You know you own an NSX when...

Hah it's actually my dad. When I sent him my nsx picture, he asked me why I was driving a corvette and if i have sold my nsx. Corvette is a great car but I dont ever see myself owning one.

Haha. My neighbor owns a vette and talks a lot about horsepower. I need to take him for a ride to show him what the NSX is all about. :)

I say "yes." A good portion of the joy of owning the NSX is sharing the experience with others.

I understand & agree with your point, but I was referring to some people who ask...right after they tell me how they'd like to "dog the sh!t out of it"...I love sharing, but I will not have the car abused.

Actually the whole comment about how to make _____owner and how to make them cry was lifted from a Ferrari thing...even though most Ferrari owners love to share their cars too! :)

1) You are paying HOW MUCH for a 96? (loan officer who was obviously not familiar with the nsx)
2) Is that your red corvette ( < 5 hours into ownership )
3) You paid HOW MUCH for a 2006? [ my response: "no ma'am - a 1996" ] ( DMV clerk )
1) You are paying HOW MUCH for a 96? (loan officer who was obviously not familiar with the nsx)
2) Is that your red corvette ( < 5 hours into ownership )
3) You paid HOW MUCH for a 2006? [ my response: "no ma'am - a 1996" ] ( DMV clerk )

omg i get that all the time from people who dont know anything about an nsx. "you paid how much for a 95?"
It annoys me when strangers on the street ask me how much I paid for my cars. They can check Autotrader or eBay if they're truly interested. I'm going to try to use the following response:

Someone asks how much you paid for your car, house or recent vacation.
TRY THIS: Nosy money questions are so rude that almost any polite shutdown is fair game. Try, “I’ve purposely forgotten!” Letitia Baldrige, author of “New Manners for New Times,” also suggests this go-to line: “I only know that whatever I paid, it was far too much, and whatever I earn, it’s far too little.”

But some people are super pushy and say "no really, how much?" I'm not sure how to deal with those types yet. :mad:
It annoys me when strangers on the street ask me how much I paid for my cars. They can check Autotrader or eBay if they're truly interested. I'm going to try to use the following response:

But some people are super pushy and say "no really, how much?" I'm not sure how to deal with those types yet. :mad:

Smile & say, "Why do you want to know?"

or "You're a nosy little turd, aren't you."

...or ask them a highly personal question that is sure to make them squirm. ("So exactly how much money do YOU have in your checking account?")
Ah yes, first world problems. :biggrin:

Funny story: when I was picking up my blue NSX in Washington state, a stranger came up to us and asked Mark (the prior owner of the car) if it was for sale, and how much. I could tell Mark was a little irritated at this question, because he told the guy that he was selling it to me for $5k, and the guy totally flipped out. :biggrin:
But some people are super pushy and say "no really, how much?" I'm not sure how to deal with those types yet. :mad:

I don't know either. It's really annoying. I even changed the subject and talked about something else car-related just to veer away from the topic with one guy and he went back to it.
I don't know either. It's really annoying. I even changed the subject and talked about something else car-related just to veer away from the topic with one guy and he went back to it.

I have an idea. I'm going to tell people that I inherited the car and I don't know how much my grandparents paid for it.
When u have this on ur leg shuuunnn!

Great, but wrong tattoo...the NSX is a HONDA :D

Acura is just a made up fairy tail nameplate used to dupe Americans into paying what a Honda is REALLY worth.

BTW, I understand laser removal is painful... LOL!

It annoys me when strangers on the street ask me how much I paid for my cars. They can check Autotrader or eBay if they're truly interested. I'm going to try to use the following response:

But some people are super pushy and say "no really, how much?" I'm not sure how to deal with those types yet. :mad:

How about:

"I'll forgive you for asking that question if you'll forgive me for not answering it."

. begin to shut the window a block away from your destination.
That's the reason.:smile:

-DREW- begin to shut the window a block away from your destination.


Smile & say, "Why do you want to know?"

or "You're a nosy little turd, aren't you."

...or ask them a highly personal question that is sure to make them squirm. ("So exactly how much money do YOU have in your checking account?")

I have not been dealing well with the flashiness of the car, in fact it gives me anxiety driving it anywhere as I would say 15-20% of destinations have some sort of awkward conversation with some stranger about it. I've now taken a new approach and just started telling people "yeah I'm not really a car guy but that thing is sweet isn't it? it's my uncles, he's having me transport it from Chicago to X"

sooooooooo much easier than having to answer any real questions.

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