Would ya trade your NSX for a 348 TB ?

i say no because as beautiful as the ferrari is, it still looks very dated compared to the nsx. also because of the maintenece
I pulled up to a guy in a BMW Z4 yesterday and exchanged pleasantries about each others cars and his remark was, I've always like the NSX, it never looks dated. True story.

i say no because as beautiful as the ferrari is, it still looks very dated compared to the nsx. also because of the maintenece
CHANGED THREAD TITLE:.........Should "I" trade my NSX for this 348?

I have been presented with this proposition.

Guy has a 90 Ferrari 348 GTB w/43K Black/Tan w/these mods:
19in 2 pc Rims, Hyper Flow Cats, Borla XR1 muffler(really loud, SCORE!)

Wants my car and 5K

I think this goes right to the meat of your question. Here is a Ferrari owner and he want your NSX. He has owned this vehicle and wants out. Why your car? Because it is EVERYTHING a Ferrari is not - RELIABLE and cost effective to own. Remember, he wants your car, WHY, because your car is the better car to own.
I really feel guilty for posting those links...............

Decent (but tainted) group of guys/gals over there. Of course I could say the same about us!
Guilty in that if anyone re-activates those threads, several on that board will
loose it. 348? No way...... But everyone has a price.........
It's funny. From the menu all you can read is "Would ya trade your NSX for a ..." And before I clicked the thread link to see what the rest of the question was my answer was already no.

You guys can flame me if you want. All I can go on is my own experience. I really believe that most, not all, but most Ferrari guys aren't really car guys. Meaning they really don't know much about, or work on cars themselves. They're guys that appreciate cool toys and have the deep pockets to buy them. I hear a lot of ignorant stuff come out of the owners of Ferraris and I think you can get a feel of it just by looking on F-chat.

"The NSX might be fast, powerful and all that, but to me it looks like a used civic. no offense"

That made me just outright laugh out loud. I've heard some crazy stuff but a "used civic"? Lol. Man I don't take offense to that. I just what kind of goof actually makes that comparison?

This was another that I liked.

Please! stop comparing an Honda with a Ferrari.
I can understand if you compare a Porsche with a Ferrari, however they are very different kind of sport cars.
I also could understand a comparation between a P 993 and a NSX.
But, a Ferrari is a matter of...passion! If you don't love it, stay away from it....

So apparently a Porsche is closer to a Ferrari... and this is because..... I guess Germany is closer to Italy than Japan is? All that most of these guys care about is brand name. And that is why I made my original statement. I mean, we're not even comparing HONDA with FERRARI, we're comparing an NSX. But all these guys see is brand name.
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When brand name wears thin, you always have "soul" LOL LOL
(I love it when the discussion disintegrates to the point when the term soul has to come out)
Have a few friends that owned F cars in the past.
Most relate it to being closer to selling your soul. LOL LOL
That being said, 43k is a lot of miles on an F car.
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Regarding those bashing the NSX:


lol lol lol etc.

Forget about Ferrarichat, those guys won't admit a defeat nomatter how many arguements you throw at them. Some of them actually think about Enzo as a God.

What I have learnt from them is that the TRUE enthusiasts, who'd buy a Challenge Stradale because of its performance and not because of it's status, will defend other great cars no matter the brand, but the posers will never admit that there's a better car than Ferrari. I admit that the 2004+ Ferrari's (Enzo, 599, 430, 612) started a whole new era for the italian car maker with absolutley stunning machines with blistering performance and driving experience perfection - but those 348's are NOT one of the Ferrari highs no matter how you turn it around.
Regarding those bashing the NSX:


lol lol lol etc.

Forget about Ferrarichat, those guys won't admit a defeat nomatter how many arguements you throw at them. Some of them actually think about Enzo as a God.

What I have learnt from them is that the TRUE enthusiasts, who'd buy a Challenge Stradale because of its performance and not because of it's status, will defend other great cars no matter the brand, but the posers will never admit that there's a better car than Ferrari. I admit that the 2004+ Ferrari's (Enzo, 599, 430, 612) started a whole new era for the italian car maker with absolutley stunning machines with blistering performance and driving experience perfection - but those 348's are NOT one of the Ferrari highs no matter how you turn it around.

OMG, That link is funny.
Look at #6 under "Ferrari"

6. ferrari
59 up, 36 down

An italian word, which means, roughly translated into english: "needs a little extra oomph with the ladies". Although a small minority of ferrari drivers actually do what these cars are meant to do (race 'em), most are goofy playboys who thank god that most modern ferraris are offered with "sport automatic" transmission options, because they don't know how to drive stick anyway. These knuckleheads can also often be found bragging about the stats of the cars found on paper, even though they never had the gonads to actually verify those stats themselves. Those who want to go balls-to-the-wall fast AND are confident in thier sexuality skip right over ferraris and lambos and go straight to thier local lotus dealer, or, for those with HUGE bollacks, purchase an ariel atom. They then proceed to pocket the extra 200k they would have dropped on a ferrari and laugh at cock-boy with his automatic modena.
this was my favorite line

Those who want to go balls-to-the-wall fast AND are confident in thier sexuality skip right over ferraris and lambos and go straight to thier local lotus dealer,

Can't say I diagree!!!

Can't believe I'm contemplating giving up these 2 for 1 F-car!!!
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Looks like a VERY nice example. The interior looks good.
Greg, what Espirit is that? S4?

Always loved those cars. How are THOSE on maintenance?

I wanted to find the S4S which I think was only 1995. 300hp.
NOPE, I wouldn't.

The previous owner of my car bought a F355 and he still likes it. I don't think a 348 is worth it though.

Let us know what you decide...
Greg, what Espirit is that? S4?

Always loved those cars. How are THOSE on maintenance?

I wanted to find the S4S which I think was only 1995. 300hp.

This one is an 89 SE
280 hp available in short spurts with a factory overboost switch built into the ECU. Normal hp is 263. The 93-95's are the S4S's w/300hp. Same motor tho.

Mine is in the shop now getting a fuelpump but that is my first problem and they are suppose to be very easy to maintain, alot of GM parts in these cars.

My NSX is much faster than a stock X and the Lotus and X feels about the same in speed, yet I have not done a race between the two because I haven't successfully cloned myself as to be in both cars at once! LOL
CHANGED THREAD TITLE:.........Should "I" trade my NSX for this 348?

I have been presented with this proposition.

First off, No Flamers and this thread is not to be turned into ANOTHER F-car vs. NSX discussion.

I have a very nice 91 w/51K Black/Ivory. Mods are in my Sig.
Car is actually in the shop getting the GT-ONE stuff put on this week.

Guy has a 90 Ferrari 348 GTB w/43K Black/Tan w/these mods:
19in 2 pc Rims, Hyper Flow Cats, Borla XR1 muffler(really loud, SCORE!)

Wants my car and 5K

I know all the pros and cons, after all thats why I bought my NSX, BUT I have
always wanted an F-Car and it takes about 45K to buy a comparable 348.
I only paid low 30's for mine and figure thats all it is worth even tho I am in it NOW thnx to MODS @ 43K!!!!!!!

So I'm thinking I will be in the F-car 48K to 50K and if I sell one day I will be closer to getting all my money back over keeping the NSX and selling one day. Now keep in mind this trade really has nothing to do with weather I get my money back one day but it may be a nice by-product!
will post pics in a few minutes.

I am going to give a big 'hell no', but qualify it for you. We had a 348ts once. It was an utter nightmare. The car only had 6,000 miles on it, but was HORRIBLE. The list of parts failures, and times stranded is long. This is on a car with ALL maintenance and records from new. Dealer serviced and everything, so there is no room for anyone to say the car was not maintained, because it was. The 348 is generally accepted as the car most Ferrari guys will tell you they wish never existed. It sounds great, looks good, but is horrific to own. If you are in it for almost $50,000 right off the bat, you will be in it for $60,000 in a year if you plan to drive it. Plus, the Ferrari market is taking a beating right now with F355 prices dipping into the high $40's and $50's for early model cars with over 30,000 miles. This will only serve to depress 348 values more as people move to the more powerful and, sadly, more reliable F355. We sold our 348ts after less than a year with just over 11,000 miles on it, and several thousand dollars wasted. I will add a caveat to this. A Ferrari looks and sounds like no other car out there. Despite my horrible experience with a 348ts, I still plan to someday own either an F355 or 360 Modena, and I plan to drive them. From all I have found, both of them are better than the 348 was. You just have to be ready to take the financial beating of owning a Ferrari. With the 348ts I just plain got tired of having to walk home or call a tow truck. That gets old...especially when it happens twice in the same week, within 2 days of each other.
this was my favorite line

Those who want to go balls-to-the-wall fast AND are confident in thier sexuality skip right over ferraris and lambos and go straight to thier local lotus dealer,

Can't say I diagree!!!

Can't believe I'm contemplating giving up these 2 for 1 F-car!!!

Can I see some more pics of the 928?