the co.'s inception. He was always the man downstairs working with his engineers all night long on the next technological breakthrough, and hired another fella to deal with marketing and day to day operations. Even when he retired, he was still overseeing the outcome of his dream machine, the NSX, until it was finalized for production run.

I was only away for 24 hours and I missed all of this good smack talking
C&D part 2!

First off, what in the heck did Allan get banned for??? ... come back Allan! Its not the same without Howard "Allan" Stern

I have to agree with NetViper on the Navagation topic... that is a load of doo doo saying navagation doesnt belong. Nice way to cover up an expensive problem
I am sure that is one of Porsche's 5000 "options" they offer for the car... I am surprised that Porsche doesnt charge you extra for the Porsche Badge on the front of the hood! I was very disappointed during the purchase of my 911. Practically EVERYTHING was an option- totally lame!

I would also have to add that from the initial problems you are already having with your Porsche it is totally unacceptable! The last thing I would ever want to do with a NEW car is take it back to the dealer for repairs.

I also have to agree with NSXtacy in that this forum is NOT yours to close. You opened the can of worms by gloating about your new TT.

I saw that soembody stated something about the Supra??? I just saw this video clip and all I can say is "Holly Cow".

[This message has been edited by TheSwishh (edited 27 August 2002).]
Originally posted by TheSwishh:

I also have to agree with NSXtacy in that this forum is NOT yours to close.

I think the only reason he wanted to close it is because email notification was driving him insane. That is solved now.

As for ALLAN.. I posted a note in NSXprime discussion about that... why on earth is he banned??? This is getting rediculous..

As for honda not updating when they should have... it is a true shame...

oh well.. off to work.
Originally posted by G-man:
Hey, someone tell me where the 996TT forum is and I will go pester them and trash the NSX in peace.
Nice car the TT, The person you should talk to about the TT is Steve Weiner at rennsport systems in Oregon, He works on 959's for fun.
There is also a site on there are a lot of TT owners on there that know the true facts about the car, other than
what is given to digest from various publications. Such as real Dyno #'s, Oil issues, electronic glitches.
Again Nice car.
Fair warning that forum has some people on there that are equally passionet about their TT's.
Tell Steve Leonard sent you
Had Soichiro lived to see this day, I really believed we would've seen at least 1 if not 2 major improvements over the last 12 years with the NSX instead of just a slight displacement increase, even if it means to lose $$ to keep up with the best other parts of the world had to offer. I believed something like the new R would've been done a good half a decade ago should Soichiro was still alive, instead of this hail-mary move that Honda is pulling now, when sales (and RESPECT) of NSX's are at an all-time low. It's like putting Oscar De La Hoya in the ring to fight against some young talented kid with no loses under his belt only to lose horribly because of his older age. The glory that once belonged to the NSX (best bang per performance buck category vs. other existing exotics) now goes to the Z06.
I find it disheartening to see the Honda Co. no longer ran by engineers, but by tie wearers whose main concern is cutting back on exotic sports cars and racing R&D, when in truth it is such that gave Honda its advantages over other carmakers the things they've learned from racing that they had applied some of that technology into their production cars to practical extent. If they lose this exhalted racing image, then there's no respect left for Honda. Heck, they might as well be caompared themselves to Hyundais and Daewoos!
Originally posted by Deqle:
Just for the record. I can buy a 2002 NSX for 88,000 bucks, throw in another 12,000 for modification i.e. BBSC, and I will have a rocket ship, still reliable, and look good doing it.

Or you can start with a base price of $67,900 for a Porsche 996, throw in another $12,000 for modification i.e. supercharger, and you can have a rocket ship, still reliable, and beat NSXs all day doing it.

Don't get me wrong - I absolutely LOVE my NSX, and think that even the 97+ and 2002+ vehicles are great sportscars, but Honda's engineering has been surpassed by Porsche in the last 5 years or so, and they have a better value product as a result.

Why do people have such a hard time admitting that there MIGHT be vehicles that are "superior" to their own at a lower initial cost?

Originally posted by Zanardi 50:
...the glory that once belonged to the NSX (best bang per performance buck category vs. other existing exotics) now goes to the Z06.

I don't consider the Z06 an "Exotic" (although it seems a very good car).

And yes, I realize I just opened up the "what is an exotic?" can of worms again.

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by erobbins:
Or you can start with a base price of $67,900 for a Porsche 996, throw in another $12,000 for modification i.e. supercharger, and you can have a rocket ship, still reliable, and beat NSXs all day doing it.

Don't get me wrong - I absolutely LOVE my NSX, and think that even the 97+ and 2002+ vehicles are great sportscars, but Honda's engineering has been surpassed by Porsche in the last 5 years or so, and they have a better value product as a result.

Why do people have such a hard time admitting that there MIGHT be vehicles that are "superior" to their own at a lower initial cost?


Hi Eric,

I don't think people here are having a hard time admitting that there are quite a few superioir car to the NSX. The problem I see is the fact that Gordon, comes here and gloat about it. He could have been nicer, since this is a NSX comunity.

The 996 turbo is no question a faster car than NSX. Stock to stock or modified to modified. No question. It is different league, I agree.

It is the manner that Gordon presented it to this forum is the problem. He got to realize this is an NSX comunity. What if someone comes to your house and start telling you that it smaller than his house, and it is crap compare to his?

I love Porsche, and my dream car would be the Gt3. But I will settle for a Cup car.

Let me refill the popcorn and soda, and please get back to regular programming.

[This message has been edited by Andrie Hartanto (edited 27 August 2002).]
996 Carrera with a Supercharge, still reliable my friend, that's ludicrous, let's see if the son of the gun can break into the 100,000 mark and post a picture please if it does. Read my last post, I said that every vehicles has its pluses and minuses. There are area that the P (performance) is better (and remember one thing performance is relative, any car can be made fast and corner like crazy), and there are area that the NSX is better (reliable, better looking, more comfortable.) Just don't come in here try to stomp the NSX, cause it ain't gonna happen. Wonder why so many NSX owners are repeated owners, are you interested in selling your to get a P, I have a friend who is interested, then you can go with the P brother and I don't even have to defend the NSX no more.
Originally posted by Andrie Hartanto:
Hi Eric,

I don't think people here are having a hard time admitting that there are quite a few superioir car to the NSX. The problem I see is the fact that Gordon, comes here and gloat about it. He could have been nicer, since this is a NSX comunity.

The 996 turbo is no question a faster car than NSX. Stock to stock or modified to modified. No question. It is different league, I agree.

It is the manner that Gordon presented it to this forum is the problem. He got to realize this is an NSX comunity. What if someone comes to your house and start telling you that it smaller than his house, and it is crap compare to his?

I know a handful of memebers at NSX Prime that own several exotics. I will not name them, because to all they are just loyal NSX owners. However, they definitely have more than most. These members always post things that are beneficial to the NSX community. I have yet to see a post that even hints that they own an exotic car. One of them, my friend actually, has a 7 car garage that houses exotics such as the Diablo,550 Maranello,360 Modena, 911 GT2, 01 NSX-T, Lotus Esprit, along with a ML320, and a Honda Accord that he uses as a daily driver. I have never seen him criticize, gloat, or do anything that has been displayed these past few weeks on the NSX forums.

We all know the shortcomings of the NSX. People don't need to come and start flames and tell us over and over again. Please tell us something we DON'T know. But please, do post something that might benefit the whole community, not destroy it.

2001 NSX-T
- Bilstein Shocks
- '02 OEM Wheels
for what it's worth, i think the idea of getting a variety of sports cars owned by US on the track and see what happens. I've never tracked a P, or a Ferrari, maybe i'd like it better. (or an MRII). whatever the case, i am happy with my nsx. I looked at porsches too, and thought they were really too expensive.

I do have one interesting note: every exotic car salesman i talked to said the car they would pick was an nsx. Granted, that was only a small sampling(three), but these are the few people out there who deal with every make of exotic on a day in day out basis. I was surprised at their choice of an nsx, because they couldve steered me into a much more expensive car, but they didnt. Their stated reasons were performance, quality, and 'most car for the money'.

Also keep in mind this was as recent as the past year, so they were comparing relatively recent models.

My point is, to make this crystal clear,
1. relying on magazines to evaluate cars may not be the best idea. There is, as Tom noted, some bias involved. Having ourselves track these cars is the best indicator.
2. The person who owns a specific car is inherently biased(in most cases). We tend to retro-rationalize our own decision making.
3. Quality evaluations require a large sampling. Hard to judge the crop based on a handful of apples. The nsx HAS proven itself in this category.
4. Exotic Car salesman may be the best potential source of unbiased information, provided they are NOT trying to sell you a car. They do not Own the vehicles they are selling. They have the opportunity to drive all the vehicles they are selling. They hear all the complaints and compliments on the vehicles they sell.

Call on some dealers sometime and develop rapport with the salesguy. You might be surprised what they really think about the cars they live with day in and day out.
Any of you guys see the last two post, they are good and honest. One reason why I will get another NSX in my garage when the siuation present itself. We here in the NSX community will never go to the P or F forum to start anything (save for that guy with the ENZOWHO plate), hehehe, we will keep all our opinion in house. But even in the F forum there were a part where several F owners who is also NSX owners repeatedly defended the NSX, and one said "The NSX is no Ferrari, but the Ferrari is no NSX, neither." Very well said. Same thing apply to a P or a Lambo, strength and weaknesses for each vehicles remember. But remember this is OUR TURF, just be fair, and honest and we will all get along.