Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

A guy followed me to work...jumps out of his car...runs over..."is that really a NSX?"...yeh...."midengine right?" ....yeh...." what kind of motor?"....V-6....puzzled look...."what's that?...I am a GM guy"...me....even more puzzled look...and I walk away.
The day I bought it, I didn't drive it a quarter mile before the first comment. I stopped for gas for the long drive home and a guy walks up to me. He tells me he works for California DMV. He claims that the NSX has the largest male ownership of any car owned in California. I tell the wife on arrival and she doesn't think it's any big thing.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and she is following me through the neighborhood as i drop off the car for some work. We get to our destination, and she gets out of her car laughing. As she is following me, she is watching pedastrians for their reaction as i drive by. Sure enough, all the males are pointing and commenting to their friends while the girls could care less. I had told her all along that the NSX was a dude magnet. She now believes me!
Guy in the next lane over at the traffic light yelled, "dude, f#$king sick car!!". :) Smiled and said thanks ....
I bought the car a couple of weekends ago, drove it 1200 miles home. The instant I turned the corner towards my house, my neighbor jumps out of his truck as he was leaving and asked me if that car was mine and if it's a Ferrari. I told him it's just an Acura, and he proceeded to tell me that I didn't need that car because I'm married and he would get so many girls with that car.

My wife didn't look too happy when I told her the story.
I bought the car a couple of weekends ago, drove it 1200 miles home. The instant I turned the corner towards my house, my neighbor jumps out of his truck as he was leaving and asked me if that car was mine and if it's a Ferrari. I told him it's just an Acura, and he proceeded to tell me that I didn't need that car because I'm married and he would get so many girls with that car.

My wife didn't look too happy when I told her the story.

I'm sure your wife will be fine bc the NSX is not a chick magnet its a d*ck magnet lmao
Welp, I finally have something to contribute. I didn't witness it first hand, but hey. Wife had a client over, and this happened:


Side note: my wife thinks I've earned my car. How lucky am I?
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someone i know on fb commented on one of my pics today:

"its just a flashy honda. It's like buying a Ferrari with a Fisher-Price engine"

so i asked him when was the last time he drove an nsx, to which his response was:

"Lol never had the desire, but I did sit inside of an Enzo in Germany.."

im still facepalming....
someone i know on fb commented on one of my pics today:

"its just a flashy honda. It's like buying a Ferrari with a Fisher-Price engine"

so i asked him when was the last time he drove an nsx, to which his response was:

"Lol never had the desire, but I did sit inside of an Enzo in Germany.."

im still facepalming....

I just laugh when a person who obviously doesn't know anything about cars states their opinion on cars.
random guy at autozone recognized it from inside the store (i parked at the end of the lot) and asked to see it up close. we go out to it, i open the door, and he exclaims "damn and i thought my vette's footbox was small!"
For some odd reason my friend's neighbor called my car a mini-Ferrari earlier today

Corrected him, said its life-size and a Honda :rolleyes:
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After a dinner with my fiancee and her family, she tells me that when i was leaving, her mom heard me take off and said the following: that car is loud, sounds slow


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Drove up to Costco for gas up and the guy in the next gas stahl says I like your new corvette. I told him it was an NSX and he said "A what?"
This just happened yesterday and it wasn't what was said (which was nothing) but the expression on the guy's face was priceless! A '91 Corvette (I know this only because he had a custom license plate) driver pulled up beside me and gave me a thumbs up as we were approaching a stoplight. I could tell that he wanted to talk so a started to lower the passenger side window as we rolled to a stop. Just before he said anything his eyes got big and his mouth dropped open - I could see him tell his passenger "That ain't a Vette!" then he got embarrassed and shot over into the right hand lane, turned and sped away :smile: LOL!
Only driven mine twice so far now. I took it onto Ft. Bragg and the gate gaurd couldn't form a sentence. He also called me sir...until he checked my ID and realized we're the same rank. Then later I was changing the front emblem in my garage and an EVO drove by, stopped, and reversed to come and talk with me about it. I can see now why y'all budget extra time to talk to people when you go out.

this just happened yesterday and it wasn't what was said (which was nothing) but the expression on the guy's face was priceless! A '91 corvette (i know this only because he had a custom license plate) driver pulled up beside me and gave me a thumbs up as we were approaching a stoplight. I could tell that he wanted to talk so a started to lower the passenger side window as we rolled to a stop. Just before he said anything his eyes got big and his mouth dropped open - i could see him tell his passenger "that ain't a vette!" then he got embarrassed and shot over into the right hand lane, turned and sped away :smile: Lol!
This teenager comes up to me and tells me that he and his friend were arguing about my car and what it was and he was there to prove his friend wrong. He then asked if it was a Celica to which I replied yup, an Acura Celica.

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