You know you own an NSX when...

You fantasize about it being as much of a chick magnet as it is a dude magnet.

(and then drop the dude magnet part).

Too true. Me and my wife just had this talk the other day. My wife has an IS 250, and if you were to look in the driveway at that or a NSX, and decide which was the chick magnet, you would think the NSX. Completely the opposite! I am a new owner, but I am just now starting to get used to dudes of all ages approaching me everywhere (grocery store, gas station, got ransacked with questions by 3 at the same time at the gym... on a Sunday morning). No girls though, usually not even a second look. The Lexus though, the girls love it. Crazy
you become green with jealousy over the cost and availability of aftermarket parts for any other car/platform.
You realize your garage floor may not be as level as you thought

......none of the other cars hover a millimeter off of one of the four jack stands...:redface:
You swerve like a madman to avoid plastic shopping bags that have been kicked up ... and when you do go over one, and you don't see it in the rearview mirror, you know exactly where it went: plastered to the radiator.

P.S. this just happened. Again.
You realize your garage floor may not be as level as you thought ......none of the other cars hover a millimeter off of one of the four jack stands...:redface:


...when you find business cards with purchase offers under the wiper

...when you decide who manufactured the car, H or A

...when you take a corner extremely well and go back for seconds :biggrin:
You realize your garage floor may not be as level as you thought

......none of the other cars hover a millimeter off of one of the four jack stands...:redface:

been there :wink:
My stock answer for this is "A little less than a used Escalade". That pretty well put it in a perspective that most can understand and gets them wondering.

Yea, I usually point to one of the 8000 new 5.0 mustangs rolling around on post, tell them less then they paid for that car, and keep going :-)

I usually say "More than you can afford PAL!!" and then hop in my car and speed away!
You realize your garage floor may not be as level as you thought

......none of the other cars hover a millimeter off of one of the four jack stands...:redface:

This just happened to me this winter. I been working on it this past winter had it on jack stands and I noticed one of the 4 jack points was a good 1/8" off the jack. I thought maybe it was something wrong with the frame of the car but now that you mention it, it's probably my floor isn't as level as I thought.
When the GTR owner that just waved you by at the track, comes and tells you: I though NSXs were slow?! And you reply Not really...but dont disclose any other information. :smile:.

when you recieve millions of texts,calls,fb shout outs and emails the minute NSX commercial aired on superbowl sunday saying, "dude did you see that"
• When you see an NSX at the most empty part of a parking lot, and you automatically park next to it facing the same direction.

• When your wife (or GF or SO) tells you each time she sees another NSX, and describes the color, approximate year and obvious body mods.

• When you dismiss queries about the "new" NSX by saying, "That's not an NSX."

• When you find yourself saying, "If I cared about straight-line acceleration, I'd buy a new Corvette."
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This just happened to me this winter. I been working on it this past winter had it on jack stands and I noticed one of the 4 jack points was a good 1/8" off the jack. I thought maybe it was something wrong with the frame of the car but now that you mention it, it's probably my floor isn't as level as I thought.

That was my newbie thought when I bought the car.. I've heard though too, and maybe some of the garage geeks can correct me, that the garage floor is intentionally slanted a slight degree downward so that water seeps outside rather than inside. Makes sense to me..
When your the envy of every import show

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