Where are all the Production deliveries ??

Your right. I never touched it and never saw anyone else even come close to it while I was there. There was a sign after all.
Your right. I never touched it and never saw anyone else even come close to it while I was there. There was a sign after all.
Thank you Warren.

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I am seriously drunk already? It's only 5pm here in California. :biggrin: Wide angle lens.
Yay, Bruce! You've been waiting forever. Congrats and enjoy in good health!
Closing tomorrow.....low balled on my alfa 4c trade. One more attempt tomorrow, or straight sale.

FYI. Casino white pearl looks white in daylight, and light grey in low lights.......awesome
The real sign to me that inventory is too high will be if they start offering the infamous HFC modified lease program
lookin exotic:cool:.....I like the low light silver effect
doc john,

I'm not familiar with the "infamous HFC modified lease program". Could you explain what that is & it's significance w/ regards to inventory bloat?
Back in the day there were special lease prices for a limited time...If I recall correctly the msrp was 88k and the lease was 799/mo...this was for the 97-98 years...
Is that a great deal? It's not that different from our current Tesla lease.

..it was better than any other lease at the time...

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