Insurance- DE stands for Driver Education and this education provides real world experiences that could teach people to be better/safer drivers. I used “could” because everyone is limited by his or her personal learning capacity. These events are not race schools or timed race events. Educated drivers avoid more accidents, and accident free drivers are exactly what the insurance companies want. DE’s are conducted on a closed course that arguably affords additional safety, including corner observation, 2-way radios, ambulance service, etc. In some formats they offer full time instructors, classroom instruction, and require head protection. This tape is an example of an accident, but many other people learned a thing or two from seeing it. Speed is the line some are using to separate insurable vs. not insurable, but it’s the speed that familiarizes the typical driver with the limits of their automobile. Good information to know when presented with an emergency situation. Preparation is an important roll in your success with sports or normal life. I know the distance it takes to bring my car to a stop from 70 mph on the highway. I also know that I’m less likely to panic at that ridiculously slow speed, and I know not to jerk it to a spin that will take longer to stop, and I defiantly know that turning into the grass will take even longer to stop. How do I know this? Simple I have been there in a controlled environment. Here’s what I learned from that video…
1st) This person didn’t know what to do when he dropped two wheels doing 70 mph, or what would happen when he tried to get back on the pavement. Now, hopefully he does know what to do next time. This should have been explained in classroom, and should have been verified by his instructor.
2nd) Yes the track needs a barrier.
Point is- if this scenario happened on the street without helmets, you might have had a fatality.
Do people wreck cars in DE’s? Yes
Do people wreck cars on the street? Yes
Do DE wrecks increase the premiums for the general population? Yes
Does DE instruction reduce accidents on the street? Likely
Does the reduction of accidents offset the liability of the wrecks in DE’s? Likely
And it’s hard to put a value on the lives it might save. I’m tired of ignorant people… especially on our streets!