You know you own an NSX when...

When the very first thing you do every morning is walk out to the garage to drool over your baby, and the very last thing you do before you go to bed, you guessed it, go out to the garage and drool over your baby one last time.

you constantly reflect on Honda's success in F1 the early 90s and think Senna [always an F1 Champion in your mind] could've lived longer if he stayed longer in the McLaren-Honda [assuming Honda didn't 'chicken' out].
I guess Im not only one who likes to park far from everyone else. I always look for the parking spot next to the island/median. One less chance for a door ding.

the man who owns your company, with the means to buy ANY car on the planet, slips one of his business cards under your wiper, asking if your (20 year old) car is for sale.

PS He bought a 99 Kaiser Silver two months later!!!!!!

You go over to a buddy's parent's house and there is a picture of your buddy and his wife, standing next to your car on their wedding day, hanging over their fireplace. I was totally surprised how good GPW looks next to formal wear. ha, ha

You get tired of looking out your side window and only seeing other people's door handles.

You take a picture of a guy taking a picture of your car. ha, ha

You get messages from Prime members that they saw a video on youtube of someone filming your car cruising, 2 years after it was posted

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Me too, and preferably on the right end of the row. That way if there's no passenger in the car next to you, the chances go down even more.
good to know i'm not the only one who thinks this way-i call it paranoid parking,a little extra walking never hurt anyone. take apart your now 18 year old NSX and take over 6 months putting it back together to replace every worn out or corroded bolt, bulb, bracket, washer, and everything else that does not look new because you think NOT doing it would be a disgrace to your car. :)

nah brother... thats just you, and we admire your dedication to preservation and rejuvication of the... you get the idea
Your house/garage looks like an episode of "Hoarders" because you've stockpiled spare NSX parts in case Honda stops producing them in the future.

Good thing you are local... so when is the garage sale?
When you work with a guy with a brand new red vette and he that keeps saying "your car os old, is OLD, is not a Ferrari, sorry" yet everyone stops and asks question and drools over ..... THE NSX .... :biggrin:
This is clear evidence that Brooklands Green owners are superior thinkers. :)

You know, I've read about studies that show that people who choose to buy green cars are generally of high IQ.

Good thing you are local... so when is the garage sale?

My garage does look like a disaster, but unfortunately it's not stuffed (yet) with NSX parts. Maybe I should have a garage night at my place to get some help organizing it. :biggrin:
You ponder letting her go - and then your smart side of your brain tells you NO. Then it happens again and you get the same answer. Hard car to replace - thus never let them go.
When people won't negotiate down from their asking price for anything - from computers to homes because, after all, you drive a FERRARI - so you must be rich, and want their full asking price or MSRP!


You look out the window of the restaurant you are dining at and see that the valet parked your car right in front of the front door with the other "european elite"


All your friends seem to come on bright, sunny and beautiful days - and within thirty "weird/off" minutes they finally feel comfortable enough to suggest "you know what? We should TOTALLY just go for a spin in your car" as if they just thought of it randomly (but everyone knows thats why they came over out of the blue)


Your friends keep saying things like "If you ever decide to sell your car call me first" or more recently ask "you're going to buy the new NSX right?, if you are going to trade it in, you should sell it to me so at least it stays in our circles"


every once in a while you walk into the garage to take out the other car (because it is still winter), and see the X and you suddenly remember, OH YEAH - I LOVE MY CAR!!!!



Before you even decide if you are going to the store, part of your decision making process is checking the weather so you know if its safe to drive with the top off!


You go test drive cars you know are faster (GTR), or that are very attractive (R8) - and although you can afford those other cars, you still think your 17 year old car is better!!!!!!!!! :)
When everyone at a 4-way stop gives you the right of way...because they want to see your car 'in action'....even when it's technically not 'your turn'.
you want to be buried in it when you die.
I say this all the time and truly mean it! :smile:

you pull up to a drive-thru window and no one realizes youre even there.

• When you dismiss queries about the "new" NSX by saying, "That's not an NSX."

I can't even count how many times I've had to say that at work.

And one of my own:
*'re used to backing up a line of cars when entering a driveway because you're going in at a 45 degree angle extremely slow."
This is clear evidence that Brooklands Green owners are superior thinkers. :)

Our white undercoat has a lot to do with that... Chips are so noticeable...

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