Acura NSX-T vs. Porsche 911 Turbo

Originally posted by Deqle:
I just don't think that yours NSX is in the right hand, how sad for the NSX. Should get rid of it to an NSX enthusiast, and get another P. Honest brother I don't have a problem with you, you are allright in alot of the things you said, but I don't think you should own the NSX, it's not he right vehicle for you, I am still trying to raise my buddy who's want the NSX, hope he amswers soon.

Are you talking about me or Allan? Hell I love my NSX. It's a great and fun car to drive. Actually its my daily driver. You will probably ask why I dont use the others as daily drivers and the truth is I get tired of being on display all the time, and that is why I settled for the NSX, black especially. Like someone said before it is 9/10ths of a Ferrari. Unfortunately it lacks in the power department. Not a bad thing but it isn't good either. I have not blasted the NSX in any way whatsoever it is not TO ME the ultimate car.
Hey Allan I dont see the Mr2 there. What does it say about that? Especially with the genIII motor.
Danm, took you all that long to reply huh. Smart.... you are where did you learn to read, translated my remark all wrong. What's happened, did you graduated 2nd grade, it's ok I understand, and I can see why u and your girl ended up together, she's really smart to be working for you right, but I am sure she's get it back at the end of the day. Not only u are empty u had to rely on a woman, too, hence your aggression on this board, cause she's up on u everyday for not doing anything, beside stinking up the joint with all your stupid and sacarstic remarks. u craked me up too. El centro still stand, if you want. Bring your girl, too
for the mr2 it says:
very fast-standard car is fast enough thank you.

so there you have it, the mr2 IS the fastest!

degle, why do you keep asking me about my wife? you must of seen the pics of her on my site with the lambo. not bad huh, i mean for a guy who does nothing but sit around , do nothing all day, but stink up the joint!

see degle, you made me mad, so i went out and kicked my NSX in anger.

i too love my nsx, it is a great daily driver, i use it as i'd use a honda accord.
but seriously, when im done doing the widebody, doing whatever it is i do to the engine, it should be a pretty cool little car.
Originally posted by Deqle:
Danm, took you all that long to reply huh. Smart.... you are where did you learn to read, translated my remark all wrong. What's happened, did you graduated 2nd grade, it's ok I understand, and I can see why u and your girl ended up together, she's really smart to be working for you right, but I am sure she's get it back at the end of the day. Not only u are empty u had to rely on a woman, too, hence your aggression on this board, cause she's up on u everyday for not doing anything, beside stinking up the joint with all your stupid and sacarstic remarks. u craked me up too. El centro still stand, if you want. Bring your girl, too

Guys is it me or Deqle starting to sound like Yoda. Talking about someone graduating 2nd grade your syntax is all wrong. It sounds like the schooling Adam Sandler got in the waterboy. M m m m my m m mama says the NSX is good and everything else is the devil

And allan dont forget behind every great man is a woman unless you're a
oh never mind. I don't want to get banned
Allan' LOL. Seriously, nicely done, your wife is as good looking as some of the girls I dated. Finally, a good remark from you and I have to give you credit for it. Tell you the truth I rather argue with you but this is allright, credits where they are due. Now I am just wondering, if some of you guys can just say that The NSX is a good car, (not the best) in many way, though a little bit lacking in the power deparment, instead of the NSX is a slow SOB, and it's suck (cause it's not, hardly at 168 mph or 175 for the 2002, compare to many of the vehicles out there, but not all i.e. PTT, LAMBO, ZO6, etc), remember good and bad for each vehicles I stress, not one sided. Be fair and honest in your opinions and we will be allright. Do that and you won't even hear me say a danm thing to anyone. Remember I am here to support this community, not arguing or betting, but if I have to, I will.
Danm Bill, you are a little bit too quick on the gun.
Originally posted by Deqle:
Allan' LOL. Seriously, nicely done, your wife is as good looking as some of the girls I dated. Finally, a good remark from you and I have to give you credit for it. Tell you the truth I rather argue with you but this is allright, credits where they are due. Now I am just wondering, if some of you guys can just say that The NSX is a good car, (not the best) in many way, though a little bit lacking in the power deparment, instead of the NSX is a slow SOB, and it's suck (cause it's not, hardly at 168 mph or 175 for the 2002, compare to many of the vehicles out there, but not all i.e. PTT, LAMBO, ZO6, etc), remember good and bad for each vehicles I stress, not one sided. Be fair and honest in your opinions and we will be allright. Do that and you won't even hear me say a danm thing to anyone. Remember I am here to support this community, not arguing or betting, but if I have to, I will.

Deqle I have repeatedly said the NSX is a good car just not a great car. It does lack in power, but that is to me alone. To someone else this might be the fastest car he/she has ever been in. I am biased, I admit it, but I am biased with a legit reason. After driving the Lotus or the Ferrari the NSX does seem slow. Like I said to someone else it might be the fastest car they have ever been in, but I am used to much faster cars.

I would have answered you alot sooner but my damn computer keeps freezing up on me. Damn laptops. Never ever buy a Hewlett Packard. They are like the mr2s of the automotive industry
. I had to throw that in there, sorry David
i dont believe that i ever said the nsx sucked! if it did i wouldnt own one. what i do, is compare it to vehicles i own, and in many ways compared to them, it does suck, but other things about them suck compared to the nsx. i wrote about that in my opinions on the nsx vs lotus. i believe that the nsx will do 168, but you better have alot of time on your hands, because it will take a long, long time to get there!
my true opinion of the nsx is that it needs a huge boost in performance. huge! like a heart transplant. if i had gerry's nsx, maybe my opinions would be different. i had nothing but praises for his car, its got it all, looks,performance, style etc.but ill beat that one with the diablo!lol
im telling you, after buying the lotus, the nsx doesnt even feel as though it gets into a powerband, just seems like it gets louder.

i didnt notice it when stepping from the diablo to the nsx, because it was such an extreme and i never really compared the 2.

but the lotus really brought out the nsx's performance inadequacies.

sometimes, i feel like i'd like to rip the engine out and do a complete gerry twin turbo, but then, i say to myself, well maybe i'd rather just buy a 355gts?
Go out to I40 and let that VTEC get you to the top speed, don't tell any one I refer you to that Interstate though, and you will see the legitimate 168. Now I love my car, and I did some modification here and there and the car is good, and soon with the nitrous, the sucker gonna be cooking. After that I better get started on the project car I had in mind with a 300ZX TT. Now, where in god's name is G-man, I guess all the email scare the living day light out of him, LOL. Peace gentlemen.
And I was enjoying all these mind wringling conversations, Well I guess all good thing must have come to an end. Allan, when I am out in Arizona next time for a business trip, we gonna have to see about my Nitrous NSX and your Lotus turbo and have some fun, don't you think?

I am not much into quoting but somewhere on page 4(?) I think you stated something about you prefering NOS over SC or Turbo? You should agree that NOS is only fun for a few seconds until the ride is over... SC and Turbo are constant. NOS is a pain too... I was always filling my bottles

As for the RX7TT and SupraTT not in the same catagory... I disagree. I still remember the Road & Track article that pushed me to place a deposit on my 1st RX7TT... It stated "RX7, The Giant Killer." (Too bad it should have said "RX7, the engine blower"
It had a bunch of cool stats on how the RX7,FD3 was killing the competion and was in direct comp with the NSX. Having owend a 95 SupraTT I would have to say also that the NSX NEEDED the power that car put out stock. The reason I state that SupraTT also is that the SupraTT has retained its value to a point of being ludicris. I bought mine in 95 for $65K. Sold it in 98 for $32. I want to get one again to throw that nasty HKS 900HP turbo kit in but I refuse to buy another 6speed that is actually selling for the same, if not more than what I sold mine for 4 years ago.

No matter what, the NSX killed em all in looks and "titlle" of being the grand daddy of them all.-even if it was slower. I agree with this analogy due to the quality and engineering of the cars concept. It certainly WAS the pride of Japan.

I wish Honda would come up with a turbo setup for the NSX. I have had soooo much fun modifying turbo charged cars! A good example would be the simple mod of deleting the cats... on my Supra alone, I gained over 75HP. On my 911tt all I needed was the GReddy Profec to increase the boost... that gave me another 90HP... then I had to modify the A/F ratio but it was still fun. The sad thing about the NSX is, just by tweaking the car (not adding turbo, nos, or sc) the most HP gain we can get is about 40HP if you are lucky. Boooooo

This is one of the reasons I TT'd my NSX. The car is now for certain in the league it should be.

PS. Gerry isnt the ONLY fast NSX in this community
I did a series of roll on races with a Basch Boost NSX (BoneZ's car) on July 14th

EWWWWW Someone used my name and Basch Boost in the same sentence! Silly boy, I have a GruppeM in my car...

Brian owns the BBSC you raced, he was coming home from the LA area, and you caught him on the back side of the grapevine. I know because he called me and told me, shortly after you posted on the board.

I had a similar experience with a GruppeM supercharged NSX. We did one hard pull from about 65 mph and I led by about 2 car lengths.

We were racing? I think the only time on the drive home that I would have considered a race, would be the 6 seconds of open road we had versus the 2 seconds between cars.

Com'n now David, you know that's not what happened, and you know you didn't "lead by 2 car lengths". After 110mph I railed the brakes because im not big on racing on public roads, and as much as Id enjoy a speeding ticket, thanks but no thanks. Maybe then you lead by 2 car lengths but surely not before, and you know it.

You sir have just made it to my poopy people list

(Can I say poopy without getting banned?)

(And yes, the poopy person comment is a joke...)


Edited message to fix a typo

[This message has been edited by BoneZ (edited 29 August 2002).]
One question about the NSX's LACK of power..

The car was designed for the track.. and that is where it shines. Sure, compared to a lot of cars on the street, it may seem to lack power, but on the track, is it the same way?

I am just asking.. I have not taken my car to a track as there is no track around here
But, I know many of you have and I would like to hear your opinion.
Hi, BoneZ! Thanks for joining the dialogue.

Originally posted by BoneZ:
We were racing? I think the only time on the drive home that I would have considered a race, would be the 6 seconds of open road we had versus the 2 seconds between cars.)

That's the one hard pull I was referring to.

Com'n now David, you know that's not what happened, and you know you didn't "lead by 2 car lengths". After 110mph I railed the brakes because im not big on racing on public roads, and as much as Id enjoy a speeding ticket, thanks but no thanks. Maybe then you lead by 2 car lengths but surely not before, and you know it.

Interesting... So you're claiming that at some point before 110mph you were ahead of me? In any event, remember that we had a chase car (Jason's M3) as a witness so maybe we can compare his recollection of what transpired. If 2 car lengths was an exaggeration, please let me know how much you thought I was ahead by.

FWIW, I have no illusions about how badly you would have demolished me had you sprayed NOS during the, ahem, "race" so let me have my little victory, whydoncha?!

Also, for the record, BoneZ had a passenger with him whereas I was alone in my car at the time.

You sir have just made it to my poopy people list

Is that all it took?

Anyway, does Brian also disagree about my leading 3/3 pulls? Hopefully he doesn't dispute my recollection of the encounter.

We all have fast cars so I don't see what the big deal is other than certain board members needing proof that the Gen III MR2 can be considered "competition" for the NSX.

It would be great if you could bring your sweet NSX (and it really is incredible, for those of you who have not seen what BoneZ has done to his car) to Thunderhill on November 24th so that we can take this friendly competition to the track. I'm sure that would make for some great video footage to supplement what we already have of you and your car.

LOL, I really hope Andrie doesn't mind my inviting everyone to his event. Andrie?

-- DavidV

[This message has been edited by BoostedMR2 (edited 29 August 2002).]
Originally posted by ALLAN:
12k for a clutch? wow your getting robbed. i can get it done for 6k.

$6000 for a clutch???

Originally posted by bill92nsx:
Actually the most reliable and easiest to live with high end just happens to be a Porsche. Especially the turbo cars. I would say they are alot more reliable than the NSX and can be driven hard every single day and not pose a single problem.

Yeah, right.

I wish someone would give me $10K for every time I’ve seen a 911 Turbo dump oil on the track and shut it down. I’d have enough to buy a new NSX.

Believe me if you want but that is reality.

Originally posted by ALLAN:
Any time degle, let me know.

Why do you call him degle? It’s Deqle, with a Q.

Originally posted by NetViper:
The car was designed for the track.. and that is where it shines. Sure, compared to a lot of cars on the street, it may seem to lack power, but on the track, is it the same way?

No. I’ve seen NA NSXs passing 500+ hp Supras at the track. The Supras have an advantage on the straights, but the NSXs catch them in the corners.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
No. I’ve seen NA NSXs passing 500+ hp Supras at the track. The Supras have an advantage on the straights, but the NSXs catch them in the corners.

Must be the driver, or maybe suspension work. Well Sorted Supra with 500 RWHP should be able to edge a NA NSX for a few laps. I said a few laps, cause after a few laps the Supra should be overheated and slow way down.

There is a BPU Supra that I see sometimes with about the same skill as I do, that can turn 2:09 in Thill. I turned 2:08 in my NA NSX. His HP level is about 400 HP. Even then he still overheated.

[This message has been edited by Andrie Hartanto (edited 29 August 2002).]
swish, i too like turbos better than nos, but for what i use my car for, which is basicly cruising around on the street, nos would be a simple solution. my car never sees track use, (although thats something i hope to change), and the once in a blue moon that i do race the car, it would be like a 0-100mph race, with no prolonged high speed driving. ive been out in arizona now since february, and i really cant remember racing anyone at all, except for when i went to the track with the baschboost car. thats it. soo i could see bottles lasting me for months on end.truthfully, when i go out to race around, its not the nsx that i take.

nsxtasy, thanks for showing me the light on deqle's name, i didnt notice that.

in regards to the clutch for 6k, not to sound snobby, but if you can afford to buy the car, the cost of the clutch doesnt sound all that bad. i think it pains more people driving used 30,000 nsx's to spend 2k to change a stock clutch. as i said in previous posts, if you know how to drive, the clutch will last a long long time.mine is perfect, in a 4 year old car, which sees harder use than just about any other car will see.

as to the porsches dumping oil on the track, im sure some do. but there are plenty of nsx's with many problems also. take one look at the tech part here, and i know quite a few people who have blown their motors in their nsx's, whether they have been modified or not. remember thats why they make those billet oil pump gears, so that you dont blow your motor from sustained high rpm use!
It's ok, NSXTASY, spelling mistake happen all the time, hell even to a guy like me, lol. Hey, thanks for the reply on the NSX belts question. One equestion for some of you guys though, If I updated a Twin turbo set up on a car (fuutre Project), then that's SOB ain't gonna hold up too well on the track, huh (overheat). Any suggestion how I can improve on that.
Originally posted by ALLAN:
as to the porsches dumping oil on the track, im sure some do. but there are plenty of nsx's with many problems also. take one look at the tech part here, and i know quite a few people who have blown their motors in their nsx's, whether they have been modified or not. remember thats why they make those billet oil pump gears, so that you dont blow your motor from sustained high rpm use!

I don't know of a single NSX that has blown an unmodified motor on a normal road course (IOW anything short of sustained laps on a high-banked oval). The need for billet oil pump gears on a stock motor is simply hype from the people who sell them.

Of course, I have ONLY about 70 track events on my stock-drivetrain NSX, so that doesn't count... right?

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 29 August 2002).]
Originally posted by TheSwishh:
I am sure that is one of Porsche's 5000 "options" they offer for the car... I am surprised that Porsche doesnt charge you extra for the Porsche Badge on the front of the hood!

They don't charge you for the Porsche emblem on the front, but there is an option to delete it for an extra charge.