Where are all the Production deliveries ??

What I have heard is that over 50 have been delivered in the US and that there are about 20 sad faced ones sitting in dealerships.

There are likely to be more that are still in transit or that we haven't seen (noting that most of the 50 sold units never hit cars.com).

I would dispute the 150 shipped. Some went to Canada, a few to Japan, I was told 1 to South America.

We have no measure of pre-solds (i.e. real customer orders vs. dealer order).

According to this site: http://www.goodcarbadcar.net/2013/07/acura-nsx-sales-figures-usa-canada.html

Acura has "officially" sold 45 NSXs in the US and 5 in Canada up till the end of August. Not sure what constitutes a "sale" but I suspect that means the car was delivered to the dealer and the dealer paid Honda.
I asked about that previously and was told no

the rep does not know specifically why so e cars are held more than others. The guess is something related to final inspections and getting some subsequent work done like panel adjustments

when we go for the tours, we should chase this down

i was told that the tours will start soon after the details for the tours are announced
These reports are generally "sell-through" reports and it only "counts" when car has been registered in name of a "customer." If a dealer chooses to drive it around for a while as a "demo," it generally would not show up as a "sale." In most U.S. states, sales tax and registration is only due on final sale to customer, so you can see why "dealer demos" are not recorded as final sales until the car ends up in hands of "real" customer.
On the 45 number, as I mentioned earlier, the dealers are not completing the RSR retail sales report so Acura is actually under reporting the number of NSXs sold. Over 50 have been sold in the US.

the 45 does not link to cars dealers paid Honda for once delivered to the show room.
Do you know if that ~100 is "built" or "shipped?" I ask because it seems that there is a meaningful delay between rolling off the line and rolling into the dealership.

As of right now, it's something like 90 in transit or delivered and almost 100 completed. This is just US VIN cars I assume you are asking.

Seem like a typo / bad cut-paste. See:


EDIT: I called seller. Sounds like a private party with dealer license looking to flip cars. Claims to have three allocations from a "real" dealer. This car is an allocation-- not an actual car in stock. He said "You have to put a VIN in to post an ad." Fake VIN.
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Here is one being delivered to Acura of Peabody (just N of Boston).


Check out the new delivery method. The guy from Pilot draped a "special tan towel" over the door for bringing the car onto the lift.

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It looks like Serial # 019, that was at stealership Rallye Acura got dumped to a specialty dealer in NY, who has already sent it to a Mannheim Auction in PA, and that may not have resulted in a sale

That was my I am bitter for it taking my car so long to get to me, summer has come and gone and I don't even have a delivery estimate humor coming out.

Of course putting a towel on the door is a good thing.
yep, there isn't any extra room inside those trailers. i've had two NSX's and a Ferrari shipped...

It looks like Serial # 019, that was at stealership Rallye Acura got dumped to a specialty dealer in NY, who has already sent it to a Mannheim Auction in PA, and that may not have resulted in a sale



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here's 041...

As of right now, it's something like 90 in transit or delivered and almost 100 completed. This is just US VIN cars I assume you are asking.

I heard on Friday that there's been 17 delivered to Canada so far.
It's a higher number than Canada's normal share because winter will soon be here.
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WTF guys, where is everyone's cars?!
My dealer hasn't said anything

I continue to believe that my car will be built in the next couple of weeks and am hoping I have the car by the time Turkey is served.

Regarding the guy climbing in and out of the window, my counterpoint is the nice Pilot trucks have side access doors placed near the doors of the transported vehicles. I believe they open the above mentioned side access doors to get to the car doors to be opened.

The towel I joked about is to protect the paint while the guy is leaning out and looking backwards. You will notice the slight of hand in the video where aft the driver back out of the truck, the camera operators pans across the sea of amazed Acura techs who can't believe an NSX has finally shown up. When the camera returns to the car, voila, the towel is gone.

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Serial # 073 arrived in Scottsdale, AZ

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There was mention of CNC motors getting one.

Here is the listing.


It is serial # 047 with chassis # 060

It appears to be a relatively low spec car (like mine will be) so a $240K price includes a lot of profit.

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Serial # 087, a 130R white car becomes the highest serial # and isn in Saint James, NY

This showed up on Autotrader and not Cars.com (go figure)


If you look at posts 503 and 504 of this thread, both are videos and you can see the passenger side mirrors are folded back
I give you guys still in queue credit for a lot of patience -- I bolted long ago, like many others have. i know some of you try to put a positive spin on everything either due to optimism or straight up Honda fanboism. But the whole rollout process is beyond ridiculous to any reasonable person -- not just the delays and absence of proper magazine testing, but particularly the actions of greedy/narrow-minded Acura dealerships and the utter lack of communication from corporate.
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I think it's worth waiting for and I'm not a fanboy. Honda will get this right in time. We live in an age of 'I want it now' entitlement, and Honda it seems are still finding their feet with a steep learning curve, and not just with this car. As for greedy-minded car dealers, for all of my nearly sixty years I've never known a car dealership that gave any real confidence about how it does integrity in business - they have always and will always be one of the lowest trusted 'professions'. My last two cars I shopped in a city 300 miles from where I live because of the reputation and experience with local stealerships. When I place my NSX order, I'll be stipulating regular communication requirements added to the sales order contract. A car with this ticket price demands excellence and a 'yes, sir' service.
I have what I describe as lock on and lock in syndrome.

When I decide on something I want, I don't want a substitute.

I have been waiting almost a year now to close on an apartment building that I liked. The seller had to do some zoning work and that gummed up the project.

I have only been waiting on my NSX order since March.
I'll be stipulating regular communication requirements added to the sales order contract. A car with this ticket price demands excellence and a 'yes, sir' service.
Or else what, you'll walk?? Reality is, the dealer doesn't really care. They can sell the NSX to someone else for more.
Or else what, you'll walk?? Reality is, the dealer doesn't really care. They can sell the NSX to someone else for more.

Yes indeed. The sticker price in my country puts it in rarefied, exotic company. The competitors roll out their red carpet and I'm old enough to know to use appropriate assertiveness calling to account for that which is below par, but also honors excellence in service. They are charging a premium and therefore they will need to deliver.
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I give you guys still in queue credit for a lot of patience -- I bolted long ago, like many others have. i know some of you try to put a positive spin on everything either due to optimism or straight up Honda fanboism. But the whole rollout process is beyond ridiculous to any reasonable person -- not just the delays and absence of proper magazine testing, but particularly the actions of greedy/narrow-minded Acura dealerships and the utter lack of communication from corporate.

right on the money. some will argue this statement, but it is not debatable...

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