Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

I always leave my car in 1st gear when parked, and rarely put the hand brake on. Of course, my geographical area is super flat with no hills - if somewhere on a hill I put it in gear AND use the emergency brake.

Now, back on topic: Was filling up at the gas station, and a newer Porsche pulls in next to me; clearly admiring my car but never uttered a word. Then some person ( a guy, as it apparently too frequently happens.....) driving down the road screams out at the top of his lungs " I love your f___n NSX!!". Kinda embarrasing. Looked at the owner of the Porsche and he just gave me the thumbs up.

^Gas stations can be fun with the NSX. :smile:

A few months ago, I was looking for the right parking spot at Costco and drove by the entrance to the place. I parked out in the boonies and as I was walking in, the greater said, "I love your car!" He told a co-worker walking by that I had a really cool NSX. I guess he recognized me from when I drove by. I told him, "I do, too."
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:biggrin: Funny. Obviously the guy needs to learn how to detail his car or pay someone else to do it. BTW, I'd have a fit if someone ran their finger down my car. She must have been cute.

I was cringing( not sure I spelled that right) when she touched my car. I hate coming out of a store or resteraunt and finding hand/finger prints on my car.
This guy beside me in a shiney new decked out mustang - must have had every option on it, loud exhaust, said to me as we are slowing to a stop at a red light said: How much did you pay for that car? ( and he had this "trying to prove something grin" on his face )

I noticed that he still had the window sticker up - and caught a glance at the price and said: I actually paid way less than you did for yours. (was nearly 60K!!!)

He said: You're lying! There is no way you got THAT for less than mine...

I said: I really did, next time just ask me, I'll be happy to help you negotiate better!

The light turned green and his car didn't move, I saw him standing at the intersection motionless in my rear-view mirror. I can't imagine how bad he felt.... LOL

On a different note - I didn't know these mustangs could get that expensive - I thought they were between 25-35k... is the shelby or boss or whatever... has it always been so expensive? (not saying they aren't fast or even good cars btw)

Yeah, I can imagine that the new Mustangs get expensive. There are so many options and add-ons and gee-gaws. I paid around $12K new for a Fox-body Mustang GT, but that was in the late 1980s.

One of the things I like about Acuras is that there aren't many options. When we bought our 2006 TSX, there were only two options: Auto/stick and nav/no nav. (Plus color.) Made choosing a lot easier.
One of the things I like about Acuras is that there aren't many options. When we bought our 2006 TSX, there were only two options: Auto/stick and nav/no nav. (Plus color.) Made choosing a lot easier.

I was looking at the TSX as a daily driver but the stick only comes in certain colors. Isn't that odd? There's now a standard, a "special edition" (the only one with stick and a limited set of colors, including a very ugly red), a "tech package" (nav etc) and then a 3.5L V6 option - which you can only get in automatic??
I've had most of the comments posted in the 6 years I've had my NSX, but my reply that stuns people the most is that it's 21 years old!

The dumbest non NSX comment I've had was a few years ago I was taking my friends mint (I mean mint, less than 8K miles) Ferrari Daytona up the street to put in some fuel (he kept it in my garage....he didn't have room for it at his house). After putting in the fuel I went on to pay and a fairly good looking girl in line waiting to pay asked what kind of car it was, after I told her she said it was OK, but her boyfriend had a Corvette. I had no reply.
Mike M.
At Starbucks and a younger couple(20's) were looking at my car. The girl (asian) runs her finger along the side of my door and says to her BF/husband "oooh its so soft how come your car feels like a hairy guerilla? ". The guy said something I couldn't make it out. Then she says "ooh its one of those Acuras...its japanese yup If this car was a person I would leave you for it". Laughed to my self, but kind of felt bad for her S.O.


The dumbest non NSX comment I've had was a few years ago I was taking my friends mint (I mean mint, less than 8K miles) Ferrari Daytona up the street to put in some fuel (he kept it in my garage....he didn't have room for it at his house). After putting in the fuel I went on to pay and a fairly good looking girl in line waiting to pay asked what kind of car it was, after I told her she said it was OK, but her boyfriend had a Corvette. I had no reply. Mike M.

She said that because her BF has her believing Corvette is the epitome of cars...he probably also told her this line (below) is 12" :D


I've had most of the comments posted in the 6 years I've had my NSX, but my reply that stuns people the most is that it's 21 years old!

The dumbest non NSX comment I've had was a few years ago I was taking my friends mint (I mean mint, less than 8K miles) Ferrari Daytona up the street to put in some fuel (he kept it in my garage....he didn't have room for it at his house). After putting in the fuel I went on to pay and a fairly good looking girl in line waiting to pay asked what kind of car it was, after I told her she said it was OK, but her boyfriend had a Corvette. I had no reply.
Mike M.

people are always blown away when i tell them its a 95. they always think its a 05 or 06 or newer sometimes. they cant believe the car is 17 years old.
people are always blown away when i tell them its a 95. they always think its a 05 or 06 or newer sometimes. they cant believe the car is 17 years old.

The '91 NSX could be released five years from now and it would be considered futuristic and ahead of it's time in looks. :)

I have a non-NSX story?

Drove my Commander to a chinese place to get some takeout. I just finished ordering when a pair of middle age men in shop clothes comes in.

Keep in mind that this is -not- a rare car, at all. Probably about 100,000 made, and only one model with few/no updates, so it's no Tahoe either. I maybe see one other one a day, if that driving 50 miles of semi-congested road.

I happen to have a 65th Anniversary Edition, with little emblems that say "Jeep 65" on the sides. The only interesting parts about it are nicer cloth and IMO the only attractive wheels ever offered on the model.

So this pair of nincompoops walks in and asks, "That your jeep?" Now, I had never before been asked if I had the honour of owning a currently $12,000 car. "Mmhmm, yep." One says to the other, "I'm telling you, man. Those things are faster than race cars. Nothing can beat them." He then says confidently, "That's the really fast one, right? With 500 horsepower?" "Ummm....no, I think you are thinking of the Grand Cherokee SRT8." "Yeah, that's the one. It says it on the side. Jeep 65. The big 6.5 engine." "Nope, that's just the 65th anniversary badge on my Commander." He chatted with his buddy a little bit and they didn't bother me more.

I don't think he ever recognized that it wasn't the SRT8 GC. Or that it did not have a magical imaginary 6.5L engine rather than a 6.2L or more accurately the 4.7L V8 in my car.

It's tan with a grille guard and unimpressive interior. I'm scratching my head. How can anybody think this is a performance vehicle :confused:
Heard this one yesterday while at the gas station. Him: (southern drawl) Is that the new corvette? Me: No it's a '91 acura nsx. Him: (jaw drops) Man, it took a long time for
chevy to catch up:confused:
Getting gas last week and go in to pay for it:

Cashier kid: "Whoa dude what kind of car is that, a Lambo?"

Me: "I wish haha, it's an Acura"

Cashier kid: "Oh I got my hopes up for nothing"

Me: silent

Cashier kid: " Seriously, I thought that was a lambo and it's just an Acura"

Me: anger was building, had to leave as quickly as possible

The end.

getting gas last week and go in to pay for it:

Cashier kid: "whoa dude what kind of car is that, a lambo?"

me: "i wish haha, it's an acura"

cashier kid: "oh i got my hopes up for nothing"

me: Silent

cashier kid: " seriously, i thought that was a lambo and it's just an acura"

me: Anger was building, had to leave as quickly as possible

the end.
Isn't hockey that sport that people like me used to play and watch professional players play before the owners and players association totally alienated us prompting us to swear off ever attending and watching another game as long as we live?

I vaguely remember something called "hockey" but my memory fails me and likely will forever. Too bad. I remember it being an awesome game.
At work and a guy was looking at getting a new STi. He wanted it for the AWD for winters in NE.(I don't think they are that bad) Another co-worker said oh Newcomb's car is also AWD, but he doesn't drive it in the winter. I didn't hear that comment I was just walking in as he was said it. The guy (car shopping guy) asked what kind of car and I told him I had a 91 NSX along with a 2005 Acura TL. He asks thats AWD? I replied nope its RWD. The other guy said no Newcomb your car is AWD it has that torque vectoring system...ughh S.H.A.W.D. I joked...yeah my 91 has that.
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A fellow Primer friend of mine who owned an NSX until he sold it to buy a very stunning Aston Martin Vantage met with me at a local cruise-nite to show off the car. We were drooling over his beautiful car and this lady comes up to him and asked him if the car was the new Ford Fusion. I told his wife I would have paid good money to see the astonished look on his face. I said at least the NSX gets mistaken for a Ferrari or Corvette. He said if it ever happens again he'll just tell them it's the SHO version.

Edit: And it will happen again. My son and I were just watching Top Gear BBC and they put a picture of a Fusion up for 1 second and asked the three hosts what make of car it was. All three hosts thought it was an Aston Martin.
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A fellow Primer friend of mine who owned an NSX until he sold it to buy a very stunning Aston Martin Vantage met with me at a local cruise-nite to show off the car. We were drooling over his beautiful car and this lady comes up to him and asked him if the car was the new Ford Fusion. I told his wife I would have paid good money to see the astonished look on his face. I said at least the NSX gets mistaken for a Ferrari or Corvette. He said if it ever happens again he'll just tell them it's the SHO version.

Edit: And it will happen again. My son and I were just watching Top Gear BBC and they put a picture of a Fusion up for 1 second and asked the three hosts what make of car it was. All three hosts thought it was an Aston Martin.

I noticed that the new jags have the same grille... ughhhhh!
I haven't seen mine yet except in pictures, but on the Miata board I frequent I already got a "I thought that was a Ferrari" but it was probably because he glanced at the thumbnail, once he opened the pic full size he recognized it as an NSX.

I can't believe anyone would think of a Corvette when seeing the car, the design "language" is all different.

In a few months I'll get to meet my NSX and contribute to this thread, I'm sure. I'd bet many Fayetteville, NC locals have never knowingly seen an NSX before.

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