Where are all the Production deliveries ??

Disclaimer on their website

While we make every effort to ensure the data listed here is correct, there may be instances where some of the pricing, options or vehicle features may be listed incorrectly as we get data from multiple data sources. Please confirm the details of this vehicle with the dealer to ensure its accuracy. Dealer can not be held liable for data that is listed incorrectly.
Can you send another email as a Nigerian prince wishing to purchase it?

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Time for the weekly update:

Clarification on the wheels. Anyone can get Y spokes as a second set. If you ordered the car with Y spokes, you cannot order interwovens as the second set (fear of dealers upgrading base cars for profit), if you had a CF roof and need a replacement, it needs to be CF.

The lapse in US shipments is due to a run for the Japan market. They are back to making US cars, though no number the number they are up to was not availble. A bunch of cars are ready to ship so expect to see some additional cars pop up in the next week.

They had not seen that South Coast had their coverage unit on eBay for like $295K.

They did not know about the Monterey test drives. US Acura has 4 production cars at this point (we know at least 2 of the cars at Monterey were production cars).

He is still trying to get an answer about being able to communicate to customers once they are within the 2-3 month production window.

Ikeda's email blasts have not started. There should be something about this in either an email blast or a new playbook.

They need to get an ok prior to posting in the owner's section here. Anyone with questions is encouraged to just call.

They have seen the thread about the leather issue. The leather is very soft and marks easily.
@ Admins/mods

I sent my request for access to the owners forum several days ago and so far have not been allowed in.

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As per the notice I just posted to the top of this section, now that real customer deliveries are occurring it's time to launch the private 2nd gen Owner section of the forums. I invite anyone who has received their new NSX or has a "locked" order for one to e-mail me for access. One of our members (who is welcome to reveal himself if he wishes) has arranged for something in there which I believe owners will find very beneficial!

I emailed but was not let in.
My understanding is that you need to post up some videos of timed 0-60 MPH and 60-130 MPH runs before getting access.

The 500 pics and vids all over the internet are not enough?

I guess I could be being mistaken for the ...... other blue gen2 NSX owner in MA.
@ Admins/mods

I sent my request for access to the owners forum several days ago and so far have not been allowed in.

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I emailed but was not let in.

Just as an fyi, the site is owned and administrated by just one person and this is a passion and not a business for him so sometimes it takes a short while to address requests since his real job gets in the way. To protect and respect the privacy of new Gen 2 owners only the site admin can address these requests (I don't even have access or even the ability to see the new owners forum).
Easier for some than others, especially when they decide to charge $420K plus on-roads for the privilege here down-under!

Indeed big money for any car down-under.

Lets roughly break that down (and I'm assuming $AU 420,000 includes 10% Aussie GST):

Australian spec NSX = US$ 203,800, which = AU$ 267,261 at today's exchange rate. Add Australian Federal Luxury Car Tax of 30% (= $AU 80,178), gives a total of $AU 347,439. Subtract the Aussie recommended retail price of $AU 420,000 = gross difference of $AU 72,000. I've no idea what price Honda Australia will pay wholesale to Acura USA, but on to that will be shipping, insurance, Customs clearance and importation, 10% Goods and Services Tax at the border, then there will be the Honda Australia margin which will apportion a part of the swag launch party and national marketing costs, then comes the dealer-principal mandatory involvement fees, the return airfares, wages and accommodation for him and his nominated senior technician to Ohio USA, warranty and fussy customer nose-wiping provision, a fat sales commission for his most senior sales rep....

So $AU 420,000 (+ on road costs - what are they in Oz?) is maybe not entirely unreasonable? (well, excepting the tall-poppy, Marxist-egalitarian Luxury Car Tax).
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Stamp Duty and 12 month Rego License in my state would give you not much change from $25,000.

I know I live in a quasi-socialist country, and I wouldn't want it differently, but the $250 - $300K scenario was certainly more palatable than what we got, no matter how reasonable the justification.... Just sour grapes 'cause I can't afford one :)
Stamp Duty and 12 month Rego License in my state would give you not much change from $25,000.

I know I live in a quasi-socialist country, and I wouldn't want it differently, but the $250 - $300K scenario was certainly more palatable than what we got, no matter how reasonable the justification.... Just sour grapes 'cause I can't afford one :)

You could look on the bright side - depreciation will hit these quickly and before you know it it's going to be more affordable. Plus we are overdue for a (I believe significant) world-wide recession which will cause some NSX buyers to foreclose on their Hire purchase/lease. Alternatively you could move to New Zealand where private individuals can import their own cars duty free without the need for a dealer licence (subject to limits), with only a 15% GST on the FOB landed price, no luxury car tax, and on-road registration costs less than $NZ 400. I love Australia, but New Zealand's not too foul a place, more moderate climate, great skiing, no snakes, no cane toads, a few of handfuls of wallabies (to make you feel 'at home'), and only three species of poisonous spider (one, the Redback an Aussie import).....:biggrin:
NZ is way to shaky for me, I'd rather risk it with the spiders and snakes - and Great White sharks! :D

One of my contractors [in housing construction] has a part time job of fishing [he brings me some very nice "Crayfish" every Christmas] and was out fishing 1km of our metro beaches 2 mornings ago, in his runabout boat. Was having a great time landing 500mm sized fish [I'm being very technical here] initially, until a Great White showed up and promptly began chomping the bodies of anything the guys on the boat managed to hook. Videoed the footage of it happening on his phone.

On the NSX front I agree waiting to avoid the depreciation hit is certainly a sensible way to purchase, but there will be so very few of them sold, it will be very lean picking for the foreseeable future and at 62 I ain't getting any younger with my crook back.
Ah yes Great Whites.... you are welcome to them, (I'll put up with the earthquakes thanks) - and I read that the meat in a bit'o 'shark and tattey' can come with unhealthy mercury levels too.

Re NSX affordability, I've just read that in Australia come 2018, the luxury car tax is going to be scrapped (EDIT: No sorry I misread that - it's a flat rate car tariff of about $AU 12,000 on used car imports), but also that private individuals will be able to import a car less than 12 months old with no more than 500Km on the clock, without the tariff, as long as the car meets equivalent safety rules to the Australian standards. So it opens the possibility of NSX's from Japan or even the UK at a far more reasonable prices. It'll certainly also force down Honda Australia's MRP and cause further depreciation of the NSX's already sold. It's getting brighter over there all the time :smile:.
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Chassis #87 ! Is that same as VIN #, or is that the sequence of North American cars? If the latter, it seems that they MUST have produced all the first coverage month "Feb Order / March Lock" cars, no?
And Silverhill Acura in Calgary has their first one.
Is unsold but will sit in the showroom for a while.


There's still at least one more in the transport but no idea if it's going to Edmonton or Vancouver
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I think that could have been mine? Dealer just called and said car has arrived in Toronto. Vin #9 . I'm out of town and picking up on Monday.. Arghh..will be a torture wait for me.
Chassis numbers are sequential and provide us the best estimate of how many NSX cars have been produced

each country will have serial numbers that start with 001

for the U.S. the highest serial number seen to date is 066

we know they took a break to build cars for Japan and are back to work on US cars but no info was shared on what number they are up to.

lee said this week that there are US cars ready to ship so we should have some sense of where we are at with coverage unit wave 1 (roughly 85) cars for the U.S. But the middle of next week

he also said that my build may sneak up on me, and that may be something cryptic to point to a bunch of cars being stuck in the warehouse for the moment, inferring that my 175th car built for the U.S. isn't so far off (unjustified optimism on my part)

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your picture created some new trivia

i believe there is a car on that truck without an NSX badge

looks like they are allowing mixed loads in Canada (makes sense for logistics purposes)
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JD, the exhaust cut outs of the cover are in the left and right rear corners. The NSX exhaust is in the center of the rear

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