You know you own an NSX when...

... when you are ... in a parking lot and an amateur "informed" of beautiful machines you request:cool: ...<< woaaw!!!...nice car!... This is what model Ferrari?!? >>:mad:
Didn't have time to read all the entries so someone may have said this by now but....

You know you're an NSX owner when all the comments mentioned here were all made by This car is a "car guy" magnet.....:biggrin:
Didn't have time to read all the entries so someone may have said this by now but....

You know you're an NSX owner when all the comments mentioned here were all made by This car is a "car guy" magnet.....:biggrin:

+100 on this. My friends always ask me if I get a lot of girls with this car. They seem shocked when I tell them no. hear adults with the same complaint as my 3-year-old.

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When you have to think long and hard when deciding on either more "cosmetic" orthodonture work for your kids or a new Comptech Supercharger for your NSX.
- when you keep changing the gears up and down without any rational reason with your Taitec GTLW installed, just because you love the sound of it :-)
- Can not park close to the sidewalk because you can not open the door :-)
- Your son keep talking: Daddy I love the X, please go faster, while your doughter is yelling that is too loud for me :-)
- while driving every other car looks like an SUV
- your license plate is NSX :-)
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When your at a stoplight and the turning light goes, and the fellow in the vehicle coming around the corner towards you is really checking out your NSX and runs directly into the median in the direction he is turning, flattening his tire and I'm watching his hub cap rolling down the road ahead of him and another guy parked on the opposite side of the median, busts out laughing. Both of us had a window down, so I could hear him. Pretty funny but did feel bad for the guy as he was just checking out a cool car:biggrin:

91 NSX Red/Black
09 VW Jetta TDI White
- When you are known to have the loudest car in the area.
- When you know your neighbors hate you for your loud car but never say anything
- When your friends call you and say "hey, you just passed by "" "" intersection huh?" *yes* "Yup, I heard you. You freaking show off" *lol*
You get asked when filling up, " what's it like to own THE sensible Supercar?"
the man who owns your company, with the means to buy ANY car on the planet, slips one of his business cards under your wiper, asking if your (20 year old) car is for sale.

PS He bought a 99 Kaiser Silver two months later!!!!!!

You go over to a buddy's parent's house and there is a picture of your buddy and his wife, standing next to your car on their wedding day, hanging over their fireplace. I was totally surprised how good GPW looks next to formal wear. ha, ha

You get tired of looking out your side window and only seeing other people's door handles.

You take a picture of a guy taking a picture of your car. ha, ha

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Heh, I saw our new CIO staring out a window today. After he left I wandered over to confirm my suspicion that my car sitting by itself out at the end of the lot was the only thing even remotely interesting in that direction. :)
Your house/garage looks like an episode of "Hoarders" because you've stockpiled spare NSX parts in case Honda stops producing them in the future.
* People ask what it “feels like” to drive it.

* You laugh when people ask if they can drive it…and you cry if/when you find even the most microscopic sized ding or rock chip on your NSX.

* People ask what is it…then either refuse to believe you when you tell them, or instantly become an “NSX expert” and try to tell YOU all about YOUR car.

* You live every day with a constant feeling of “nirvana”…like everything it “right” your world…and you can now die as a happy man.

Somebody walks by as you're driving through a parking lot and says to his girlfriend hmmm that's Acura nsx but it has a Honda emblem.
When your at a stoplight and the turning light goes, and the fellow in the vehicle coming around the corner towards you is really checking out your NSX and runs directly into the median in the direction he is turning, flattening his tire and I'm watching his hub cap rolling down the road ahead of him and another guy parked on the opposite side of the median, busts out laughing. Both of us had a window down, so I could hear him. Pretty funny but did feel bad for the guy as he was just checking out a cool car:biggrin:

91 NSX Red/Black
09 VW Jetta TDI White

Yeah man, I get that ALL the time! Twice today in fact
You can't drive across town without a picture being taken of your car by onlookers - usually other drivers. 3x just today:eek:

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