You know you own an NSX when...

... when you slow down for road construction, and the flag lady shouts NICE CAR!" at you — and the CALTRANS crew turns to look...
Your sure you're going to get hassled for angle parking across two places at the edge of the lot but the cop just says: "Man I've always loved these cars!". are at DMV to register the vehicle to your name and the clerk says you paid how much for a 93?

That's even better, you can save a shitload on taxes when buying private party. "I just bought this used 93 Acura for $15k"

$1500 vs. $4500 :biggrin:
a woman tells you, "I would totally fuck the shit out of you right now because of your car." :smile:

true story. i declined because she wasn't exactly my type. lol.
When the sales woman at the Acura dealership asks you what kind of car is that. "NSX"

"Who makes it?"

Slap my hand to my forehead.
When you are driving the NSX and wondering what your groundspeed is?

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Yup....yup....yup. Or, you've actually pulled out the iPhone and opened up ForeFlight to CHECK your ground speed (because you just don't feel like converting......and looking at your NSX represented as a plane on a sectional is just fun for your 11yo in the passenger seat).


Your look at the weather and decide it would either be a good day to either introduce someone to the joy of flight or take out the NSX.....and decide to "fly low" instead of boring holes in the sky!
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When it gets to the point the other half is unhappy when you spend time with 'her'.

And it's less than two weeks since I've owned 'her'.

Ooh, ooh! I got another one!

When you're (of a certain age) and your wife rolls her eyes every time you want to drive somewhere in the NSX and complains that the car is too low to ingress/egress comfortably because your body doesn't bend that way anymore.

(Yes, getting old truly, truly sucks. 50 is the new 30 my @ss. And I'm a long way past 50.) :biggrin::biggrin:
I have been asked this numerous times... "So did you do all of the custom bodywork yourself?"
me: "What bodywork? :confused: The car is completely stock..."
You get asked if it's a kit car.

The constructions guys have to build up the dirt or put down planks so you don't scrape as you go over the notch they made in the road.

And a true story. A cop gave me a ticket for the exhaust on my Skyline being too loud. 4 hours later I pass him again with my NSX ( then a straight and about 4 times louder than my Skyline ). He followed me all the way to my home, got out and told me NICE CAR! No ticket but I'm pretty sure he left drool marks on my paint job. Got to love the irony.
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When your friend posts on face book
"my little sister isn't a baby of many words that isn't baby talkbut today she was going through my phone and came across your car and was like "car?" I replied yes, then she says "wow"."

To be complimented from a child who doesn't know how to make a sentence...... IMO children say how it is. They will tell you straight up if your fat or skinny or pretty or ugly. This means more than some random person saying nice car.

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