Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

I've had my NSX for like 2 weeks. Everyone in my family is shocked I have one (from the 60 year old parents/aunts/uncles, down to the 15 year old cousins). My wife and I went to Fast & Furious 6 with my 24yr old cousin and her husband... the scene came up where the music was jamming as they showed hundreds of cars and hot women in a parking lot getting ready for a race, and of course they were showing the hot asian chicks with short ass skirts and the camera was focusing up close on the ass cheeks hanging out (a little back-story about myself... I'm openly a perv/player/womanizer, and my entire family knows it... specifically loving asses AND asians!)... My cousin leans over and she says "is that what you thought was going to happen when you bought your fancy car Bry?"................ Everyone laughed at me (as I was thinking "Ya, of course that's exactly what I wanted to happen")
^ my g/f said the same thing. After joining me for a couple of C&Cs though, she has realized the reality that the NSX attracts dicks, not chicks.
Stopped by to check out the old muscle at a local cruise in on the beach. My parked NSX started drawing curious onlookers. About dusk one lady who was peering through the tinted hatch at the engine asked "Is that a four or a six?" I was happy as hell to swell with righteous pride and answer that it was a 270 HP V6. Most times I'm asked if its a six or an eight and I have to admit that it's "only" a six.

Surprising how many people around here know exactly what it is, although the H badges and wheel center caps throw some of them off.
Costco is fine. It's the closest spot for gas with easy access in and out. Probably the only place the car gets the most compliments or questions. :smile:
It is not in CA due to the fact that it is not a teir 1 gas. IDK why it is in other states and not in CA but it is. The tier one gases have much more detergents than non teir 1 gas.
It is not in CA due to the fact that it is not a teir 1 gas. IDK why it is in other states and not in CA but it is. The tier one gases have much more detergents than non teir 1 gas.
Here in Louisiana...we just kind of have gasoline...it does come in 3 tiers though....normal, Plus, and Premium ;)

In all seriousness though, how relaxed the state is regarding cars is pretty nice. No front plates, usually around lowest gas prices in the country, nice police, high speed limits, ability to get 3 reckless tickets in 3 weeks without losing your license (done by my friend, though I don't think that one is in the books....)

There's even no emissions testing unless you register in Baton Rouge. The one downside is high insurance costs.
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Here in Louisiana...we just kind of have gasoline...it does come in 3 tiers though....normal, Plus, and Premium ;)

In all seriousness though, how relaxed the state is regarding cars is pretty nice. No front plates, usually around lowest gas prices in the country, nice police, high speed limits, ability to get 3 reckless tickets in 3 weeks without losing your license (done by my friend, though I don't think that one is in the books....)

There's even no emissions testing unless you register in Baton Rouge. The one downside is high insurance costs.

Similar to FL - no emissions or inspections, decent gas prices, no police for the most part, no front plate. It's a southern thing I guess?
Similar to FL - no emissions or inspections, decent gas prices, no police for the most part, no front plate. It's a southern thing I guess?
Except Texas. They're bad.
We still do inspections here, but they only exist for the income. You just buy the sticker, most places don't bother with the joke inspection.
My boss gave me two quotes in as many days:

First day back from vacation, at formation: "(me), with his new car looking like a drug dealer and shit."

Next day, to me: "I'm driving your car, motherfucker. It might end up as a high-speed chase on the news or some shit but it's happening one way or the other."
Walking towards my car in the parking lot, two guys ahead of me spot the car and stop walking. One says "What is that?" The other responds "Maserati." I pass them and say "NSX." Combined response... "Oh."
Walking out of Five Guys

Couple in their 50s " Is this your car young man?'
Me- "yeah"
Man- " I didn't mean to park right next to you but I had to look at it."
His Wife - "It's a beautiful car!"
Me- "oh its old car though, it's a 1991"
Man -" its looks good today, I was looking in the back and I could see your pistons!"
Me- "Ya, I took the cover off, I think its looks more cool" --grind
-They take another 5 second stare...
Man - "Good job son, take care of it"
This older guy walking his dog past my work has stopped in over the last three weeks about four times.
The last time he wanted to know what I paid for my car. I answered well you can buy one between say 25,000 to 90,000. He says okay now its a "Acura,Honda, INXS? I said yeah just like the band INXS.
I was driving to Laguna Beach last night in my blue hottie, with the top out. I wanted to see if the beach was any cooler than it was at my house. I was hitting all the lights red on El Toro Road, in Lake Forest. At one red light, a woman in the back seat of the car on my left told me that her son was drooling over my car and he that he wanted to hear it. So instead of driving civilly, when the light turned green I accelerated quickly through first and up to 60+ in second, to make the GT Taitec lightweight exhaust roar for him. At the next light, which was red, of course, the car pulled up on my right and the son, driving the car, told me, thanks, that he loved the sound, and loves the car. I told him that I changed the exhaust since the stock one sounded like a Singer sewing machine. He asked what I put on and when I told him, he was familiar with it. He thanked me again, for gassing it for him. It was truly, my pleasure. :biggrin:
Drove the NSX 11 hours from Phoenix, AZ to Salt Lake City, UT this weekend. Enjoyed every single mile. Had several thumbs up, caught a guy in an Isuzu SUV taking pictures AND video of me with his cell phone. But there were a couple interesting conversations:

At a bar last night in Salt Lake where I was watching a friend's band play, I pulled up and parked.

Guy smoking out front: Man, that's a beauty!
Me: Thanks! Yeah it's old but it cleans up nicely.
Guy: Wow, I think that's the first time I've ever seen an Acura one.
Me: What other kinds have you seen?
Guy: Honda.
Me (rolling my eyes subconsciously): Oh, nice. (Didn't feel like continuing the convo)

Later that evening, the bartender said, "That's the cleanest NSX I've ever seen. Repainted, right?" I told him it was original. He had the toughest time believing that it could be in such nice shape. Then I explained to him that it's garaged and I live in Arizona where the car never sees snow, and rarely even rain.

Also visited an old high school friend who asked about the car when I pulled up, but she wasn't familiar with it. After I explained a little, she said, "So, it's kind of like Acura's version of a Camaro?" Bahahahaha. She later sent me a text message saying, "Sorry if that was offensive comparing your car to a Camaro."
I can see now why y'all budget extra time to talk to people when you go out.

I can't stand it to be honest. Especially when it's a nice day to have the Targa off, everybody thinks it's an invitation to have a lengthy discussion.

The gate guard reactions are also awkward too.
Walking out of Five Guys

Couple in their 50s " Is this your car young man?'
Me- "yeah"
Man- " I didn't mean to park right next to you but I had to look at it."
His Wife - "It's a beautiful car!"
Me- "oh its old car though, it's a 1991"
Man -" its looks good today, I was looking in the back and I could see your pistons!"
Me- "Ya, I took the cover off, I think its looks more cool" --grind
-They take another 5 second stare...
Man - "Good job son, take care of it"

LOL........you made me laugh twice. The first time repeating your encounter with some geriatrics. The second time 'cause you pointed out that today's 50 somethings are like yesterday's 80 somethings. I must be so old........bahahaha :rolleyes:
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Was at the drive thru window with the engine cover off and the girl asked if it I ever got hot because of the engine being there.
I can't believe the amount of attention my car gets. I've got dashcam videos of people screaming at me... give it a little rev and they scream more.
Every single time I go out, someone ends up talking to me about my car or they start taking pics.

The best, from this week, was when someone yelled "I LOVE YOUR CAR. IF I WIN THE LOTTERY I'M GETTING ONE."
Also a cop asked me if I wanted to trade cars at a gas station around 3am.
Had an Integra creep up next to me a few nights ago, honking honking honking until I downshifted and passed him.

I wasn't prepared for the attention this car gets.
Driving home with it this past weekend from Cincinnati (just bought it), I literally couldn't stop to get fuel without someone wanting to strike up conversation about it.

The coolest thing though was right when I was leaving Cinci, a couple kids (maybe 8-10 yrs old) were shouting at their dad to look as we got out of a traffic jam and pointing at the car. Normally I don't ever showboat, but I could tell these kids were dying to see me get on it so I dropped it into 3rd at about 65mph and let the Pride V2 exhaust come to life and rolled into the throttle some. They were grinning from ear to ear when I backed off the throttle and their dad pulled his truck up beside the car and the kid in the front seat was giving me a thumbs up with a HUGE grin. Right then and there is when I knew I made the right choice in purchasing an NSX - Having a child of my own (and another on the way), those are kind of the little things in life to enjoy.

And of course (as I suspected) I had a bunch of people on the 1600 mile drive home taking pictures and videos and giving thumbs ups.

There must've been a Vette meet or rally in Indy, because I passed about 300 heading toward Bloomington and up to WI. Every one I could see with the window or top down, the driver was staring as I passed in the opposite direction on the other side of the highway. I stopped at a rest area and went to use the restroom and when I came back a couple of guys with Vette's were standing by their cars staring at mine and I'm sure talking about it. They were a few stalls away so I gave the "Hello other car guy" wave and got in and left. Naturally I got on it a bit on the on ramp ;)
I rarely get comments about my car, just the occasional thumbs up and nod from other tuner cars. I live in Orange County and on my short 12 mile commute to work, it's common to see Ferraris, Lambos, and R8s so nobody pays attention to NSXs. It's kind of a good thing.
At a large "Concours" show, where many Ferrari (new and classic) are shown, and the cars don't just drive up to be in the "show", you have to apply in advance, I was asked as I drove up to the check in table, by the "knowledgeable" car guy............."what model Ferrari is that?", to which I replied............."the only one made in Japan!"
There must've been a Vette meet or rally in Indy, because I passed about 300 heading toward Bloomington and up to WI. Every one I could see with the window or top down, the driver was staring as I passed in the opposite direction on the other side of the highway. I stopped at a rest area and went to use the restroom and when I came back a couple of guys with Vette's were standing by their cars staring at mine and I'm sure talking about it. They were a few stalls away so I gave the "Hello other car guy" wave and got in and left. Naturally I got on it a bit on the on ramp ;)

It was a Mecum auction at U of Illinois Urbana/Champaign. I missed it by a day; it ended up that I was visiting it the next day.
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I bought the car on June 21st in L.A. and drove it back up to Seattle. Not much attention in L.A. I parked it at my wife's house (she lives in Canada and I live in Washington. We're in the process of immigrating her) in the driveway since she took the garage spot. My mother in law told me that the tenant renting the suite yelled at her the next day when I wasnt home.

"HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!!! *waving frantically* Who's car is that?!?!?!!? The black one last night!!!"
"WHAT?!!? I LOVE that car!! Thats my dream car!!!"

My mother in law laughs. She told me he looked like he was having a heart attach when talkin about it.

So a few days later when I went over again, he texted me and asked if I can "show him his dream car". So I met him outside and just stood there while he ooh-ed and ahh-ed. He says he's only seen one other in his life. He asked to see the engine and I popped the hatch and he says "WHOOOOAAA!! VTEC?!?!? Is that the 4 VTEC or the 6 VTEC???" Im sorta scratchin my head at this point. I go along with it and say the 6. For someone who says its their dream car, it was pretty comical to hear him talk about it so ignorantly. (Im not trying to sound condascending, just saying.) And to top THAT off!!! He says "OH!! You know what you should get?! You need to get the euro taillights!! Like you know, the red and chrome ones." I lost it at this point, lol! When he first moved in, he showed me all the cars he's been through and he is the epitome of white trash ricer. (Im not racist, I just sound like it, hahaha) He has a stock 2nd gen Tiburon....or is it first?? Anyway, he brags about "topping out" in it and taking it on the track and stuff. I really do apologize if I sound like Im bashing him but its a true story, Im not making fun of him. Its his words, lol. Anyway, thats all. :)

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