You know you own an NSX when...

When you complete that long walk back to your car after the movies, you still do a thorough walk around inspection to make sure there are no scuffs or fingerprints, crouching down and squinting. Soon thereafter you the proceed to open the door for your gal.

Spot on!!!!
when you have Paul Walker and Vin Diesel pull up next to you in their Supra asking

Paul Walker: Nice car. Whats the retail on one of those?
Me: More than you can afford pal... NSX ( starts to rev engine )
Vin Diesel: ( Looks at Paul Walker ) Smoke him.

Then I ended up getting smoked.

In all seriousness. You know you own a NSX when you so seldomly drive it. You forget how it feels to drive it when your not driving it, but you fall in love with it all over again whenever you do get that rare chance to go for a drive.
You fantasize about it being as much of a chick magnet as it is a dude magnet.

(and then drop the dude magnet part).
...your girlfriend can now tell people everything about your car because she has heard you answer so many questions about it.

Interested Person: "What motor does that thing have?"
Me: "Honey, you can take it from here."
Girlfriend: "It's got a Duel Overhead Cam, 3.0 liter V-6 featuring Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control."
Me: "Well said Dear." :wink:
Random people yell at you at parking lots to ask you how much you paid for it

Out of all the questions people ask, this is the one that I can't stand
THIS! I have a camera in garage I can check on my tablet or phone and is recording 24/7.
I know, I also have surveillance. You have to in today's world.

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When you stop purchasing beverages on the go that do not have a bottle top
When you complete that long walk back to your car after the movies, you still do a thorough walk around inspection to make sure there are no scuffs or fingerprints, crouching down and squinting. Soon thereafter you the proceed to open the door for your gal.

Dang, so I'm not a bad boyfriend?! Awesome!
When u start taking vacations to places like lakeway Texas just so you can drive on the windy roads and hills and driving becomes your fav hobby rather than something you dread.
...younger guys in their beaters look like the world is crushing them, they see your car and their frown turns upside down lol :biggrin: ...x
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....when some random guy at the gas station asks if you ever driven on (insert a very twisty) road? Or if you have ever raced it on the track? They just stare at the car in wonder.
You almost never see another one on the road when you are driving yours. :redface:

And when see one on the road while you are NOT driving wish you were driving yours too :biggrin:
When you can't decide which you love more... looking at your car or driving it. So you do way too much of both for any non-owner to fully comprehend.
When you are out eating lunch and look out the window and see somebody trying to maneuver a tow-behind trailer in very close proximity to your car and you fly up and run outside the front door to move your car before they hit it, thus creating a scene.

This just happened an hour ago, the lady was embarrassed.
-- You hop in the car and go for a drive, not caring where you are going or when you will return, because you are driving your NSX.

-- You constantly check your blind spots for gawkers, and check your rear view mirror while slowing down for every red light, just to make sure no damage will befall your NSX.

-- You thank Ayrton Senna for every bit of work that he did developing the car, because it shows every time that you drive it.

-- You wonder if you should sell something else to purchase "just one more" performance upgrade.

-- You always maintain the proper following distance while driving, especially behind large trucks, because rocks are your enemy and the NSX front bumper contains a rock magnet.

-- Sometimes, along a deserted stretch of highway, you will floor the accelerator through a couple of gears to hear the sweet music playing just behind your head.

-- It is a struggle to turn on the stereo because it interfers with listening to the exhaust note of your car.

-- You check all four tire pressures cold, every day you get ready to drive your car, and make sure they are exactly correct never know when your tires may be asked to "perform".

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